Урок по теме "Международная торговля. Известные логотипы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Lesson № 55


Aims: to get acquainted with the topic of international trade;

to appreciate some aspects of advertising. (слайд №3)

Equipment: a cassette player, an audio cassette, students’ project works, some products for advertising, a map of the world, some logos of multinational companies.

I: Warm – up activity: (слайд №5)

T:- Some people have called the world we live in today a “global village”. Why did they choose the word “village” but not “town” or “city”? Give your arguments.

P1P2P3 – The modern world is more like a village, because distances are less important now.

The world has become a bit like a village: people can easily see and hear about events going on.

The same products can be produced and bought all over the world.

II. Discussion and reading:

The students explain the terms “raw material” and “primary products”. They work with Ex.2.2 p.53 and write the names of the primary products under the correct parts of the world.

III. Reading: (слайд №6)

Students read the text “The Language of Advertising” and answer the questions:

What is the aim of an advertisement?

Many companies use slogans, don’t they?

Why do the advertisers use comparatives and superlatives?

Underline the comparatives and superlatives and match the slogans to the pictures.

IV. Listening: (слайд №7)

T: - now you will listen to the song “Big money” and sing it with your class.

The words are on page 103.

V. Speaking: (слайды №8,9)

The students promote some products of well-known multinational companies.

P1 – Buy our washing powder “Dosya”. It washes whiter than others. You can use any type of water. Buy our “Dosya”. Your shirts will be whiter than white.

 P2 – Buy our shampoo! A mild and gentle shampoo with sweet almond extract, leaving hair softer, full of life and with added volume. Suitable for frequent use. It’s fantastic! Our shampoo is produced by Schwarzkopf & Henkel.

P3 – Our juice “Добрый”! It’s delicious! It’s the best! It’s in the shops now! Fruit juice “Добрый” is the best juice. It is made from the best grapes in Russia. Enjoy the taste of juice “Добрый” today!

P4 – It’s wonderful! It’s the best! It’s in the shops now! “Lays” are the best crisps that you can buy. They are made from the best potatoes from Belgium. Enjoy the taste of “Lays”!

P5 – Buy our flavour “Maggi”! It’s delicious! It is easy to cook with our “Maggi”. Your meal will be finger-licking good! Ready made recipes “Maggi на второе” are produced without any preservatives. Any recipe – the taste is fantastic!

P6 – Pure Ceylon Tea – “Premium Quality” – for you! Rich golden colour, pleasant aroma and refreshing flavour – only for you! To be enjoyed at any time. Our tea is produced in Shri Lanka.

P7 – The Cadbury name is one of the most famous names in confectionery. “Wispa” is now enjoyed by millions of people. It’s the best! It’s in your shops now! It’s the best chocolate that you can buy. Enjoy your meal!

VI. Speaking. (слайды №10 – 13)

T: - now we are going to check your hometask. Your project work was to watch TV advertisements on different channels and present your results on a poster.

Учащиеся представляют свои творческие проекты, в которых они исследовали рекламу на телеэкране. В работе нужно было указать :

  • Название телепередачи;
  • В течении какого времени она длится;
  • Количество блоков рекламы;
  • Время каждого блока рекламы;
  • Количество и вид рекламы в каждом блоке;
  • Время каждого вида рекламы.

T: I am satisfied with your works. Thank you very much! Now open your “Companions” at page 30. Look at exercise 6.

Choose another project for your hometask. According to one study, the ten most popular adjectives used in British advertising are mentioned here. What are the ten most popular adjectives used in Russian TV advertising? Try to find out. Translate the adjectives into English and present your results on a poster. Use a pie chart or a bar graph. Compare your results with your classmates.

VII. Decide exercise. (слайд №14)

T – class: You are to do Exercise 4.1 on page 54. You have to decide which word is the “odd one out” and write the word in the puzzle squares. Give a reason. For example:

1. sugar bananas radio tea coffee

Radio is different. All the other things are primary products.

VIII. Discussion and reading. (слайд №15)

T – class: Look at Exercise 5.1 “Companies from across the world”.

- Do you know these logos?

- Can you match them to the correct pictures?

- What country do the companies come from?

Students discuss the questions and give answers. They try to explain the term “multinationals”.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson. (слайд №16)

T: - your homework is to prepare project works with adjectives.

Thank you for your excellent work. Your marks are excellent too.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.