Информационные технологии на уроке английского языка с использованием УМК "Английский в фокусе"


Класс: 10

Цели урока:


  • Совершенствование наиболее распространенных видов чтения: чтение с полным пониманием текста (reading for detail), чтение с выборочным извлечением нужной или интересующей информации (reading for specific information).
  • Обучение умению письменной речи: делать выписки из прочитанного текста, задавать вопросы по тексту.
  • Обучение решению коммуникативных задач, необходимых для ведения диалогов - расспросов


  • Развитие коммуникативных навыков.
  • Обучение сетевому этикету.
  • Формирование языковой догадки.


  • Формирование интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
  • Воспитание культуры общения в сети.
  • Формирование личностных качеств: самостоятельность, коммуникабельность.

Тип урока: урок с применением информационной технологии.

Метод проведения: сетевая игра по принципу “вопрос – ответ”.

Межпредметные связи: английский язык, информационные технологии.

Материалы и обеспечение игры.

Основой для данной игры служит текст из учебника для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений “Английский в фокусе” Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. и др. изд-во “Просвещение”

Используемое программное обеспечение: NetworkAssistant (Popup – технология или Chat – технология), WordPad.

Условия проведения сетевой игры.

Все участники получают файлы с различными вариантами текстов. В течение определенного времени каждый ученик или пара учеников должны сформулировать вопросы к своим товарищам с целью получить пропущенную информацию и ответить на вопросы. Обязательным условием является ведение протокола на отдельном файле, так чтобы все заданные вопросы и ответы на вопросы участников были свидетельством корректности игры.

Технология проведения урока.

1. “Мозговой штурм” по теме “изобретения, которые потрясли мир”.

2. Организационный момент. Разделение на группы и объяснение целей и задач урока.

Цель урока:

  • Изучить правила сетевого этикета.
  • Практиковаться в диалогической письменной речи на английском языке.
  • Быстро оперировать в разных программах.

Задача урока: проведение исследования о влиянии высокотехнологичных приспособлений на повседневную жизнь.

3. Предтекстовый этап.

Знакомство учащихся с названиями различных устройств, с новыми выражениями (в тексте 3 things I couldn’t live without выделены желтым). Выполнение заданий High Tech Gadgets

4. Работа с текстом.

Ученики читают тексты, в которых пропущена часть информации – пропуски выделены зеленым цветом. Новые слова и выражения выделены желтым цветом. Следует в вежливой форме выяснить, что пропущено. Учитель сверяет полученные данные с исходным текстом в учебнике 3 things I couldn’t’t live without. Для учащихся предусмотрена работа над грамматическими трудностями: необходимо объяснить, какое слово заменяет подчеркнутое местоимение.

5. Послетекстовый этап.

Опрос одноклассников по теме. Каждая группа получает вопрос и собирает информацию:

1) What are your favourite gadgets?
2) What do you use them for?
3) How do they help you?

Необходимо использовать новые выражения и названия устройств.

6. Составление резюме: Teen’s Favourite Gadgets с использованием новой лексики.

Задание предтекстового этапа.

High Tech Gadgets

Look at the pictures. What are their names?

a camcorder b laptop c MP3 player
d video mobile phone e PDA (personal digital assistant) f digital camera
h radio cassette player i Walkman j Dictaphone
k TV l LCD (liquid crystal display)  

1. Fill in the table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2. Complete the sentences, using the names of the gadgets and the words below:

I would use a … to …

  1. record my lessons at school
  2. tell the time
  3. send a picture message to a friend
  4. film a friend’s birthday party
  5. listen to music
  6. send emails
  7. keep a record of my spending
  8. watch a DVD
  9. look up a friend’s address
  10. edit my essay on the bus
  11. do some Internet research for a project
  12. show photos to my friends
  13. burn songs onto a CD
  14. listen to the news
  15. plan my day/week

3. Try to answer these questions as much as possible:

  1. What kind of high tech gadgets do you own?
  2. What do you use them for?

Ответы к заданию 1:

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  k l f b j c e i h j a d

Работа с текстом.

Вариант 1.

Find the necessary information about 3 things these persons couldn’t live without. Ask your neighbors using the local net.

Sarah Tyson (New Zealand), age 16, high school student, likes: shopping and friends

“I’m not really into computers, gadgets and things like that, but I have to admit I really can’t imagine life without … .It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your … on one tiny device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and from school. Also, I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t organize my social life without it, and my parents only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep calling them. They want to know where I am. I’ve just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. It’s fantastic. I’ve taken so many photos of my friends. In fact, I’m even considering a career as ….”

Andy Cooper (UK), age 19, Physics student, likes: music & video games

“I’m a complete techno freak, so it’s hard to pick just three things I couldn’t live without! Firstly, though, I guess no one these days can survive without their …. Mine has got quite a good voice recorder on it so I often use it to record my university lectures so that I can listen to them again at home. It’s really handy. The second thing I really love is the portable DVD player that I won in a competition …. I’m studying at …far away from my home town so it’s really nice to be able to put on my headphones and watch movies on the long bus journey back. I’m a bit ashamed to admit it but I’m totally hooked on my PlayStation 2®! I know I’m 19 but I’m still very keen on it. I can play for hours!

Tina Appleby (USA), age 33, account, likes: cinema & photography

“I’m … so I suppose it goes without saying that I really couldn’t live without my laptop and PDA. I’m not a naturally organized person so my PDA in particular really helps me out. I use it as …, I change documents on it when I’m on the move and yes, I even play games on it on the underground on my way to work! It keeps my whole life together to the extent that I would feel quite lost without it! And my laptop allows me to store all the information my clients need. I don’t have to carry … when I visit them. Apart from work, I’ve always had a passion for photography, so my absolute favourite gadget at the moment is my new digital camcorder. I’m having so much fun making home movies. I edit them using software on my laptop. It’s a great pastime.”

Вариант 2.

Find the necessary information about 3 things these persons couldn’t live without. Ask your neighbors using the local net.

Sarah Tyson (New Zealand), age 16, high school student, likes: shopping and friends

“I’m not really into computers, gadgets and things like that, but I have to admit I really can’t imagine life without my iPod®! It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your music collection on one tiny device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and from …. Also, I’d find it almost impossible to be without my …. I just couldn’t organize my social life without it, and my parents only allow me to stay out late … if I keep calling them. They want to know where I am. I’ve just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. It’s fantastic. I’ve taken so many photos of my friends. In fact, I’m even considering a career as a photographer.”

Andy Cooper (UK), age 19, Physics student, likes: music & video games

“I’m a complete techno freak, so it’s hard to pick just three things I couldn’t live without! Firstly, though, I guess no one these days can survive without their mobile. Mine has got quite a good voice recorder on it so I often use it to record my university lectures so that I can listen to them again at home. It’s really handy. The second thing I really love is the portable DVD player that I won … last year. I’m studying at a university …from my home town so it’s really nice to be able to put on …and watch movies on the long bus journey back. I’m a bit ashamed to admit it but I’m totally hooked on my PlayStation 2®! I know I’m 19 but I’m still very keen on it. I can play for hours!”

Tina Appleby (USA), age 33, account, likes: cinema & photography

“I’m a businesswoman so I suppose it goes without saying that I really couldn’t live without …and PDA. I’m not a naturally organized person so my PDA in particular really helps me out. I use it as a diary, I change … on it when I’m on the move and yes, I even …on it on the underground on my way to work! It keeps my whole life together to the extent that I would feel quite lost without it! And my laptop allows me to store all the information my clients need. I don’t have to carry lots of heavy files when I visit them. Apart from work, I’ve always had a passion for photography, so my absolute favourite gadget at the moment is my new digital camcorder. I’m having so much fun making home movies. I edit them using software on my laptop. It’s a great pastime.”

Вариант 3.

Find the necessary information about 3 things these persons couldn’t live without. Ask your neighbors using the local net.

Sarah Tyson (New Zealand), age 16, high school student, likes: shopping and friends

“I’m not really into computers, gadgets and things like that, but I have to admit I really can’t imagine life without my iPod®! It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your music collection on one tiny device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and form school. Also, I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t … my social life without it, and …only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep calling them. They want to know where I am. I’ve just bought a digital camera with …money. It’s fantastic. I’ve taken so many photos of my friends. In fact, I’m even considering a career as a photographer.”

Andy Cooper (UK), age 19, Physics student, likes: music & video games

“I’m a complete techno freak, so it’s hard to pick just three things I couldn’t live without! Firstly, though, I guess no one these days can … without their mobile. Mine has got quite a good voice recorder on it so I often use it to record my university lectures so that I can listen to them again at home. It’s really handy. The second thing I really love is …that I won in a competition last year. I’m studying at a university far away from …so it’s really nice to be able to put on my headphones and watch movies on the long bus journey back. I’m a bit ashamed to admit it but I’m totally hooked on my PlayStation 2®! I know I’m 19 but I’m still very keen on it. I can play for hours!”

Tina Appleby (USA), age 33, account, likes: cinema & photography

“I’m a businesswoman so I suppose it goes without saying that I really couldn’t live without my laptop and PDA. I’m not a naturally organized person so my PDA in particular really helps me out. I use it as a diary, I change documents on it when I’m on the move and yes, I even play games on it on the underground on my way to work! It keeps my whole life together to the extent that I would feel quite lost without it! And my laptop allows me to store …my clients need. I don’t have to carry lots of heavy files when I … them. Apart from work, I’ve always had a passion for …, so my absolute favourite gadget at the moment is my new digital camcorder. I’m having so much fun making home movies. I edit them using software on my laptop. It’s a great pastime.”

Вариант 4.

Find the necessary information about 3 things these persons couldn’t live without. Ask your neighbors using the local net.

Sarah Tyson (New Zealand), age 16, high school student, likes: shopping and friends

“I’m not really into …, gadgets and things like that, but I have to admit I really can’t imagine life without my iPod®! It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your music collection on one … device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and from school. Also, I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t organize my social life without it, and my parents only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep calling them. They want to know where I am. I’ve just … a digital camera with my birthday money. It’s fantastic. I’ve taken so many photos of my friends. In fact, I’m even considering a career as a photographer.”

Andy Cooper (UK), age 19, Physics student, likes: music & video games

“I’m a complete techno freak, so it’s hard to pick just three things I couldn’t live without! Firstly, though, I guess no one these days can survive without their mobile. … has got quite a good voice recorder on it so I often…it to record my university lectures so that I can listen to them again at home. It’s really handy. The second thing I really … is the portable DVD player that I won in a competition last year. I’m studying at a university far away from my home town so it’s really nice to be able to put on my headphones and watch movies on the long bus journey back. I’m a bit ashamed to admit it but I’m totally hooked on my PlayStation 2®! I know I’m 19 but I’m still very keen on it. I can play for hours!”

Tina Appleby (USA), age 33, account, likes: cinema & photography

“I’m a businesswoman so I suppose it goes without saying that I really couldn’t live without my laptop and PDA. I’m not a …person so my PDA in particular really helps me out. I use it as a diary, I change documents on it when I’m on the move and yes, I even play games on it on the underground on my way to work! It keeps my whole life together to the extent that I would feel quite lost without it! And my laptop allows me to store all the information my clients need. I don’t have to carry lots of heavy files when I visit them. Apart from work, I’ve always had a passion for photography, so my absolute …at the moment is my new digital camcorder. I’m having so much…making home movies. I edit them using software on my laptop. It’s a great pastime.”

Послетекстовый этап.

Teen’s Favourite Gadgets

Our group consists of … .
We think we are …
All of us know much about modern tech gadgets.
Every day we use … to ….
… % use … to …..
… % use … to …..
… % use … to …..
These things help us (to) …
The three things we couldn’t live without are …
They are used to ….
We can’t do without them because …