Обобщающее повторение лексики и конструкции английского предложения по теме "Ориентация в городе"


Цель урока:

  • Обобщить знания учащихся по ориентации в окружающем пространстве.
  • Закрепить лексический и грамматический материал по темам.

Задачи урока:

  • Проверить умения вести диалог этикетного характера.
  • Проверить умения ориентироваться по плану.
  • Проверить умения извлекать информацию из текста.
  • Проверить умения пользоваться транспортом и покупка билета.

Ход урока

Организация начала урока

I. Good morning, children! The topic for our lesson is the orientation in the city. I want you to be active at our lesson. Look at the pictures and match them and the instruction. ( Ученикам раздаются схемы направления или они выводятся на экран компьютера, где они должны правильно расставить сочетание слов.) Приложение № 1

а) 1. turn left 2. turn right 3. go past the… 4. go down the street 5. go up the street

б) 1. go in front of the pond 2. walk through the forest 3. go behind the pond 4. go over the bridge 6. go across the river. 7. go under the bridge 8. go down the stairs 9. go up and down the hill.

II. You have made this task very well. What kind of transport do you know? (Учитель показывает картинки с транспортом или они высвечиваются на экране компьютера, а дети называют их.) Приложение № 2

T.: What kind of transport is it?
T.: How do you get to Moscow?
T.: How do you get to school?
T.: How do you get to your Granny?
P.: It is a bus, train, tram, underground, plane, boat, on foot
P.: I go by car
P.: I go on foot.
P.: I go to my Granny by bus and by train.

III. Read the text and answer the question. How do people get to your work?

My name is Alice. I live in Paris. I don’t like underground. I go to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter. I have a friend. His name is John. He likes to go to school on foot. My granny lives in the country and my father go to her by car or by train. My brother studies at the university and he go there by underground or bicycle. My mother works in London and he go by plane or by train to his work.

--- by bus, by bicycle
--- on foot
---- by car, by train
---- by underground, by bicycle
---- by plane, by train

IV.Use this words and write a dialogueand play it. (Ученики получают карточки со словами и в парах составляют диалог и проигрывают его )

How do you get to …
How much is it to …
buy a tickets
check the tickets
go by bus

-- How do you get to school?
-- I go to school by bus.
-- How much is it to school?
-- It’s expensive. It’s 10 roubles.
-- Where do you buy tickets?
-- I buy tickets by conductors on the bus.
-- Let’s go to bus stop.

V. Listen to the text and find the right way to the house. (Приложение №3)

(Ученикам выдаются схемы и они слушая текст прокладывают ручкой нужный путь.)

You should first go across the road. Then go through the entrance. Turn left. Then go in front of the pond, not behind it. Turn right. Go through the forest. Then go under the bridge and in front of the hill. Go in front of the playground. Then go up the stairs and down stairs. Turn left and go straight to the house.

VI. Game situations. (Используется весь материал урока, как результат проверки усвоения знаний.)

T.: Use this scheme and ask questions each other! (Приложение №4)

P.: How do you get from school to the library?
Can you tell me where the park is?
Excuse me, how do I get from the park to the museum?

T.: Imagine! You arrived in London and you have a London map. Find the places on the map. Ask polite. You are on the Bayswater Road. (Приложение №5)

Big Ben, the Trafalgar Square, the Natural History Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Globe, the Tower of London, Westminster Bridge, Westminster Abbey, Mame. Tussaud”s, Planetarium, Piccadilly, Houses of Parliament, Royal Albert Hall.

For example: How do I get to…
Can you tell me where Big Ben is?
Excuse me, how do I get to…

VII. Finish.

T.: The lesson is over. You have worked very well. Now I am sure you won’t lose in the foreign city or town. You have got good marks. Good byе.

P.: Good byе.