Урок английского языка в 6-м классе по теме "Мое отношение к жизни животных на воле и в неволе"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. активизировать лексический материал по теме “Животные”;
  2. развитие общих умений коммуникации: понимать содержание прослушанного текста на основе его информационной переработки,, кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях, используя описание, повествование, а также эмоциональные и оценочные суждения, высказывать свое мнение по проблеме, владеть культурой диалога;
  3. 3. формирование уважения к праву каждого человека иметь свою позицию, свое мнение, воспитание культуры толерантности и уважения к человеческому достоинству.

Оборудование: карта смыслов, раздаточный материал в виде карточек каждому ученику, аудиомагнитофон, маркеры.

Ход урока

1. Погружение в проблему.

- Do you like animals?

- What is you favourite animal?

- Have you got any pets at home?

- Who wants to tell us about his pet?

- Take card №1

- Use these phrases during our lesson

I agree with … - Я согласен с ….

I m of the same opinion as …- Я придериваюсь такого же мнения, как

As for me …. – Что касается меня…

I think that…. – Я думаю, что …

I dont think so -Я так не думаю.

I don t agree with you at all. – Я совершенно с тобой не согласен.

I would like to add something- Я бы хоте добавить кое- что.

Does it mean that …- Значит ли это, что…

In other words ….- Другими словами….

According to your opinion…- Согласно твоему мнению….

You think that …- Ты думаешь, что….

Of cours e - Конечно

Certainly - Конечно

Quite so – Именно так.

I think so –Думаю, что да.

That goes without saying- Само собой разумеется.

That s right- Правильно.

Where can different animals live?


Where do animals have more (less) space for living.

Lets combine these cards. (группировка карточек)

How do you think what is the main idea of our lesson?

(версии фиксирую)

Yes, you are right. We will speak about animals and we will try to answer the question: Where is the best place for animals?

So, the topic of our lesson is… “To live in the wild or not?”

(тема вывешивается на доску)

- Open your workbooks on page 51 ex.16

Do you know where these animals live?

-Make up sentences, please.

 -We forgot about one place for living.

- What is this place?

- I suggest you to listen to some information very attentively and then answer. (аудиозапись)

Where can also animals live? (in the Wild Animal Park)

Listen to the text once more please. Try to understand it.

All of you have such lists with statements

Take card № 2

Decide whether the following sentences true or false.

1 Many scientists are working at a Wild Animal Park.

2 At Whipsnad you will learn and understand more about the lives of people.

3 At the children s farm you can get closer to wild animals.

4 Each day the keepers of the park introduce animals around the park for you to learn more about them.

  1. You shouldn t bring along your own dog or other pets into the park.

Is it a wild life of animals or not?

2 Cоорганизация смыслов и разворачивание их в пространстве.

What is better for animals - to live in the wild or not?

Let s give some arguments for and against wild life of animals and then we will give arguments for and against life of animals in zoos, circuses …

- Work in pairs, please.

- Write down your results in your tables, please.

In the wild
For Against

Can run and jump as they like


Can eat different food

Can play with other animals

Can do what they want

Have no food every day

Have no much warm

Can be eaten of other animals

Have no hospital

Can t do what they want

In zoos, circuses ...
For Against
Have food regularly

People take them to the vet

People walk them

People wash and brush them

People play with a pet

People clean their cages

People go with them to special exhibitions

People are cruel

People beat animals

People do things they don t like

Can t run and jump as they like

Are afraid of their master

People keep animals in cages

People feed animals with food which is not good for them

 -So, people can live in different places

3 Оформление своего смыслового пространства.

- There are many animals all over the world who needs our help to survive.

- Do you agree with me?

-What should we do to help our friends?

- Give your variants, please.

At first work in pairs, please

- Then when I will give you a sign you should combine in groups of 4 people.You should compare your opinions with the opinions of your classmates and choose the best variant..

- Choose a speaker in each group, please

Write down your opinions on these sheets of paper

 - Let s start with the first group

4 Подведение итогов урока

-At home I suggest you to draw any animal or animals in the most comfortable place for their living

- Make up 3 sentences about it.

- Let s sing a song about our friends.