Фестиваль англоязычных стран. Внеклассное мероприятие по иностранному языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оборудование: красочный плакат под названием “Festival of English-speaking countries ”, таблички с названиями праздников, тематические плакаты, газеты со странами изучающих английский язык, презентации по странам, костюмы, музыка, компьютер.

Звучит музыка   

T: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls. Good afternoon, our teachers and guests! It is great pleasure to welcome you to our Festival of English-speaking countries. As you know we are going to speak about many interesting things. And now imagine that you are from different foreign countries. I think you’ll find something interesting and new for yourself and we should create a friendly atmosphere. It has become an important tradition for pupils from all schools in our town to come together and to take part in our measure.

And now I would like you to meet our leaders. They are: Arakelova Maria, Anashkina Ksenya and Motova Kate. Dear guests, sing, dance and enjoy our party with us. Let’s start. Welcome to our Festival. 

Leader 1: Good afternoon, dear children, teachers and guests! Today we have an unusual day. We are having a great party “Festival of English-speaking countries”. We’ve gathered here to talk about English-speaking countries .We’ll speak about history, traditions, holidays and famous people of these countries.  You’ll get some new information about the world around us.  We would like to summaries our knowledge about them. We hope you will have a wonderful time. Let us learn, play, sing and dance together!

Neznaika: (Knock, knock) May I come in?

Ведущий 1: Yes, you may. But who are you?

Neznaika: My name is Neznaika. I came from Russia some days ago. Wow, what is it? Why are you wearing so beautifull, children?

Leader  2: Neznaika, we are having a party. Will you join us? We shall tell you a lot of interesting facts about English-speaking countries and you will enjoy your time spending here. Take your place where you want.

Neznaika: With great pleasure. I do not know anything about English-speaking countries. I shall listen to you very carefully! And may be then we shall play with you.

Leader 1: O. K. Take your place, please.

Leader 1: “Do you speak English?”- With this phrase begins the conversation between two people, who speaks different languages and want to find a common language. It’s very good when you hear: “Yes, I do”, and start talking. Can you think of any reasons for studying English?  I want you to express your opinions why it is useful to learn foreign languages.

(Учащиеся в зале выражают свои мнения.)

Leader 2: (Идёт в зал с микрофоном.) Please, who wants to answer?

P1: Nowadays it’s very necessary to know a foreign language. Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.

Leader  2: Thanks. Who else wants to answer?

P2: I study English, because I want to read English books of great writers in the original. I want to communicate with people from different countries; I want to understand their culture and traditions.

Leader 2: Thank you.

P3: English is very popular now. It’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It’s spoken all over the world.

Leader  2: Thanks a lot.

P4: Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV programmes. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you.

Leader 2: I am very grateful to you. Is there anybody who wants to answer?

P5: Learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing. Nowadays it’s especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn language because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.

Leader 2: Thank you very much for your interesting opinions.

P6: Everybody knows his own language, but I think it is useful to know foreign languages because people of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other.

Leader  2: Thank you very much

Leader 1: Dear guests pupils from school №1 and gymnasium №2 welcome you to England and Ireland.

 (Выступление МОУ СОШ №1- Англия. На сцене камин; учащиеся в костюмах изображают Шерлока Холмса.)

(Выступление учащихся МОУ гимназии № 2 – страна Ирландия – на фоне презентации и ирландской музыки.)

Welcome to Ireland, one of the English-speaking countries, which is situated in the British Isles, “the Emerald Isle” as poets say. The country full of mystery with a wide area of splendid moorland scenery, meadows, valleys, lakes and rivers, very few forests, changeable weather, legends about Leprechauns and of course St. Patrick’s Day. The person who was to become St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was born in Wales about AD 385. It is believed that he converted Ireland to Christianity. He used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity. That’s why shamrock now is the symbol of the country. It was he who helped Ireland to get rid of snakes. St. Patrick's Festival is now by far the biggest annual event in the country providing entertainment for all interests and ages.

The Festival programme has music, theatre, family carnivals, comedy, street arts, visual arts, dance, a treasure hunt, 4000 performers - 1.5 million spectators and 5 days of fantastic festival fun for all! St. Patrick would be very proud! Let us see how it is held up now in the capital of Ireland – Dublin.

 (Выходят участники парада на День Св. Патрика под музыку с барабанами, шарами, ирландской символикой. Учащиеся рассказывают стихи, и выбегает мальчик, переодетый в лепрекона. Один из учащихся пытается поймать лепрекона, он убегает за кулисы. В заключении под ирландскую музыку исполняется танец.)

Leader 1:  Neznaika! Have you heard that Wales and Scotland also are members of British kingdom? Let’s have a look in these pages. Pupils from schools № 3, 5 and 9 will continue our festival.

Neznaika: O.K. Let’s have a look.

 (Выступление МОУ СОШ №3.)

Welcome to Wales. It is a small country, bounded on the north and west by Irish Sea and on the south by the Bristol Channel. Cardiff is the modern capital of Wales.

Leader 2: Though Scotland is a part of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland it still remains an individual country with its own traditions, customs, history and the way of life. In one word, Scotland is not England at all. It is a country with an unique culture full of ancient legends, bright contrasts and mysterious castles. Secrets and mystery always appear immediately when you open a book about Scotland.

(Выступление МОУ СОШ №5, 9 – Страна «Шотландия».Звучит музыка. Начинается показ презентации и дети читают стихотворение «Scotland the brave», поют песни, начинается шотландский танец.)
(Викторина со зрителями.)

Leader 1: Now you will have a rest and you should be very attentive; you will have some questions "How well do you know English-speaking countries "?

NeznaikaIs it really true that all of these children know English?


Leader  1: Let’s check them up.
Listen to the questions and try to answer it. (Ведущий 2 подносит микрофон.)

  1. What is the name of the most famous clock in Great Britain? (Big Ben)
  2. What London street is famous for shops?  (Oxford Street)
  3. Name the largest and the most famous library of the USA? (The Library of Congress)
  4. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
  5. What is Britain separated from the Continent by? (the English Channel)
  6. What is the official language in Great Britain? (English)
  7. What city is the capital of Great Britain? (London)
  8. What is the name of the town where W. Shakespeare was born? (Stratford-on-Avon)
  9. Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christofer Wren)
  10. Who is the Head of the State and Government in the USA? (The President)  

Leader 2: Thanks. It goes without saying that you know the main and most important facts from the history of English-speaking countries very well. It’s great!

Leader 1: Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and Northern Ireland are English-speaking countries. They are situated in different places and differ in many ways. The nature of these countries, the weather and climate and the way of life of their people are different. Each country has its own history, customs, traditions its own national holidays. But they all have a common language -English- the language of the people who left England to make their homes in new countries.

Leader 2: And now pupils from school №6 will show you the sketch about Native Americans. (Под сопровождение музыки Группы Jon And Vangelis.)

(Выступление МОУ СОШ №6 – Страна «Коренные Американцы» – учащиеся в костюмах, на сцене корабль“Mayflower”).

(Продолжает выступление МОУ СОШ №29 -Страна «Америка» – учащиеся поют песни и танцуют).

 (Выступление МОУ СОШ №4 – страна «Канада» Выходят дети с буквами из кленовых листьев C-A-N-A-D-A и с национальным флагом.)

Neznaika (читает по слогам) CA-NA-DA

Neznaika: I think it is getting cold.

Leader 2: You know, we have distant and warmth land. It is Australia. Australia is one of the hottest places. Let’s carry to this land. I want to introduce you to pupils from school №7.

(Выступление МОУ СОШ №7 – страна «Австралия» - учащиеся рассказывают стихи, танцуют.)

Leader 2: We have spoken about many interesting things today. We hope you’ve enjoyed our party.

In conclusion of our festival pupils from school №1 will sing the song: “I just call to say I love you”.

T: Unfortunately our festival comes to an end.

To finish our festival I would like to thank all the pupils who has taken part in our party and told us some interesting facts about English-speaking countries, and teachers who prepared these pupils. I am sure you had a wonderful time singing, dancing and revising an interesting material here. And I think that all of you got pleasure from our festival.

 (Вручение сертификатов участия школам.)

К работе прилагается презентация.