План открытого урока по теме "Путешествие"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Целью создания данного урока является расширение языкового материала с целью развития таких языковых навыков, как чтение с использованием различных стратегий, развитие навыков монологического и диалогического говорения с использованием предоставленного материала в качестве языковой опоры.

Воспитательной целью данного урока является воспитание в детях уважения к культурам других стран, любви к новым знаниям как к основе формирования их личности, а также пробуждения желания путешествовать и познавать окружающий мир. Развивающей целью данного урока является развитие языковой логики, творческих способностей учащихся, памяти, а также развитие навыков коммуникации. Разработанный урок проводится после семантизации новой лексики из упражнения №6 на странице 136 и является расширенной базой для дискуссии по темам, предложенным авторами учебника с целью развития коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. Целью прошлого урока была семантизация новой лексики и её использование на уровне словосочетания и предложения. Были сделаны упражнения №7 и №8, направленные на использование некоторых из них в речи. Домашним заданием было упр.9, в котором учащимся предлагается высказать своё предположение по нескольким ситуациям.

Учебной целью данного урока является научить учащихся чтению текста с вычленением необходимой информации, а также развитие навыков монологического говорения c текста в качестве языковой опоры. Задачи урока:

  1. Научить учащихся использованию лексики на уровне предложения
  2. Научить учащихся чтению с вычленением необходимой информации
  3. Обучить учащихся монологическому высказыванию по изученной теме

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Hello, children, how are you? Last time we learnt some new words that are going to help you talk about your travelling experiences.

II. Использование ранее семантизированной лексики на уровне предложения. Развитие навыков монологического говорения.

At home you were supposed to think of the possible explanations to some of the facts. Now, tell me please, have you ever had a bad travelling experience? What was the reason for that? Why did the trip turn out to be a disappointment? Учащиеся дают свои варианты ответов, тем самым используя в речи такие семантизированные единицы, как to look forward to, to turn out, discomfort, inconvenient и т.д.

III. Обучение учащихся чтению с вычленением необходимой информации

As you see, there are a lot of facts that can disappoint you during your trip. Now you are going to read the text called “Ron’s Journey”. Предтекстовый этап.

Try to suppose if it was a pleasant journey or an unpleasant one. What in your opinion made the journey unpleasant?

Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения.

Now, I’m giving you the handouts with the text. As you see there are some gaps in the text, some phrases are missing. After the text you will find 6 phrases with which you should fill in the gaps. Remember, that there is one sentence, that does not fit any of the gaps, it is extra Учащиеся читают текст и вставляют нужные фразы.

Ron’s Journey [1]

Dear Pat,

Some time ago I asked you about the best way to travel to Edinburgh overnight and you advised me to go by coach. 1 _______ , you said. “And very comfortable”. Well, I took your advice. Now let me tell you what happened! We left on time (and with plenty of loud music!) and stopped for supper at about 9.30. It wasn’t the sort of place I like eating in and it was also very crowded, so I decided to buy some chocolate. 2 ________. We set off again at 10.15. The lights were off (and the awful music too, thank goodness) and I decided to get some sleep. 3 ________ and every now and then they burst out lauthing at some joke. I asked them to be quiet, but they didn’t take any notice at all. However, eventually I fell asleep – but then the people behind me woke me up. 4 _______, they said, “and keeping us awake!” After that I hardly slept at all. The rest of the journey was a long bad dream. Then, at about 5.30 the coach broke down. The driver went off to telephone for help, but when a rescue van finally arrived, they couldn’t get the coach to start. In the end, they had to send for another one and 5_______ . By that time I was very hungry and I was longing for a nice hot drink. I got one when we finally reached Edinburgh at 9 o’clock. By that time I was so exhausted I went straight to bed and stayed there for the rest of the day – the first day of my holiday As you can imagine, 6_______ . Of course, I’m not blaming you for all that - but thanks for the advice!

Yours, Ron

Fill in the gaps using the following phrases

  1. ….we all had to change coaches – in the rain!
  2. Fortunately, I had some fruit with me too, so at least I didn’t go hungry.
  3. I don’t intend to travel by coach again overnight.
  4. “It’s cheap and convenient”, -
  5. I was having a fantastic dream when they woke me up.
  6. However, the people behind me kept on talking….
  7. “You’re snoring,” –

Послетекстовый этап Now, please look at the next task.

Choose the correct variant

1. Ron went to Edinburgh by coach because:

    1. he didn’t like to travel by plane;
    2. it was comfortable;
    3. a friend of his had advised this to him.

2. He decided to buy some chocolate because:

    1. he didn’t like other food there;
    2. he didn’t like the place;
    3. he wasn’t hungry.

3. Ron couldn’t sleep because:

    1. he was snoring;
    2. people in the coach were too noisy;
    3. people in the coach didn’t want to sleep.

4. Ron had to change the coach because:

    1. his coach was out of order;
    2. people wanted to have some fun;
    3. it was raining.

5. Ron isn’t going to travel by coach anymore because:

    1. he didn’t like the food;
    2. he didn’t like the people;
    3. the journey was a disaster.

IV. Обучение монологическому высказыванию на основе тематики текста.

Now let’s think of the main facts that can turn our trips into a disaster. Here’s the list of things that can turn your trip into a nightmare.

  • Bad cuisine.
  • Bad weather.
  • Bad hotel service.
  • Boring companions.
  • Noisy companions.
  • Hostility of people who live in the country you’re visiting.
  • You don’t know anything about the place.

In your opinion, what is the worst thing during a holiday? Why is it so bad? Are there any things from this list that you can put up with?

Now tell me please, what was Ron’s main mistake? How could he avoid this mistake? Do you

think it is wise to read guide-books before you go on a journey?

Now, let’s do exercise 10 on page 137 that will tell us about the importance of travel brochures.

V. Домашнее задание.

So, today we’ve spoken much about the things that can spoil your holiday. Your hometask is to describe what an ideal holiday is like for you and what you can do to face as few problems during your journey as possible.

Список использованной литературы

1. Donn Byrne. Basic Comprehension Passages. Longman, 2000.