Pen-Paling as a Means of Students' Motivation to Learning English

Разделы: Иностранные языки


This article is going to introduce the topic of pen-palling in the form of a scenario easily applied at any school with the Internet. Scenarios are regarded as an essential part of a case method of teaching which may take form of different shapes and sizes. But regardless of the form it may take, it usually has the following common elements:

Real-Word Scenario - Cases are generally based on real world situations, although some facts may be changed to simplify the scenario or "protect the innocent."

Supporting Data and Documents - Effective cases assignments typically provide real world artifacts for students to analyze. These can be simple data tables, links to real URL’s, quoted statements or testimony, supporting documents, images, video, audio, or any appropriate material.

Open-Ended Problem - Most case assignments require students to answer an open-ended question or develop a solution to an open-ended problem with multiple potential solutions. Requirements can range from a one-paragraph answer to a fully developed group action plan, proposal or decision.

Case assignments can be done in teams or independently. Typically, cases are done in teams so that the students can brainstorm solutions and share the work load.

Finally, it is possible to incorporate real world data into other assignments which are not necessarily open-ended and still realize the benefits of exposing students to realistic situations. []

Why Pen-Palling?

It goes without saying that the lack of the linguistic environment is a real problem in teaching a foreign language in Russia. However hard teachers try to create real life situations at English lessons, they (the situations) remain somehow “artificial”.

An English classroom remains practically the only place where learners can hear and speak English. And it is definitely not enough as they spend only 2-3 hours there. Of course there are English and American songs and DVD films, but again we can hardly consider their contribution to be sufficient.

The best way to master English is to visit an English speaking country. But I will not exaggerate by saying that very few of our average students can afford it financially.

In the view of all the above mentioned pen- palling seems to be both realistic and available solution. Finding a foreign peer is sure to intrigue learners, to arouse their imagination and cognitive curiosity. It does not take much time or finances or hard work to become friends with someone from oversees. In fact, all it takes is the Internet, some knowledge of English and, perhaps, a bit of teacher’s help.

Besides, regular pen-palling is sure to improve our students’ writing skills which according to statistics seem to be their weakest point in English.

Here is a pen-palling scenario which will help English learners to find pen friends without having to leave the classroom.


Learning English with Pen Pals

Subject Area: Effective Writing

Your investigation

You are a high school student with quite a good grasp of English who would like to master the language by means of communication with native speakers. Besides you would be really glad to learn more about your English or American (or may be Australian or Canadian) peers’ life, hobbies, traditions, thoughts and ideas as well as about their attitude to religion, national minorities, international politics and things like this. The best way out in your situation is to find a pen pal (or may be pen pals) via the Internet.

Let us make your search efficient and successful!

Pre-search Questions

The answers to the four following questions will make your search easy and interesting

  1. Why is communication via the Internet attractive to you?
  2. What sort of pen pal would you like to have (please, not his or her age, mother tongue, country of living, occupation)?
  3. What kind of information would you like to learn from your pen pal (for example, national peculiarities, attitude to historical events, national holidays, customs, traditions, etc.)?
  4. What kind of information about your country and its people would you like to share with your pen pal?

Search Starting

Answer the following questions:

  1. What two ways of seeking pen pals does the site offer?
  2. How can you make your search easier and less time-consuming? (The answer to question 2 from the pre-search questions will help you).
  3. What information should be included in the profile to attract your potential pen pal’s attention?


  1. Complete the profile and give it to your fellow students to evaluate. Evaluate your friends’ profiles. In a group choose the best profile and give reasons for your choice.
  2. What makes the answer to other person’s profile effective and interesting, i.e. what information is likely to make your potential pen pal write back?
  3. Write down 3 items necessary to be included in your answer. Share your ideas with your group mates. Together, choose the 3 most important items.

After-search Activity

  1. Post both your profile and your answer to other person’s profile. Check your e-mail on a regular basis and in about a fortnight discuss the results with your group.
  2. Have you found a pen pal? If not, find out and analyze your possible mistakes. Correct them with the help of your more successful friends and try again. Good luck!

Your site to Search: http//

There are lots of other great pen- pall sites in the Internet for students, teachers and parents. They enhance practically all languages, age groups and levels of a foreign language knowledge. Try and you are sure to find something to your liking.


http// – The site boasts more than 50.0000 members, a chat-room and FAQ section where all your questions will be answered and all your problems solved. The search is quick and easy. Good luck! – More than 28.000 members aged from 5 to 89 are registered on the site. Can you imagine a better choice? Try and find a friend!

http// – You are going to find 7.000 people from 140 countries in the world here. The site offers you two ways of seeking a pen pal: you can complete and submit your profile or you can use the already existing profiles (there are plenty of them). Try both ways if you want to. Besides, you can make your search quicker and more efficient by narrowing the number of potential pen friends by their age, sex, and country of living, occupation or all these things together. Good luck!

http// –This is a special site for young kids (those who are under 13). Provides a quick and easy search. It will be useful for parents who want their children to take an early start at using English as a tool of communication.


http// – Besides the above-mentioned resources, the site contains a special section for teachers seeking pen friends for their students for academic purposes. It offers you two ways of searching: you can you can complete and submit the request form describing the pen pals you would like your students to have or you can look through the existing request forms and answer to the ones you find appropriate for your purpose. Try both ways and you are sure to succeed! –An excellent site for teachers and students, whose resources include projects, e-pals teacher guide, online resources, telecollaboration tips and other useful things. Go and find out for yourselves! – A wonderful site which boasts about 8.000 teachers from 82 countries. Since 1992 it has distributed 28.000 requests for e-mail partnerships. Here you can find partner schools for primary, secondary and higher education classrooms, the information about intergenerational exchange, take part in discussion forums and make surveys for global audience.

Additional Resources

http// – A German site written in English with more than 6.000 potential pen pals. Provides a simple and quick search.

http// – A popular Russian site with FAQ and a chat room.