Ролевые игры в обучении межкультурной коммуникации на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по указанной теме. Систематизировать и расширить знания по теме.
  2. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
  3. Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оснащение урока:

  • Карта Соединенных Штатов Америки;
  • газеты и журналы о стране;
  • картинки с достопримечательностями США;
  • карточки с викториной по теме «The USA Quiz», «Menu», «Landing Card»;
  • лексические карточки;
  • таблички со знаками по теме «At the Airport» для каждого ученика, видеоматериал о США.

План урока:

  1. Сообщение темы и целей урока учащимся, введение учащихся в ролевую ситуацию, распределение ролей.
  2. Введение в сюжет урока.
  3. Заполнение карточки-въезда в страну.
  4. Игра «Знакомство» - сообщения о себе.
  5. Просмотр видеоматериала о США.
  6. Викторина «The USA Quiz».
  7. Игра «Let’s have lunch». Учащиеся выбирают себе еду из меню.
  8. Музыкальная пауза – песня «Traveling».
  9. Лексический конкурс.
  10. Игра «At Customs».
  11. Игра «Meet Friends».
  12. Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока

  1. Teacher: Dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have an unusual lesson. Today we shall have a trip to America, to New York. We’ll fly by airplane «Delta». You’ll be the passengers, that is the students from different countries and I’ll be your stewardess.
  2. Teacher (в форме стюардессы): Ladies and gentlemen! This is your stewardess speaking. I would like to welcome you abroad Delta flight 31. We are flying to New York. We are flying at an altitude of 11000 meters. Our flight time will be approximately 8 hours and 45 minutes. Please, keep your seatbelts fastened all the time. I wish you a wonderful flight!
  3. Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! Attention please! Let’s fill in our Landing Card. In this card you should fill in your name, date and place of birth, nationality, your occupation, passport number, address in the USA. Please, don’t forget to complete clearly in Block capitals! Thank you!

(Please complete clearly in block capitals).

Landing Card.

Family name (surname, last name) _________________

Forenames (first name) __________________________

Date of Birth __________________________________

Day __________ Month __________ Year __________

Place of birth __________________________________

Nationality ____________________________________

Occupation ____________________________________

Address in the USA _____________________________

Passport Number _______________________________

Signature ______________________________________

4. Teacher: Our flight is very long. Usually on airplanes people enjoy themselves reading books and talking. I see you are from different countries and you don’t know each other very well. I would like you to make acquaintance with each other.

T: Are there any students from England? Will you introduce yourself?

St.1: Hi! I’m Jack. I’m from London. I’m 13. My hobby is playing computer games. I enjoy playing football and I’m the best goal-keeper in my school.

T: Thank you! Have you got questions to Jack?

T: Who is from Canada? Tell us about yourself, please!

St.2: Hello! My name is Mary. I live in Toronto. I’m interested in music and I like traveling very much. My dream is to visit Japan some day.

T: Have you got questions to Mary?

(All students speak about themselves).

5. Teacher: Now, it’s high time to watch video film about the USA.

- The United States of America (USA) is located in North America. It is one of the largest countries in the world. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The USA has 50 states. Its capital is Washington D.C. (the District of Columbia). Its main cities are New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Boston.

It is highly developed country. People of very many nationalities live in the USA.

6. Teacher: So you’ve got some information about the USA. Now, can you do «The USA Quiz»? I hope that you can answer all the questions.

«The USA Quiz».

  1. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus);
  2. Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington);
  3. What is the national symbol of America? (the bald eagle);
  4. Name the capital of the USA. (Washington D. C.);
  5. Where is the Statue of Liberty? (New York);
  6. How many states are there in the USA? (50);
  7. How many stripes and stars are there in the American flag? (13, 50);
  8. What is the national sport in America? (baseball);
  9. In British English it is “form”, in American English …..? (grade);
  10. In British English it is “holiday”, in American English …? (vacateon).

7. Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! We have been flying for 2 hours already. As for me, I’m very hungry, I want to eat. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?

Students: Yes, we do.

T: Today, dear students, Delta Airline Crew suggests you its special Menu. Look! Here’s the menu. You can choose anything you like. As for me I would like to have … And what about you?

St.1: I would like to have salad, a piece of apple cake and a glass of orange juice.

St.2: As for me I’d like to have breast of chicken, salad, crackers and a large Coke.


T.: So, we have had our lunch. It was very delicious. And now let’s relax a little.

8. Teacher: Do you like traveling? Let’s sing the song «Traveling» (The students sing the song).



I like traveling
Let’s go together
Let’s find a place with sunny weather
I don’t like traveling all alone
Let’s leave together
It’s better than staying at home.


I like sailing
On the sea
But I won’t sail
If you don’t sail with me.


I like flying
In the air
But I won’t fly
If no one else is there.


I like swimming
Just for fun
But I won’t swim
If I’m the only one.

9. Teacher: Well, you have relaxed. Ladies and gentlemen! Attention, please! Especially for you, dear students, Delta Airline Crew is conducting a contest «How well you know the airport signs which you can see at the airport».

T.: Here are the words. Find the right word and label each picture. Who will be faster? (The students match the words to the pictures).

T.: Excellent! All of you know the signs very well. And here are your prizes.

10. Тeacher: (видеосюжет “At the airport’) Look! Our plane is landing in Kennedy Airport in New York. Our flight has finished. Unfasten your seatbelts, please. Captain Spencer and I thank you for flying Delta. Have a good time in New York! Good-bye!

T.: Soon we shall enter New York. But first of all we should show our Landing Card to the officer.

He will check our documents. After that we’ll get our luggage at the luggage pick up area. And then we’ll go through the Customs.

T.: Oh, look! Customs Inspector is waiting for us. He wants to ask us some questions.

(The students are talking to the Customs Inspector).

Customs Inspector:

Where are you from?



- Are you traveling alone?

- Yes, I am.

- What is the purpose of your visit?

- I want to see New York and learn American English.

- Where are you going to stay?

- In New York with an American family.

- Do you have anything to declare?

- No, I don’t.

- Open your luggage, please.

- Here you are.

- Have a good time in New York.

- Thank you.

11. Teacher: Well done. So we have gone through the Customs. Now we’ll pass the corridor and see our American friends waiting for us.

- Look, here they are! How do you do?

- They want to tell us a few words about New York. Let’s listen to them.

St.: New York City is one of the largest cities in the United States of America. It is also the greatest sea-port. There are a lot of theatres, museums, parks in New York City. The street where the theatres are located is called Broadway. We’ll try to visit them and we hope you’ll have a nice time in New York.

T.: Thank you for your information. Look, our bus is coming! Let’s go!

12. Teacher: Our trip to New York has finished. Did you enjoy your trip?

Did you like to fly by airplane?

- Thanks a lot. You have done a nice job today. Good for you.

- Good-bye. See you!