Урок внеклассного чтения в 10-м классе "How we kept Mother's day"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Научить учащихся высказывать свое мнение на основе прочитанного дома текста (основная задача).
  • Проверить понимание основного содержания текста (сопутствующая).
  • Воспитывать внимательное отношение к своим близким (воспитательная).

Оформление доски:

  • Коммуникативная задача урока (КЗ): Read the text and say if mother was really happy?
  • Лексика для фонетической отработки c транскрипцией:
notion efforts sacrifices
occasion purpose to arrange
splendid to fetch
  • Правильные ответы теста (на обратной стороне доски).
  • Наглядность (рисунки – эпизоды из рассказа).

Предлагаемый текст: How We Kept Mother’s Day. (after Stephen Leacock).

Of all the different ideas that have been started lately, I think that the very best is the notion of celebrating once a year “Mother’s Day”.

We decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day. We thought it was a fine idea. It made us realize how much Mother had done for us for years, and all the efforts and sacrifices that she had made for our sake…

… It was our plan to make it a day like Christmas, and so we decided to decorate the house with flowers. We asked Mother to do it, because she always does it.

The two girls thought it would be a nice thing to dress on our best for such a big occasion, and so they both got new hats. Father had bought silk ties for himself and for us, boys. We were going to get Mother a new hat too, but it turned out that she liked her old hat better than a new one.

After breakfast we decided that we would hire a motor car and take Mother for a beautiful drive away into the country. Mother is hardly ever able to have a treat like that, because she is busy in the house nearly all the time.

But we changed the plan a little bit. We all felt that it would be nicer to have a definite purpose. It turned out that Father had just got a new rod the day before, and he said that Mother could use it if she wanted to: in fact, he said it was practically for her, only Mother said she would rather watch him fish than fish herself.

So we got everything arranged for the trip. Mother cut up some sandwiches and packed all up in a basket for us.

When the car came to the door, it turned out that we couldn’t all get in. Father said that he could stay at home and work in the garden. There was a lot of dirty work that he could do. He said that he wanted us to be happy and have a big day. The girls said that Mother had only to say the word and they’d gladly stay at home and work.

At the end it was decided that Mother would stay at home and have a lovely restful day round the house. It turned out anyway that Mother didn’t care for fishing and also it was just a little bit cold and fresh out-of-doors, though it was lovely and sunny, and Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came.

So we all drove away and Mother stood and watched us as long as she could see us.

We had the loveliest day. Father and the boys fished, the girls met quite a lot of people. We all had a splendid time.

It was quite late when we got back. The dinner was ready. It was grand. Mother had to get up and down during the meal fetching things back and forward, but at the end Father noticed it and said she simply mustn’t do it, that he wanted her to spare herself.

When the dinner was over all of us wanted to help to clear the things up and wash the dishes, only Mother said that she would really much rather do it.

It was quite late when it was all over, and when we all kissed Mother before going to bed, she said it had been the most wonderful day in her life and I think there were tears in her eyes.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный этап урока.
  1. Приветствие.
  2. Установка на урок (экспозиция) в форме беседы с учащимися T- S1, S2…

-Dear students! Let’s speak today about family’s traditions.
-Has your family a tradition to celebrate Mоther’s Day? When…? But in the USA…? (May, the 2nd Sunday)
-How do you usually celebrate this day?
-Do you help to organize this holiday? (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя).

  1. Постановка КЗ.

You had to read the text “How we kept Mother’s Day” at home. Would you read the task of our lesson? Look at the blackboard. Read, please. (Учащиеся читают на доске задание “Read the text and say if mother was really happy.”)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка (снятие языковых трудностей). (2-3’).

- Students, look at the blackboard and read some words. (Читают индивидуально и хором).
- Find, read & translate the sentences with these words from the text, please. (Выбирают, читают).
- Students, can you find in the text attributes, describing the word “day” (Учащиеся должны найти слова big, lovely, restful, the loveliest, wonderful).

  1. Основной этап урока.
  1. Ознакомительное чтение.

Тест на понимание содержания текста (прилагается). После выполнения теста – взаимоконтроль (правильные ответы на доске), оценивание учащихся.

Students, would you do the test? Find the right answer to each question. You have 4’. Start it, please.

Please, look at the key- list & correct your mistakes. How many right answers do you have? (Правильные ответы: 1-A, 2-c, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C).

Test “How we kept Mother’s day”.

  • Why did the family decide to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day?
    A. Mother had done much for a family for years.
    B. They wanted to have a celebration.
    C. They wanted to stay at home from office, High School and college classes.
    D. Mother asked she wanted to organize a holiday.
  • How did they organize this holiday in fact.
    A. All members of the family prepared for holiday well.
    B. They had a definite purpose how to spend this day.
    C. Mother helped them to organize Mother’s Day.
    D. Father was the one who organized this holiday.
  • Why didn’t mother go for a trip?
    A. She was very busy.
    B. She wanted her husband and children all would get in a car and have a good day.
    C. Mother wanted to prepare a grand holiday dinner for her family.
    D. She didn’t like to fish.
  • Why didn’t the husband and children help mother to clear the things up and wash the dishes.
    A. She always did it herself.
    B. They were very tired after their trip.
    C. They wanted to help but she refused.
    D. They wanted, only Mother said she would really much rather do it.
  • Why were tears in mother’s eyes?
    A. It was the most wonderful day in her life.
    B. Her husband and children were so kind and helpful.
    C. All the family had the loveliest day, but she was tired.
    D. The children were kind and kissed mother before going to bed.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту.

Let’s start with the text.

Would you answer the WHO-questions, please?

Who took a holiday from office? Who decorated the house?
…stayed home from college classes? … cut some sandwiches and packed all up in a basket?
…stayed home from High School? … stayed at home, when the family went to picnic?
…had bought silk ties? … cooked grand dinner?
…got new hats? … washed the dishes?
…had the loveliest day in the open air? …cleared the things up?
…fished? … had to get up and down during the meal fetching things back and forward?
Who was really happy?
  1. Сокращение текста.

2.1. Look through the text and divide it into logical parts. How many parts do you have? What parts? Read the 1st and the last sentence of each part.
2.2. Look through the 1st part and find the key-words and word-combinations.

(Ученики называют – учитель записывает на доске). Retell the 1-st part, please.

(То же проделывают со второй, третьей и четвертой частями текста).

1-st part:

the notion of celebrating
once a year
“Mother’s Day”
to have a special celebration
a fine idea
had done for us for years
all the efforts and sacrifices
had made for a sake.
do everything
to make Mother happy
to take a holiday from one’s office
stayed home from

2-nd part:

like Christmas
to decorate the house
to dress on our best
for such a big occasion
had bought silk ties
a new hat
liked her old hat

3-d part:

hire a motor car
a beautiful drive away
hardly ever able
to have a treat like that,
changed the plan
to have a definite purpose
watch smb fish than fish oneself
arranged for the trip
packed all up in a basket
would stay at home
have a lovely restful day

4-th part:

had the loveliest day
had a splendid time.
got back
was ready
had to get up and down
wanted to help to clear the things up
wash the dishes
much rather do it.
kissed Mother
the most wonderful day
tears in her eyes.


2.3. …,…,…, please, look through the 1st part of the text and find the main sentences to retell it. (То же и с другими частями текста, можно распределить учащихся по группам, каждая группа работает с одной частью текста).

После поиска:

What are the main sentences in the 1st part of the text. Listen to each other, please & look through the text.

(По 1 человеку из каждой группы пересказывают текст, при наличии времени в завершении – один из класса пересказывает весь текст.)

2.4. Можно использовать вариант пересказа текста с использованием наглядности –пересказать по картинкам - эпизодам из текста. Некоторым учащимся интереснее использовать такой вариант.
2.5. Students, what’s the main idea of the text? What do you think?

  1. Интерпретация текста. Беседа с детьми по вопросам, требующим знания текста и выражения своего отношения к событиям.
  • Can you say if Mother was really happy on that day?
  • Why wasn’t she really happy?
  • What would you do if you were one of the main characters of this story?
  • Возвращаемся к КЗ: What do you think if Mother was really happy?
  1. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание:
  • Retell the text & answer the question if Mother was really happy? (для более слабых учащихся).
  • “How would you organize a special Mother’s Day for your mother? Make a report (для сильных учащихся).