Проектная работа по английскому языку на тему "Добро пожаловать в Россию"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Сцена в школьном клубе интернациональной дружбы.

P1: Let’s open our today’s meeting. Our talk will be unusual because today we are meeting our guests from Great Britain.

P2: What are we going to show them? Is it possible to see anything in Moscow in one or two days?

P1: Well, yes, but of course not half enough.

P3: Let’s take them to Red Square to see the Kremlin, the History Museum, the Mausolium.

P2: Oh, that’s fine. And what about a trip down the Moskva River?

P4: That’s not a bad idea. But we are going to make a tour to Golden Ring – a group of ancient Russian towns to the north-east from Moscow.

P1: Hurry up! The time is out.

Сцена в аэропорту.

P1: Excuse me.

S1: Yes.

P1: Are you from London?

S1: Yes, I am.

P1: My name is … . And they are my friends.

S1: How do you do? I am …

P1: How do you do? Nice to meet you.

(Далее следуют диалоги между остальными учениками)

P2: Welcome to Moscow!

S2: What do you think we ought to see first?

P3: Well, if you are interested in historical places you should go to Red Square and see the Kremlin.

S3: Which is the best way to get to Red Square?

P1: We’ll go there by the underground. It’s much quicker than going by bus.

S1: I was told it was the most beautiful in the world.

P2: There is no doubt about it. In Moscow’s Metro you do not feel as if you are underground. This is due to the unique architecture and the artistic design of the stations, which are more like palaces. No two stations are alike.

P3: The construction of Moscow’s Metro began in 1932. The first line which had 13 stations and was 11.6 km long went into operation in may 1935. Today the Moscow’s Metro has 158 stations and 536 escalators. The total length of underground lines is 258 km. Every day several thousand trains run carring more than 10 mln passengers of which 3 mln are visitors.

P4: Next stop is Square of the Revolution. Red Square is quite near here.

Экскурсия по Красной площади.

S1: When was this square laid out?

P1: It was laid out in the 15th century. Moscow is built on seven hills, one of which is encircled by a red wall. The Kremlin stands on this hill. Come up to the place which once was called Lobnoye Mesto. It was a place of execution, and of the proclamation of various edicts.

Until the middle of the 17th century Red Square was known as "Pozhar" (Fire), i. e. a place destroyed by a fire. This is where you will see a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It was erected in memory of the Russian victory over the Polish invaders in 1612. Another ancient monument of Red Square, Pokrovsky Cathedral or the St. Basil's (Vasili Blazhenny). It was built during the reign of Ivan the Terrible by architects Posnik and Barma, to commemorate Russia's conquest of the Kazan Kingdom in 1552. It is a masterpiece of Russian architecture.

P2: If we walk back to the middle of Red Square we are in front of the Mausoleum.

The Mausoleum was built in 1924 by special government decree and then it was wooden. Now the sarcophagus with Lenin's body is in a tomb built of dark-red granite in 1930 . This Mausoleum is an exact copy of the wooden tomb. On each side of the Mausoleum in the Kremlin Wall many great men of the Soviet Union and several foreigners are buried.

The Victory Parade to celebrate the defeat of Hitler Germany was held on here on June 24, 1945. To the roll of drums, soldiers threw down 2 hundred enemy standards in front of the Mausoleum.

P3: Now, we can walk down to the History Museum.

The main building of the State History Museum in Red Square, opened in 1833, is one of the major all-Russia scientific and educational institutions. Its materials cover a period beginning in hoary antiquity and ending in the middle of the 19th century.

From Red Square let's go to the Kremlin.The Kremlin did not always look the way it does today. After two centuries the wooden walls built in Prince Yuri Dolgoruky's time were replaced by a fortification made of thick oak logs in the reign of Ivan Kalita. A new white-stone Kremlin was built in the 14th century in the reign of Dmitri Donskoy.

Intensive construction in the Kremlin took place under Ivan III, when Moscow became the capital of the United Russian state. The Kremlin had become a first-class fortress which withstood many enemy attacks.

P4: If the Kremlin is a symbol of Russia, then the Saviour's Tower (Spasskaya Bashnya) is the symbol of the Kremlin. It was built in 1491 and got its name from the icon of the Saviour (Spas), that formerly stood above the tower gate. The star-topped tower is 71 metres high. It is notable for its clock, whose melodious chimes are well-known to all those who listen to Moscow radio. At the first sight the clock does not seem very large but this impression is an illusion. Its diametre is 6 metres 12 cm and the figures are 72 cm high. The melody is produced by ten bells, the smallest of which weighs 320 kg and the largest — 2,160 kg.

S1: It is beyond belief!

Экскурсия по Золотому кольцу.

P1: And now we continue our excursion.

P2: We invite you to take your places on this bus and we are leaving for “Golden Ring towns”.

S2: What towns are called “Golden Ring towns”?

P3: “Golden Ring” – these two words unite a group of ancient Russian towns to the north – east from Moscow. In our days these towns are often called “museums under open sky” where the unique monuments of Russian architecture of the 12th – 17th centuries are collected, reminding of the dramatic events.

P4: So Moscow region is the most beautiful place to have a good time. The landscape is picturesque and you enjoy every minute walking through the forests, listening to the birds’ songs.

P2: Yes, Moscow suburbs are really wonderful. Do you know our famous songs?

S123: Oh, yes, we do.

P1: Let’s sing together!

(Звучит песня “Подмосковные вечера” на английском и русском языках).

Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight
In the sleepy grove until dawn.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights,
The caress of the waking sun.

Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Все здесь замерло до утра.
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера.

The calm rilling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web of moonlight,
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night.

Речка движется и не движется,
Вся из лунного серебра.
Песня слышится и не слышится
В эти тихие вечера.

P1: Now we are arriving at Sergiev Posad. It is some 70 km from the capital. The town emerged long time ago, round the St. Trinity Sergius Lavra, the monastery established here by one of the most honoured Russian saints, reverent Sergius of Radonezh.

S3: I have read that Sergiev Posad is a place of the pilgrimage of millions believers and tourists. Is it so?

P1: You are right. The monastery, which got the status of Lavra in 1774, has currently become a place of pilgrimage of Russian Orthodox Church and one of the most interesting museums, where one may find the icons by Andrei Rublev and other famous masters of the 15th – 17th centuries.

S1: We know the icons by Andrei Rublev. They are famous in the whole world.

P2: Move back to Yaroslavky highway and soon, after driving other 25 km, we find yourself in Pereslavl – Zalesky, one of the most interesting ancient Russian towns.

S2: Is it true that Pereslavl – Zalesky was established by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky?

P2: Yes, it was. It was established by him in 1152 at the bank of Pleshcheev lake. The honourable Prince Alexander Nevsky was born there. The ground embankments of the Kremlin wall built by Yuri Dolgoruky and the white – stoned Savior Resurrection Cathedral are still here in town, reminding about ancient times.

P3: The road runs away from Pereslavl only to find another town located 57 km away. Here it is Rostov, one of the ancient and most beautiful towns of the Russian land (it was called Rostov the Great in 12th – 17th centuries).The town stands on the bank of Nero lake.

S3: Was it really founded earlier than Moscow?

P3: Yes, it was. The first written mention about Rostov dates by the year of 862 AD. Up to the end of the 18th century Rostov remained one of the biggest and the richest towns of Russia. In 1589 – 1788 it was the residence of the Russian Metropolitan. The town has its own structure. The main streets meet at the historic center where built in the 16th century the Dormition Cathedral stands, with its bell – tower erected in the in the 17th century.

(Группа учащихся танцует русский народный танец).

P4: But let us move back to the Golden Ring to find one more town, 77 km south – west from Ivanovo. Here it is, Suzdal. The first written mention of Suzdal dates back to the year of 1024.

S1: Could you tell us why Suzdal is called the town – museum?

P4: It is a wonderful ancient town with fantastic architectural monuments of the past. One of them is the Church of the Nativity which was built in 1222 – 1225. The sight of Suzdal strikes by numerous churches and convents. So Prince D. Pozharsky is buried in Savior – Epyphany Convent. The historic center of Suzdal is enveloped by the walls of ancient Kremlin. The museum of wooden architecture and peasant life is located close to the town center.

P2: The ancient great town Vladimir is situated 45 km to the south from Suzdal. It was founded by Prince Vladimir Monomakh in 1108.

S2: Did Prince Andrey Bogoluybsky moved the capital of Vladimir – Suzdal Principality to Vladimir?

P2: Yes, he did. It was in 1157. But by the middle of the 14th century Vladimir had lost its political importance and Moscow had become the main political center of the Russian state. The great Cathedral of Dormiion stands in the town center. It was built in 1158 – 1160 by the order of Andrey Bogolyubsky. The Church of St. Demetrius stands close to the Cathedral. The Church was built in 1194 – 1197 by the order of Prince Vsevolod Big Nest.

S3: And where are the Golden Gates situated?

P2: They are located close to the town center. However, the Gates were rebuilt many times. There is also a white – stoned Arc of Triumph with half – encompassed ceiling and the Church over the Gates.

P1: Thus, Vladimir is the final point of the Golden Ring route. So we are going back to Moscow.

P3: Good bye. Don’t forget to come to our club tomorrow. We are having a concert. So see you soon.

S123: Bye - bye. And thank you very much.

Сцена в холле отеля.

S1: We have made reservations for rooms in this hotel. We have arrived from London. We are on a tour here.

R: Just a moment. Let me look at the room list. You are right. You have three single rooms on the second floor. How long are you going to stay?

S2: We intend staying for three days.

R: Please, fill in the arrival form. Your room’s numbers are 215, 216, 217 and here’s your keys. There is a lift you can use. The porter will take your luggage to your rooms. Ring up if you want anything.

S3: Where shall we leave the keys when we go out?

R: Lock your rooms, please, and leave the keys with the receptionist in the entrance hall.

S1: Thanks a lot.

R: You are welcome.

Встреча в школьном клубе интернациональной дружбы.

(На сцену выходят джентельмены).

P1: Hello, everybody! Glad to see you.

P2: It’s common knowledge, that one single Englishman is simply a gentleman, but two or more make an English club. One can speak of clubs and pubs the whole week through, till the weekend. By the way, “a weekend” is an English “ invention” too. So welcome to our club!

P3: First of all let us introduce a delegation from Great Britain to you.

(Выходит представитель Великобритании).

S1: Every country has got its own customs. So has Great Britain. We are very proud of our traditions and carefully keep them up in everything. We don’t like to show our emotions and feelings but we express them in our wonderful music. I am fond of playing the clarinet very much. I’ll perform …

(Звучит кларнет).

P1: Thank you very much. I think everybody liked this charming melody.

P2: To know foreign languages today is absolutely necessary for every educated person. But the most popular language is English because it is the language of the world. Nowadays over 30 million people speak it as a mother tongue. You will be understood everywhere if you speak English. And now we would like to show you a famous fairy-tale. By the way, all the characters are speaking English. So, “Beauty and the Beast”. Meet our actors.

(Идет инсценировка сказки “Красавица и чудовище”).


LEADER: This is the story of a man, his daughters, and the beast. Once upon a time there was a rich man who had three sons and three daughters. He had a lot of ships and the family lived in a big house by the sea. All the daughters were very beautiful but the most beautiful was the youngest daughter and everyone called her “Beauty”. One day there was a terrible storm and all the man’s ships were lost at sea. Suddenly he had no money. He had to sell his big house and the family moved to a little house in the country.

FATHER: Girls, girls!

CHARLOTTE: Here we are, father.

FATHER: We have no money! All his ships were lost at sea.


FATHER: You will have to work.

CHARLOTTE: How, father?

MARIA: We don’t know how to work.

BEAUTY: I’ll clean the house, Father.

FATHER: Thank you, Beauty.

LEADER: One day a letter came for the man.

FATHER: Girls!


FATHER: I have to go away on business. One of my ships has come back from the East.


(Звучит песня, танец)

CHARLOTTE: Please, buy me a new dress.

MARIA: Yes, a new dress for me too.

FATHER: What do you want, Beauty?

BEAUTY: I would like a rose.

FATHER: I’ll bring you a rose, Beauty.


FATHER: Goodbye, girls.

BEAUTY: So, he bought fine dresses for his daughters. He wanted to buy a rose for Beauty but the flower girl didn’t have any.

FATHER: I’d like a rose, please.

FLOWER GIRL: I’m sorry. I haven’t got any roses today.

FATHER: Oh, what shall I do?

(Звучит музыка, танец цветов)

LEADER: But on the way home, the man lost his way in the forest. A strong wind was blowing and it began to snow.

SAILOR: We’re lost in this forest, and I’m tired.

FATHER: Yes, I am tired too.

SAILOR: Look! I can see a light.

FATHER: Yes, it’s a palace.

SAILOR: Let’s go and sleep there.

FATHER: Hello, hello! Is anybody there?

SAILOR: No, there is nobody here.

FATHER: Let’s go to bed.

SAILOR: Good morning! Let’s go home now.

FATHER: Look, roses! I’ll pick a rose for Beauty before we go.

SAILOR: Don’t pick the roses! Oh, no! (he sees the Beast)

BEAST: You must die for this!

FATHER: I just wanted a rose for my daughter.

BEAST: And I want your daughter.

FATHER: Oh, no! Don’t take Beauty!

BEAST: Bring me Beauty or you will die.

SAILOR: The Beast wants Beauty to live with him. I want to go home!

BEAST: Remember, bring me Beauty!

(Звучит музыка, на сцене появляется дочка)

FATHER: Here we are! This is the palace.

BEAST: What’s your name?

FATHER: Her name is Beauty. Be good to her, please. Goodnight, Beauty. Don’t be afraid.

BEAUTY: Goodnight, Father. I love you.

BEAST: I will not hurt you. Goodnight.

FAIRY: Don’t be afraid, Beauty.

BEAUTY: Who are you?

FAIRY: I’m a good fairy. This is a present for you.

BEAUTY: Who is it from?

FAIRY: It’s a present from the Beast. Look, there is a letter!

BEAUTY: (she reads) Dear Beauty! This is a magic mirror. Look into it when you want to see your father’s face.

LEADER: So Beauty lived with the Beast and he was kind to her. He gave her presents of books and fine dresses. Then one day Beauty looked in a magic mirror and saw that her father was ill and all alone. She wanted to visit her father.

BEAUTY: Beast, I must go home.


BEAUTY: My father is ill and all alone. Please, can I go and visit him?

BEAST: I love you. Please, don’t go.

BEAUTY: Please, let me go for just one week.

BEAST: If you go, you will not come back.

BEAUTY: I will come.

BEAST: Please, come back. I will wait for you.

BEAUTY: How are you Father?

FATHER: I’ve been so ill and sad. Your sisters are married and they never visit me. And now I feel better.

BEAUTY: Good! Now you are well, I must go back to the Beast. I had a dream that the Beast was dying. But I love him, and I must go.

BEAUTY: Beast, what is it? Speak to me!

BEAST: I am dying. I waited for you but you did not come.

BEAUTY: No, please don’t die. I have come. I am here.

LEADER: Then something magic happened. The sky was full of lights. And the Beast was a handsome prince.

BEAUTY: Oh, you are handsome!

BEAST: Yes, a bad fairy put a spell on me. She said that no one could save an ugly Beast. But you have broken that spell.

FAIRY: Yes, Beauty, you understood that kindness is more important than a beautiful face. It is the most important thing of all.

(Звучит музыка, главные герои танцуют)

P2: Great! Thank you for your brilliant acting!

P3: And let me thank all our guests for everything, for coming, for an enjoyable meeting.

P2: We are so grateful to you.

P3: Come again. You are always welcome.