Topic: "The library", 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Grammar: The Gerund, The passive voice.


  1. Знакомство со страноведческим материалом.
  2. Прививать любовь к чтению.
  3. Развитие навыков чтения и говорения.

Оснащение: презентация Power Point <Приложение 1>, раздаточный материал – текст <Приложение 2>.


1. Организационный момент.

Morning. Today we are going to talk about libraries.

2. Основная часть. Say after me:

1. Фон. зарядка. Слова к тексту <Приложение 2>. Teacher – class.

2. Лексическая зарядка. Teacher – class (pupil 1, pupil 2).

Where do you go to read books?

Do you go to libraries often?

Which libraries in our town do you know?

3. Проверка Д/З. Ex 9 p 15. & now let’s read about the British library.

4. Let’s read about the most important library in the USA – the library of Congress. Чтение страноведческого материала и иллюстрации на мониторе. <Приложение 1>

5. Answer my questions:

Where is the library of Congress located?

Where were all objects gathered first?

When a new building was opened?

How many rare & unique books has the library got?

6. Complete the sentences:

Congress required 16 years…

The main reading room has…

The library represents…

It is also has an Indic…

The library of Congress owns musical instruments, for example…

7. Ask him/her some questions (несколько детей по очереди выходят к доске, дети задают им вопросы).

3. Заключительный момент.

H/T. P 27. Ex 1.Your marks are.