Конспекты уроков по теме "Праздники" (10-й класс, английский язык)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

ТЕМА: «Праздники».

КЛАСС: 10.


Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием элементов технологии развития критического мышления.

(Приложение 1)


Цель: формирование лексических навыков на основе предложенного текста.


  1. Познакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме и обеспечить её первичную отработку в речевых упражнениях.
  2. Развивать умение анализировать информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте.
  3. Развивать умение извлекать из текста информацию (поисковое чтение).

Оснащение: учебник “Enterprise-4 Intermediate”, картинки с изображением сцен праздников, магнитофон.

Ход урока

1. Greeting, telling the objectives (3 minutes)

2. Lead-in. (10 minutes)

  • Brainstorming ideas and vocabulary associated with the topic.

T: Look at the pictures. Do any of these events look familiar to you?
S1: I don`t recognize the first picture.
S2: I think the 2nd must be the Rio Carnival
S3: the 3rd is a wedding.
T: What words come to your mind related to these pictures?
Ss: boat, race, China, parade, costumes, ceremony, reception, etc.
T: What do you think happens at each event?
Ss: In the 1st picture people go on boats with dragons` heads on them. They may be catching fish…
T: What festivals or special occasions are celebrated in Russia?

Ss answer.

  • Listening for specific information to get an idea of text content.

T: Read the sentences:

a) The Rio Carnival takes place before the ____________ of Lent.
b) Oktoberfest begins in __________.
c) The Fallas Fiesta is a ______________event celebrating the end of winter.
d) The Tibetan Butter Lamp Festival demonstrates the idea that not even the most beautiful things____________ for ever.
e) The Dragon Boat Festival honours the memory of ________.

T: Now listen to the tape and fill in the missing information.

3. Pre-Reading (5 minutes)

  • Skimming several short texts for specific information.

T: Here are some questions about festivals. Think a little and give your answers . Match the questions to the festivals.


Before reading

After reading

Which festival(s)

1) marks the death of a person?

e.g. The Dragon Boat Festival e.g.?
2) gives people a large variety to choose from?    
3) are meant to remind people of smth?    
4) is based on a religious belief?    
5) takes place in autumn?    
6) involve a competition?    
7) makes unusual use of a food?    
8) now takes place in a building?    
9) marks the beginning of a season?    
10) marks the beginning of a religious period?    
11) probably dates back longer than was previously thought?    
12) involve dressing up in special costumes?    

Учащимися заполняется вторая колонка, где вписываются ключевые слова ответов. Далее следует чтение с пометками на полях: V – знал, + - узнал впервые, - - думал по другому, ? – требует дополнительной информации.

4. Reading (15 minutes)

T: To know some more details about festivals , read some information about them. Ss read and fill in the 3rd column.

5. Post-Reading (5 minutes)

  • Student share their ideas.

6. Comprehension (5 minutes)


T: Where exactly does the Rio Carnival take place?
S: In the Sambadrome, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
T: ….
S: ….

6. Home task

Read the text again and explain the words in bold by giving a definition or an example or by translating into Russian.


Цель: Семантизация лексического материала по теме.


  1. Обеспечить тренировку лексического материала в речевых упражнениях
  2. Формировать умение использовать языковую и контекстуальную догадку.

Оснащение: учебник “Enterprise-4 Intermediate”.

Ход урока

1. Greeting, telling the objectives (3 minutes)

2. Vocabulary practice

  • Deducing the meaning of the words in bold . Checking up the home task (8 minutes)
  • Using alternative words or expressions (10 minutes)

 Ss work in pairs filling the correct words, then share their ideas.

 List of the words to fill: regional, available, afford, dyes, souls, contest, sculpture, permanent, occupied, carve, supported

  1. Many African tribes __________masks to wear during particular celebrations.(shape out of wood)
  2. Many religions have holidays which honour the ______ of the dead.(spirits)
  3. The tickets for the jazz festival were so expensive that we couldn`t _______ to go.(pay for sth)
  4. The huge ice castle which was made for the winter carnival was _______by a wooden framework.(helped to stand up)
  5. In Britain, there are many____________ differences in the way people speak.(local)
  6. The performers used blue, red and yellow __________to change their hair colour for the festival.(colours)
  7. To celebrate the harvest, the town`s largest bakery held a (n) _______ for the best apple pie.(competition)
  8. The artist`s ____________won first prize in the city`s art festival.(carving)
  9. They built a monument as a (n) __________ reminder of the soldiers who died in the war.(lasting forever)
  10. All sorts of food are __________ at our local spring festival.(obtainable)
  11. The city was __________ for months by the enemy.(conquered and held)
  • Matching words in collocations, then making sentences (advanced students should make sentences of their own, all the rest may read them out from the text) (10 minutes)

 Ss work in pairs filling the correct words, then make sentences.

 List of the words to fill: street, evil, to make, to mark, to honour, to greet, beautifully clothed, deafening, to commit, boat, by far, entrance.

1. __________the occasion
2. the _______procession
3. ________people
4. _______the largest
5. _______the memory of sb.
6. _________fee

7 ________suicide
8. ________spirits
9. ___________races
10.a (n) _____explosion
11. _____preparations
12. _______with cheers

  • Developing note-taking skills (7 minutes).

Ss are divided into 4 groups.

T: Please, choose one of the festivals and make notes about it using the following headings:

1. Date
2. Location
3. Reason
4. Activities

3. Home task

Get ready to give a talk about the chosen festival.


Цель: Развитие умения решать коммуникативные задачи, предлагаемые в процессе выполнения речевых упражнений.


  1. Развивать умение письменной речи с целью решения коммуникативной задачи.
  2. Обучать графической систематизации материала.
  3. Развивать умение воспринимать ключевую информацию на слух.
  4. Систематизировать знания учащихся об употреблении Passive Voice.

 Оснащение: учебник “Enterprise-4 Intermediate”, магнитофон,

Ход урока

1. Greeting, telling the objectives (3 minutes)

2. Checking up the home task (7 minutes) / Before listening task

T: While one of you is telling about the chosen festival, all the rest, please, look at the picture in Ex.1. What are the people in the picture doing?

Ss: Celebrating something.

T: Use Wh-questions to clear up the details

Ss: e.g. Where are they? Why are they singing? etc…

3. Listening (7 minutes)

  • While listening student look for the answers on their questions, then give a small talk on the topic.

4. Language development (15 minutes)

T: In Ex. 2,3 we are going to read about New Year celebrating in China and in western countries. Do you think there will be any differences?

  • Pre-Reading task .Making predictions:


Ss fill in the table:




Before reading




Date e.g. ?   e.g. 31st of December  
Activities e.g. parades   e.g. having family dinner  
  • While –Reading task. Filling in the table.
  • Post-reading task. Comparing the two events.

5. Grammar. Use of English (10 minutes)

Ss find passive forms in the texts and comment on their use.

Points to mention: form, by / with, Who/Whom/Which…….by?, hear/see/watch + to-infinitive, let – be allowed to.

6. Home task

Ex.1-5 (grammar)

УРОК 4 – проектная работа (45 минут)

Цель урока: Развитие ИКТ-компетенции учащихся на материале грамматической темы “Passive Voice”.


  1. Обучать графической систематизации материала.
  2. Систематизировать знания учащихся об употреблении Passive Voice.
  3. Практиковать метод проектной деятельности.

Оснащение: учебник “Enterprise-4 Intermediate”, мультимедийный компьютер, проектор.

Ход урока

  • Учащиеся готовят презентации из 5 слайдов, иллюстрирующих использование Passive Voice: образование (графические таблицы), общие и особые случаи употребления, примеры. ( работа в парах)
  • Защита проектов (на английском языке – для учащихся с высоким уровнем владения языком)
  • Обсуждение, выставление оценок.


Цель: Закрепление и расширение лексико-грамматических навыков по теме ‘Festivals.Celebrations.’


  1. Контроль навыков аудирования и говорения по теме.

Ход урока

1. Greeting, telling the objectives (3 minutes)

2. Listening task (15 minutes)

  • Multiple matching-series of short extracts.

T: You will hear (2 times) 5 people talking about events which they attended. Match the statement to the speaker.

A This speaker has been to an international sports event.



B This speaker attends an event in his birthplace.



C This speaker had a new experience.



D This speaker was involved in the preparations.



E This speaker attends a music event.



F This speaker tasted a variety of food.



  • Listening for specific information

Ss read the questions and make their predictions:

  1. When is Guy Fawkes` Day celebrated?
  2. Why is it celebrated?
  3. What preparations are made?
  4. What happens on the actual day?
  5. What do people sing?
  6. How do people fell on Guy Fawkes` Day?

 Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions.

3. Speaking task (20 minutes)

Ss get pictures of different festivals. Working in pairs they compare and contrast them. Then they present the dialogues in front of the class.

4. Conclusion. Marks (5 minutes)


Цель: Обучение письму.


  1. Совершенствовать умения письменной речи в процессе выполнения коммуникативного задания.
  2. Практиковать учащихся в использовании разных стилей письма при описании событий.

Ход урока

1. Greeting, telling the objectives (3 minutes)

2. Writing. Analyzing the use of tenses and style in descriptions. (15 minutes)

T : Read the texts and answer the questions:

  1. Which model is a description of an annual event and which of a past event attended by the writer?
  2. Which tenses are used in model A and which is in model B? Why?
  3. Which model has a personal style and which has an impersonal style?
  4. How does each model finish?

(Приложение 2)

  • Identifying different styles of writing (10 minutes)

Ss match the beginnings with the endings.

3. Self check (3 minutes)

True or false?

Comments and feelings are included in the main body only.
Passive Voice is used to describe feelings.
Narrative techniques can be employed when describing past events attended by the writer.
Present tenses are used when describing annual events.

Getting ready for writing a composition. (15 minutes)

Discussing the plan of writing.

4. Home task

Write one of the following compositions using 120-180 words.

A travel magazine is running a competition for the best description of a festival in your country. Write a description for the competition.

Your teacher has asked you to describe a carnival you recently attended. Write a composition on this topic.

Your teacher has asked you to describe a birthday party you have attended. Write a composition on this topic.