Цель урока: умение рассказывать о профессиональных качествах секретаря.
Задачи урока:
- Познавательная - познакомиться с основными профессиональными требованиями, предъявляемыми к секретарю;
- Развивающая- развивать навыки речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование, развивать внимание, память, самостоятельность, познавательные интересы.
- Воспитательная- научиться работать в парах и группах; уважать деловую культуру работы секретаря.
Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний.
Оборудование: компьютер.
Оснащение : раздаточный материал (ксерокопии); фотографии
Время: 45 минут.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент: Hello, students! At today’s lesson we’ll speak about the problem of choosing a profession and your future job as a secretary. So, let’s begin!
Warm-up activity: Speaking and Vocabulary work.
1) Make a list of professions you know.
2) Say what your parents’ job is.
3) Guess which profession it is:
- he works with children ________________
- he works with patients ________________
- he drives a car ____________________
- she plays the piano ________________
- she works in a hotel _______________
- she makes phone calls _____________
- she translates people orally ___________
- she writes articles for a newspaper ______________
- she cuts hair ________________
- he flies a plane ______________
- she works in a club and uses a mike _____________
- he mends cars and lorries ________________
- she sells things in a supermarket ____________
- she looks after people in hospital ____________
( Answers: a) a teacher; b) a doctor; c) a driver; d) a musician (a pianist); e) a receptionist; f) a secretary; g) an interpreter; h) a journalist; i) a hairdresser; j) a pilot; k) a singer; l) a mechanic; m) a shop assistant; n) a nurse).
II. Speaking (задание даётся на основе текста What characteristics are important for secretaries? изученного на предыдущем уроке (см. Приложение № 1)
1) What characteristics are important for secretaies?
Слова – ответы вывешиваются на доску:
- Loyalty
- Conscientiousness
- Initiative
- Ability to write
- Professionalism
- Good dress and presentation
2) Why is secretary called so? (The word ‘secret’. Secretaries keep secrets of the company they work for.)
3) Why would you like to become a secretary one day?
4) Reading and speaking.
a) Read and translate the text An experienced secretary speaks about her job. (См. Приложение № 2).
b)Ex. 3 p. 19. Describe your partner. Here are the questions:
- What does she look like?
- What’s her hair like?
- What does she usually wear?
- What’s her favourite colour?
c) Look at these photos (3 фотографии демонстрируются через экран компьютера) and say which look is the best for a good secretary. Describe these people.
d) Ex. 5 p. 19. Lookat the adjectives below. Choose ten adjectives to describe a good secretary.
active calm capable careful charming cheerful clever efficient |
friendly good-humoured hard-working helpful intelligent interesting kind lively |
loyal open-minded nice patient polite practical punctual serious |
sincere sympathetic tactful trustworthy wise witty unselfish generous |
III ) Discussion:
a) Ex. 6 p. 20. 1. Find the most pleasant sides of a secretary’s job. 2. Make a list of problems many secretaries may have.
b) Ex.7 p. 20. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner what would you do if:
1. you hear an annoying voice on the phone;
2. you get a wrong number;
3. you have problems getting through;
4. an irritating client enters and wants to speak to your boss who is not in.
IV) Revision and writing:
Ex. 9 a) p. 20. Write down as many requirements for an efficient secretary as you can.
V) Заключительный этап урока: Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание: Ex. 10 p. 20. Write a short essay “If I were a secretary…”
- English for secretaries. Курс английского языка для администрации фирмы. Составители Н. Тоотс, Т. Лоог. Таллин, 1998.