Английский язык в 10-м классе "Why do teens choose a subculture?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

- познавательный аспект- увеличение объема знаний об особенностях различных субкультур, знакомство с их атрибутикой;
- развивающий аспект- развитие творческих способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности логически излагать;
- воспитательный аспект – осознание, что отрицательного и что положительного в различных субкультурах; развитие кругозора по теме;
- учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений;

Задачи урока:

- совершенствование речевых умений по теме;
- совершенствование умений аудировать с целью   извлечения необходимой 
- обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.

Тип урока: подготовка к защите проекта;

Оборудование урока: стенд “Different Subcultures”; мультимедийный ролик; индивидуальные карточки; кассета; диск с мелодией различных субкультур.

Ход урока

Why do teens choose a subculture?

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning children! I am glad to see you.  Let me introduce myself. My name is Ludmila Alekseevna. I am glad to work with you. Today you will have an unusual lesson, because there are guests here. The topic of lesson is: “Why do teens choose a subculture?”
Today we’ll remember words and phrases about subculture. Try to identify attribute characteristics with particular subcultures. Also we’ll pay our attention to grammar, but a little and make mini-projects about subcultures. I hope it will be interesting for you.
To write your future projects well, we’ll have today lesson. Let’s see how many words you know and can use them in topics.

2. Речевая зарядка.

 So, the first task for today’s lesson is to post the following warm-up questions.
Give the translation these words:

  • identity- личность, идентичность

Subculture- субкультура
Aggressive- агрессивный
Option- выбор
Violent- насильственный
To rebel- протестовать
To try out- проверять, пробовать
To conform to- подчиняться
To reject- отвергать, отказывать
Liberal- либерал, человек либеральных учреждений
Warehouse- 1) большой магазин, 2) склад
Improvisation- импровизация

  • Teacher: Look at the screen and try to translate stable phrases from Russian into English. One by one.

The words are not enough to speak about subcultures. Let’s use them in idioms. (на экране)

  1. выразить себя-  to express themselves
  2. обратить внимание- to show off
  3. выразить свою принадлежность к определенной субкультуре- to identify with a particular subculture
  4. знать кто они- to know who they are
  5. попробовать всё- to try out all sort of options
  6. отвергать всё- to reject everything
  7. выразить протест против родителей- to protest against the parents
  8. показать, что они против общества- to rebel against the society
  9. иметь собственные ценности  и веру- to have their own values and beliefs
  10. изменить мир к лучшему- to change the world to the best
  11. поддерживать чей-то образ жизни и отношения- to support a … attitude and lifestyle.

3. Подстановочное упражнение по отработке лексики.  

Teacher: Replace the person pronouns with the appropriate subcultural trends. (На доске)

  1. He wears leather jacket and a cowboy hat. (Rocker)
  2. They are good at computers. (hacker)
  3. They like to talk about vampires and about the end of the world. (Goths)
  4. He refuses to accept everything. (punk)
  5. They cut their hair shorter than other do.

4. Тренировочное упражнение по грамматике.

Teacher: Now, let’s go on speaking about subcultures using grammar. Use where necessary “like” or “as”.
But, firstly let’s remember grammar material when we use “like” and when we use “as”. What does depend on?
Pupil: We use “like” as a preposition only before noun or pronoun in meaning of «такой же».
And we use “as” as a conjunction before subordinate clause of the sentence it means that we could pay attention to the present of the verb.

  1. He is going to be businessman … his uncle. (like)
  2. Teens in Russia like rock and techno … young people in many countries do. (as)
  3. She looks … her mother. (like)
  4. Russian skinheads … skinheads in Britain are very aggressive. (like)
  5. Punks in Russia have their favorite bands … punks in other countries do. (as)

5. Аудирование с элементами говорения.

Teacher: Now, look at the screen you’ll see short films about different kinds of subcultures. Try to guess the subculture and say some words about it. Ex.2 on page 70-71 helps you to do it.

  1. Who wants to be the first?
  2. Who guess?
  3. What is film about?
  4. Who continues? Go on!

Teacher: So, very interesting information for us. In this case people say: “So many men, so many minds!” Can you translate?

6. Работа с опорной таблицей.

Pay attention to the attribute characteristics of different subcultures. You many use them in your mini-projects.
I want you to work at your mini-projects listening to a rather famous song of Robbie Williams “No Regrets”.

A member of the group Clothes Specific features

You have a small table on your desks. Fill in it. I’ll give you several minutes. Ex.2, page 70-71 and ex.5 on 100 will help you.

7. Заключение. Итог урока.

Friends, that the things we do, the clothing we wear, foods we eat, the traditions we absolve, as well as memories, hobbies, and your subcultures-make us who we are: unique and special people. But I want to say only one, I think the conclusion of our lesson should be the next “Handsome is as handsome does!”- «Красив тот, кто красиво поступает! »
Teacher: Now, children, lesson is over! During the lesson we’ve done a lot. Now we know the words, the phrases about subcultures. You even can say several sentences about particular subculture. In several lessons you’ll write a project, that’s why I’ll give you some topics for your future projects and you’ll have enough time to think and to choose one of them.

  • Subculture of my town.
  • An ideal subculture.
  • My subculture.

Today children, you have a got only good mark. Thank you very much for the lesson. I was glad to meet you. I wish you to be kind, peaceful, healthy and successful. Good bye.

Резерв. Диалогическая речь:

Teacher: I see you know well about subculture existing in the world. What about our town?

  • Are there any subcultures?
  • What are they?
  •  Are there representatives of these subcultures in our group?
  • Did you see the Youth subcultural Festival in Novy Urengou in Sport and Culture centre “Molodyozhni”

As I know the winner of the festival was the group from Novy Urengou called “Independence”. The group has become so popular that their music can heard in some mobile phones.

  • Don’t you hear it? – No, OK.


Television has become an everyday part of our lives. It’s omnipresent, always on… but is this or a good thing or a bad one? Don’t we spend too much of our precious time in front of the box? Haven’t we become lazier because of it? Is TV dangerous? Here’s what different people say about television. Who do you agree with?

  1. Some people say that television is dangerous. I don’t think so. After all, it keeps you informed about what’s happening in the world. You can also see films and plays, and be entertained … or you can watch documentaries and learn something new.
  2. In spite of all its defects, television can teach us a lot of things. The trick is to learn to control it and use it intelligently. The ideal is to turn on the TV only when there is a programmed that is really amusing and interesting.
  3. A lot of rubbish has been written about television. I think it’s a wonderful invention. It’s a cheap form of entertainment, which gives pleasure to millions of people,nespecially those who live alone. It’s also a wonderful way of escaping from our dull reality.
  4. TV’s just part of life really. It involves us in strong emotions: love, hate, passion. Even the silliestof “soaps” help me to solve my own problems by showing me what might happen if I do certain things. Sometimes they show me what not to do.
  1. Television is a terrible waste of time. I know a lot of people who just sit down in front of the “box” and watch whatever’s on. They spend hours watching silly Mexican soap operas and second-rate American films when perhaps they ought to be doing something.
  2. In my opinion, television makes us lazier. We stay at home instead of doing out. We read less. We think less. We even talk less. It cuts us off from reality. But isn’t real life better than this passive enjoyment?
  3. There’s too much blood and violence on TV. We begin to believe that the world is an unfriendly place, filled with cruel people and risky circumstances. The violent, crime-filled world shown on TV may turn people into criminals.
  4. Television is like a drug: we get addicted to certain TV series and simply can’t switch it off. Most programmers are filled with silly commercials. What I hate most about TV is that it often uses strong language. It has a terrible influence on children and young people.

How many hours do you spend in front of the TV?
Do you believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals?
In what way does TV influence our language?
Some people say that television kills conversation. Do you agree?
Do you know how to protect yourself from the bad influences of television?

Omnipresent- вездесущий
Precious- драгоценный
Documentary- документальный фильм
Rubbish- ерунда, чепуха
To escape from reality- уходить от реальности
To involve- вовлекать
Passion- страсть
Soap (soap opera) - мыльная опера

Second-rate- низкосортный, посредственный
Violence- насилие
Circumstance- обстоятельство, ситуация
Drug- наркотик
To get addicted to- привыкать, пристраститься
Commercial- телереклама
Influence- влияние

Приложение 1
Приложение 2