Обобщающий урок по теме: "Конструкция There is\There are"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Закрепление навыков употребления оборота There is/There are, при описании дома, квартиры, комнаты.
  • Закрепление лексики.

Ход урока

1) Сообщение темы урока.

2) Let`s play our game “ WordBall”

Учитель произносит какое-либо слово на русском языке и бросает мяч одному из учеников, тот ловит мяч и называет это слово по-английски, затем бросает мяч учителю. Игра продолжается. В случае если учащийся забыл слово, он бросает мяч тому, кто поднял руку.

3) Прослушайте текст и ответьте на вопросы к нему.

Dear Boss!

Here is the plan of Misha`s flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and four rooms: a living room, a bedroom, Misha`s room, and Mashа`s room. The flat is not very big. Where is the room for Robin? In my house, for example, there are two toilets, two bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and a guest room.



  1. How many rooms are there in Misha`s flat?
  2. Is there a kitchen in Misha`s flat?
  3. Is there a bathroom in Misha`s flat?
  4. Is there a balcony in Misha`s flat?
  5. Is the flat not very big?

4) Ученикам выдается мебель. Учитель предлагает обставить его новую квартиру, различные ее комнаты.

-This is my new flat.

-This is my living room. Furnish it.

-This is my bedroom. Furnish it.

-This is my bathroom. Furnish it.

5) Make up your own dialogues in pairs.

Учащимся дается речевая задача: составить микродиалоги, используя слова: mirror, armchair, fireplace, carpet,sofa, picture. Каждой паре предлагается одно из этих слов.

Например: mirror

- Is there a mirror in your room?

-No, there isn`t.

-Where is the mirror?

-It`s in the living room.

6) Look at the picture. Listen and answer my questions.

Учитель показывает картинку, на которой изображена комната и обращается к ученикам с такими словами.

-I have it in my room. It is small. I have books on it. It is not a table. What is is? (It is a shelf).

-I have it in my room. I can sit on it. I can sleep on it. What is it? (It is a sofa)

-I have it in my room. I can sit on it and read before the fire. What is it? (It is an armchair).

7) Ученикам выдаются картинки, и предлагается сказать, где какая, кошка находится.

Look. Then say where the cats are.

There is a red cat near the sofa.
There is a black cat on the armchair.
There is a white cat in the fireplace.
There is a grey cat to the left of the fireplace.
There is a black and white cat behind the curtain.
There is a grey and black cat between two vases.
There is a red and black cat above the table.
There is a red, black and white cat in front of the sofa.
There is a grey and white cat under the table.
There is a black, grey and red cat among the pillows.

8) Учащимся предлагается закончить кроссворд. Complete the crossword.

9) Ученики загадывают загадки, приготовленные ими дома.


- I go at night and all the day,
But I never go away.
(A clock)

- I strike each hour
But don`t forget
You must not strike me
My good friend.
(A clock)

- It is not very big,
But it hangs in the middle of the room.
In the day – time nobody wants it,
But at night everybody needs it.
(A lamp)

- We are four brothers
Living under one roof.
Do you know us?
(The legs of a table)

- I have legs –
One, two, three, four,
But I can`t walk
Across the floor.
(A chair)

- I have a face.
I have a little hand
I have a big hand
My face is white.
My hands are black
I have no feet
I can run.
What am I?
(A clock)

- This is a house
With one window in it.
Showing films
Nearly every minute.
(A TV set)

10) Подведение итогов. Задание на дом.