Английский язык в 9-м классе на тему "Продовольственные ярмарки и здоровый образ жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Практические: формирование практических умений в аудировании, говорении, чтении и переводе, письме.
  • Образовательные: закрепление активной лексики, разговорных клише и речевых образцов; развитие коммуникативной способности, развитие навыков диалогической речи в рамках темы.
  • Развивающие: развитие логического мышления, памяти, внимания, самостоятельности; развитие навыков работать в парах, в группах, индивидуально.
  • Воспитательные: формирование интереса к изучению иностранного языка, воспитание культуры общения, воспитание чувства взаимопомощи; стремления вести здоровый образ жизни, повторение правил речевого этикета.
  • Сопутствующие цели: проконтролировать навыки аудирования; повторить темы “Степени сравнения прилагательных”, “Синонимы и антонимы”.

Формы работы:

  • фронтальная,
  • индивидуальная,
  • парная,
  • групповая.

 Метод: коммуникативный.

Технология: применение ИКТ.

Оснащение: компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, экран, слайды в Power Point, презентация, фотографии ярмарки в МОУ “Гимназия №1”, магнитофон, аудиокассеты с записью текстов для аудирования, аудиокассета с песней “Yellow Submarine” (“The Beatles”).

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент:

а) Pupil on duty-class

  1. What day (date) is it today?
  2. Who is missing?
  3. How long has she been missing?
  4. When do we usually organize food fairs at school?
  5. Is the food their free or should you pay?
  6. How much money has our class collected this year?
  7. How was the money wasted?
  8. Where were the things sent?

b) Class - Pupil on duty

  • Is eating blackcurrants fit or unfit?
  • How long should we take a warm bath?
  • What is swimming good for?
  • Is eating sweets healthy or unhealthy?
  • What is good / bad for your eyes?

с) Teacher - class.

  • What keeps the doctor away?
  • What is jogging good for?
  • What prevents cold?
  • What should you do if you are nervous?
  • How long should we air the room?
  • Do you always go to bed at the same time?
  • Why is eating carrots healthy?
  • How much sugar do you take in your tea (coffee)?
  • What kind of tea should we drink?
  • Why should we air the room?
  1. Фонзарядка.

Teacher: Look at the words & expressions, translate them, repeat after me & then work in pairs.

  • To loose weight
  • To be overweight
  • Widespread problem
  • Source
  • Overeating
  • Hang around
  • Fibre [‘faib?]
  • Cause
  • Slim = slender
  • Take in
  • Gain
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Pea(s)
  1. Задачи урока.

Presentation. Slide 1.

Teacher: Today we are finishing the topic "Food Fairs & Healthy Way of Life". We'll revise the material and practice in listening and writing two short tests, reading & translating, speaking on this topic. We'll also revise some synonyms & antonyms, the degrees of comparison. And we'll have a role play. First of all, translate these words by Henry Davia.

Presentation. Slide 2.

  1. Аудирование.

Teacher: Listen to two short texts on this topic and be ready to answer the questions.

a) Аудиокассета 1: "Ordening a Meal".

Waiter: Are you ready to order now, sir?

Ralph: Yes. I'll have tomato soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes, and peas.

Waiter: That's tomato soup ... mashed potatoes ... and peas. How do you want the beef-rare, medium, or well done?

Ralph: Well done, please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Ralph: Hmmmm... just water. I'll have coffee with my dessert.

b) Teacher: Read the questions on the sheets of paper and answer them in a written form. You may write down the answers in short:

  1. Where is Ralph sitting?
  2. What is he ordering to eat?
  3. How does he want the beef: rare, medium or well done?
  4. What does he want to drink?
  5. What will he have for dessert?

c) Аудиокассета 2: "Something to eat".

  • - Would you like to sit in the garden? There are more chairs in the garden than there are in the living-room.
  • - And it's not as hot outside as it is inside. And you haven't got to stay here.
  • - Good idea! Would you like to go for a walk, Simon?
  • - Yes, I would.
  • - Is anyone thirsty?
  • - Yes, I'm. I'd love a cold drink.
  • - I'm not. I had a drink at the cafe.
  • - Did you have anything to eat?
  • - No, we didn't have any food, we weren't hungry.
  • - Are you hungry now?
  • - I'm not, but Simon might be. He was hungry at hour ago, he didn't have anything to eat. He only had a lemonade.
  • - There are some biscuits in the kitchen. Would you like a few, Simon?
  • - Yes, please.
  • - Can I have a few too, Mum?
  • - You had some this morning. Are you still hungry?
  • - Yes, I'm always hungry.
  • - All right, you can have 2 or 3.
  • - Have we got to eat them here, Mum?
  • - No, you haven't got to eat them here. You can take them with you.
  • - Thanks, Mum.

d) Teacher: Take the second sheet of paper and answer the questions in a written form. You may answer them in short too:

  • Why are they going to eat outside?
  • Would Simon like to go for a walk?
  • Why isn't one of them thirsty?
  • Why weren't they hungry?
  • Who might be hungry now?
  • Why is he hungry?
  • What are they going to eat?
  • How many biscuits does Mom allow to eat?
  • Are they going to eat at home or in the garden?
  1. Чтение.

a) Текст № 1: “A Widespread Problem”

A humorist once wrote that the word “diet” comes from the word "to die". Most people who try to lose weight would probably agree. In GB, being overweight is a widespread problem. Many recommendations are given to help people control their weight. A modern method is to make people understand a difference between real hunger and other factors that make them fat. For example, a traveling salesman realized that he had lots of snacks only while driving his car. Since he found the source of his overeating he could control the problem.

Teacher: Answer the questions orally:

  1. What did someone say about the word “diet”?
  2. What is a widespread problem in Great Britain?

b) Teacher: You will read about 2 points of view, concerning healthy way of life. Be ready to tell me your own point of view, if you agree or disagree & why.

Текст № 2:

Helen: I am not going to be a supermodel. But I think it is very important to be fit and healthy and look nice. Some firms don't employ people who are overweight or who are smokers. I agree with that because smoking affects other people's life, too. I pay a lot of attention to my health. I try to eat only low-fat food, more fruit and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and less sweets. I don't smoke. I don't want to have unhealthy skin and teeth. Besides, I have been doing aerobics for a year. I feel great. And all my friends think I look great.

Bob: I have no problems with my health though I am a smoker and a bit overweight. I like smoking. It helps me to relax. I have been smoking since I was 12. All my friends are smokers. I don't want to be the odd one out. I know all the facts, but you only live once, don't you? So why not enjoy yourself? As for dieting I think it is very dangerous. You are what you are. It is impossible to change. Besides, I like chocolate bars, ice cream and the like. Why should I give up such tasty things? Eat only cucumbers? Never! Of course I have some problems with my skin and hair, but I don't want to change.

(Short monologues of the students, sharing their points of view with their classmates).

S. 1: To tell you the truth, I don’t go jogging and I don’t go in for sport seriously either.

I think, it is quite enough to attend PT lessons three times a week. Besides, it’s my duty to tidy up all the rooms in the house! I consider these activities really enough to substitute any kind of sport to be fit, strong and healthy. Thus, I can understand and agree with both of them: Helen & Bob. Everything depends on your own tastes, purposes and circumstances.

S 2: As for me, I can’t say the same. It goes without saying, that I’m a little overweight and frankly speaking, I sometimes feel quite clumsy and awkward. That’s why I must care about my diet, about what I eat, nutritious food, physical exercise and so on and so forth. Helen is right, for sure.

S. 3: As far as I understand, we have to think about our future too. Regardless of the fact that we are strong and healthy now, we shall gain weight, loose our strength, when we are elder. And the more we take care of our health now, the later these processes begin. So, I agree with Helen: it’s better to start thinking about our health now, as the proverb says: “Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do today”.

с) Teacher: Now you may have a short rest, translating the following humorous thoughts about a healthy way of life. Текст №3:

  1. The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
  2. You know you're overweight when you can't get you and the water into the bath at the same time.
  3. Her idea of a balanced diet is to have a bacon sandwich in each hand.
  4. I kept reading in the papers that smoking was bad for you, so finally, I decided to give up reading the papers.
  5. If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people.
  6. Your next task is to read a short text and to write down the opposites of the underlined words.

d) Текст № 4:

Replace the underlined words with antonyms to get the correct answer in a written form.

Many people in GB now think 1) less about their health. They eat 2) a lot of high-fat food and 3) less fibre. Fat is thought to be the cause of 4) health. Besides, people believe that they should exercise 5) less to be slim. Some people have started counting the calories they eat every day (a calorie is the energy value of food), so that they can try to take in 6) more calories and 7) gain weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet. Special food with 8) more calories for slimmers is produced now in GB.

Teacher: Now we’ll have a role play “Food Fairs on Main Street & in Gymnasia No.1”

You are to divide into 2 groups: The Guests & the Hosts. First the Americans invite you to Main Street & then you will swap the roles. Don’t forget the lexics, phrases & expressions from the dialogues we’ve learnt.

  • Учащиеся разыгрывают по ролям диалоги учебника. Slide 3.
  • Учащиеся составляют собственные диалоги, опираясь на реальные факты и фотографии одной из продовольственных ярмарок в МОУ “Гимназия №1”.


Presentation. Slide 4.

Russian: Here is our school headmaster. She is buying something too. Everything is hot because there is a microwave oven here. In that booth we have pies, bagels, mineral water, juice. Would you like anything?

American: Yes, I’d like two small pies. What are the pies with?

Russian: We have pies with potatoes, cabbages and meat. They are finger licking good.

American: I’d like a pie with potatoes.

Russian: Would you like anything to drink?

American: Yes, I’d like juice, please.

Russian: Here you are.

American: Thank you. It’s a very healthy drink.

Presentation. Slide 5.

Russian: Let’s go over to that booth.

American: OK.

Russian: Here you can see healthy food. For example traditional potato salads, fruit.

American: I want to try Russian home-made bagels.

Russian: Certainly. They are fat and cholesterol free.

American: I like it. It is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.

Russian: What would you like to drink?

American: I want Coca-Cola, please. Do you have any?

Russian: Yes, of course. Here you are.

Presentation. Slides 5, 6.

American: Let’s go over to another booth.

Russian: You can see a lot of food here.

American: I prefer healthy food.

Russian: We have carrots, bananas and grapes.

American: I’d like bananas and grapes.

Russian: What do you prefer for a desert? We have cakes and pies, but this food is not very healthy.

American: Oh! They smell delicious. I can’t help eating one piece of cake.

Russian: What size would you like?

American: Small, please.

Russian: What would you like for a drink? We have orange juice, milk, coca-cola, coffee and tea.

American: I’d like orange juice.

Russian: What size would you like?

American: Large, please.

Russian: Here you are.

American: Thank you.

Presentation. Slides 6, 7.

American: What are these boys ?

Russian: In America you have clowns. In Russia we call them “ Зазывалы” or “скоморохи”.

American: What are their names?

Russian: They are Sasha and Dima. They are in the 11th grade. And they are the best pupils of our school. The guys are offering you some pies and seasonal greens.

American: Are these pies homemade?

Russian: Yes, of course, they are.

American: What are these pies with?

Russian: These pies are with potatoes, eggs and meat.

American: I’d like with meat, please.

Russian: Here you are. Would you like anything to drink?

American: Yes, please. Coca-cola, please

Russian: What size would you like?

American: Small, please.

Presentation. Slide 8.

Russian: Hello! Would you like some pizza? It is very hot.

American 1: That sounds great, but I prefer healthy food, and pizza isn’t fat free.

American 2: And I’d like some. It is my favourite food.

Russian: Here you are.

Presentation. Slide 9.

American: Can you give me a bagel, please?

Russian: Sure. We have plain, poppy, cinnamon and raisin. What kind of bagel would you like?

American: Poppy, please. What kind of beverage have you got?

Russian: Well, we have cola, mineral water.

American: I’d like some mineral water, please. And what about you?

American: I would like some cola.

Russian: What size would you like?

American: Medium, please.

Russian: Here you are.

American: Thanks. Good-bye.

  1. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher:  So, our lesson is coming to the end. What impression did the new information about the eating habits in the three countries (Russia, the USA, Great Britain) make on you? You have worked well & tried your best. You have also managed to do a lot. So all of you will get only good & excellent marks. Your home task will be to make up a story about your healthy way of life & write it down as a topic.

Let us finish our lesson with one of your favourite songs “Yellow Submarine”.