Жизнь пещерных людей и жизнь людей в современном мире (6-й класс; английский язык)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:
-формирование представления о развитии человеческого общества;
-сравнение жизни древнего человека с жизнью современного человека;
-развитие умения обобщать и структурировать изученный материал;
-развитие  умения сотрудничества

Форма урока: групповая

Вид урока: создание проекта и его защита

Тип урока: закрепление знаний, полученных ранее

Материалы и инструменты: картинки с изображением жизни древних и современных людей, ножницы, клей, фломастеры, ватман

Особенности оформления кабинета: столы стоят попарно, на доске написано название темы, остальное поле доски – для вывешивания готовых проектов.

Ход урока.

1 этап (evocation stage)
T-Good morning, children. Let's begin our lesson and listen a song" Caveman rock ". Be careful, I will have many questions.
(дети слушают песню, следят за текстом в учебнике, подпевают).

2 этап ( realization of meaning – listening)
You are sitting in groups now. Divide your group into 2 parts. The first part of group write down the key words about caveman. The second part of group write down the information about modern person.

Unit 17 'Caveman rock'
I'm a caveman and I'm OK,
I 'm a caveman and I hunt all day,
I haven't got a car and I haven't
got a flat I haven't got a dog or a pussy cat,
I 'm a caveman and I'm ОК.
I'm a caveman and I'm OK,
I'm a caveman and I hunt all day,
I keep my paint inside a bone, I cut my meat
with spears and stone,
I 'm a caveman and I'm OK.
I'm a caveman and I'm OK,
I'm a caveman and I hunt all day,
I haven't got a fridge and I haven't got a bed,
I haven't got a Walkman on my head,
I'm a caveman and I'm OK.
I'm a caveman and I'm OK,
I'm a caveman and I hunt all day,
I keep quite warm with fire and skin,
I make the pots that we cook in,
I'm a caveman and I'm OK.

T-Do you like this song?
- What is this song about?

  1. How was life for cavepeople? (I think it was horrible, hard...)
  2. What animals did they hunt?
  3. Why did they kill wild animals?
  4. What did they eat?
  5. Why did they keep their paints inside a bone?
  6. Why did they paint animals upside down?
  7. Did they have flats? Where did they live?
  8. How is life for modern people?
  9. What things do our life more comfortable?

T-Let's listen the different sounds. What group of sounds are sounds of modern life and what sounds are from cavepeople's lives? ( Звучат звуки: треск сучьев в костре, звуки капающей воды в пещере, рык животных, стук камня о камень; звуки поезда, автобусной остановки, голоса на рынке и т.д.) T-What could you hear? (I could hear sounds of a bus station, a shop, a park...)

3 этап
Обучающиеся создают плакаты, кластеры, смысловые цепочки, книжки-раскладушки и т.п.
Т- Now think, how is life different today? Work in pairs or groups. Make a "Differences Poster". You can find some ideas in your books. Ex.5 p.81. Brainstorm ideas and vocabulary of the previous tasks match with the topic of your poster.

(Выдержка из учебника – упр.5 стр.81)

Write your sentences on the poster

Differences Poster
How is life different today?
Put your poster
on the wall.
During the next
lessons write some
more sentences on your poster.

(Ученики делают плакаты в группах. Готовятся к защите своих проектов.)
(Ученики защищают свои работы всей группой. Другие группы слушают, задают
вопросы, комментируют, называют плюсы и минусы).

Ниже приведены примеры работ обучающихся, которые они выставили для защиты.

1 group:
1 Р- Cavepeople lived in caves. We live in flats and houses. Cavepeople lived in dark, they hadn't electricity. We have electricity. People walked to different places. We travel by cars, trains, ships and planes. They didn't have dogs or pussy cats, we have domestic animals.
P1 - What food did cavepeople eat?
P2- When did they have domestic animals?
P3- Why didn't you say about hunting?
P4-Why did you paint only caveman?

2 group:
P-This is our poster. We chose a form of a lion because lions were 15 thousand years ago and they live at present time. Cavepeople lived in big groups to help each other. It was very dangerous, because there were many wild animals near the caves. The cavepeople hunted. They killed animals for food. We live in cities. We go shopping.
PI -Why did not you tell us about present life?
P2 -What animals did cavepeople hunt?
P3 -What spears did they have?
P4 -What did they use for clothes?
P5 -The first group painted the poster well, but they told a little information about modern life.

3 group:
P-Cavepeople hunted together in a big group.They hunted mammoths, tigers, and bears.
Sometimes they built houses from bones. They needed about 600 thousand bones for one house.
Now people live in houses. We build our houses from bricks.
Cavepeople kept fire all days and nights. Now we have matches.
They had no telephones. We have telephones now. They painted the animals upside down to
show that the animals were dead. They painted inside their caves. They made their paints from
different plants. They kept their paints in animal bones. We paint pictures on the paper. We keep
our paints inside the boxes.

PI -Their poster is very good. They compared many aspects of our and past lives. They used
many interesting pictures.
P2 -Where did you find these interesting pictures?
P3 -What was the first a cave or a house from bones?
P4 -Why did they hunt and live together in a big group?
T- Your work was excellent. Thank you. Now continue the following phrases: I have learnt about (how, what)  .... I want to learn about (how, what).

4 этап. Home task.
T-Ex. 8.2 p.84. Open your books, please. Read the task, please. Is it clear? Read and write it at home.

What changed first?
The life of cavepeople changed. Decide when the changes happened. Match the sentences a—e with the numbers 1—5 on the timeline.

Your teacher has the correct answers.
Can you drawtimeline for 1 5O years ago until now?
People had cars. People used telephones. People used electricity. People used computers. People we nt to the moon. People went by train.    People went to school.

Add more things to your timeline.
T- The lesson is over. Good bye.

Примечание: этот урок рассчитан для обучающихся с различными учебными возможностями.