Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме "Путешествие в страну сказок"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Участвуют обучающиеся 2-11 классов.

Персонажи-ведущие: автор, фея, принцесса, волшебное зеркало.

Ведущий – автор: (ученик старших классов):

(Звучит песня).

-Once upon a time there lived a princess. She had everything she wanted: beautiful clothes, wonderful food, rich parents and a magic mirror. But she hadn’t got any book, that’s why she was always sad and unhappy. One day she decided to talk to her magic mirror and ask it some questions.


-Magic mirror, tell me, why is my life so boring?

(The voice of magic mirror):

-Because you didn’t travel to the fairy country of books, you didn’t know any fairytales…


-Please, mirror, send me to this country, please, do it!!!


-All right, close your eyes and repeat after me:

“Magic country, one, two, three,
Magic country, I’m here…”

Звучит волшебная музыка, принцесса открывает глаза и видит надпись: “Добро пожаловать в волшебную страну сказок!”


-Welcome to the magic fairytale country! Sit down, please. I’ll tell you the first fairytale. And you listen to me, dear guests, and then I’ll ask you questions and give prizes for the correct answer.

-So, once upon a time there lived Puff-the-Ball. He had a grandmother and a grandfather. He loved them, but one day he ran away. (Далее ребята 2 класса показывают сказку “Колобок”).


Thank you very much, dear children. I liked your tale very much. Are there any other tales in your country?


-Of course! We’ll see one more now. But first some questions and tasks to our guests.

Who has made Puff-the-Ball? Who has eaten Puff-the-Ball? Can you name all the characters of this tale in English? Can you draw Puff-the-Ball with closed eyes?

Звонит телефон.


-Oh, sorry. (Разговаривает по телефону). Yes, yes, please. We are glad to see you… And now, dear Princess, listen to another fairytale “Telephone”.

(Учащиеся 5 классов показывают сказку “Телефон”).

Questions: Who is the author of the tale “Telephone”? Who liked to eat galoshes in the tale?


Thank you, thank you very much! Can I take part in the tale too? Please, Fairy!


-All right. One, two, three …
Red Riding Hood you will be!

(Принцесса становится Красной Шапочкой).

Далее идет сказка в исполнении учащихся 9 классов.

Questions: Who is the author of the tale about Red Riding Hood? What is the name of the girl, who was Red Riding Hood in the Russian film “About Red Riding Hood”?

Fairy: And now, let’s look at the tail “Snow Maiden”. The 7th form presents this wonderful winter fairytale. (“ Снегурочка” в исполнении 7 кл.)


-Thank you very much, I liked your tales and your magic country. But it’s time to say good bye. I’d like to read many books in future.


-Yes, come to our library and you’ll discover the magic land there. ( Подходит к выставке книг и показывает ей и ребятам книги-сказки из библиотеки).

You can read…

And now let’s sing our magic song. It will help the Princess to come back to her palace.

Звучит заключительная песня.

Приложение 1. Презентация внеклассного мероприятия “Путешествие в страну сказок” в Microsoft Power Point.( по поводу данной презентации необходимо обратиться к автору статьи)

Приложение 2. Разработка сказки “Снегурочка” на русском и английском языке в Microsoft Power Point.