Урок английского языка в 11-м классе по теме "Искусство в нашей жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: в ходе творческой самостоятельной индивидуальной работы актуализировать и развивать знания учащихся об искусстве и его роли в жизни человека.

Задачи урока:

  1. Обеспечить первичное закрепление лексики по теме “Искусство”;
  2. Развивать умение выборочно понимать необходимую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте;
  3. Развивать навыки поискового чтения с целью извлечения интересующей информации;
  4. Обучать учащихся оценивать, анализировать информацию, полученную из текста, выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к прочитанному ;
  5. Развивать умение выполнять проблемные задания, активизировать их мыслительную деятельность;
  6. Развивать неподготовленную речь.

Оборудование урока:

  1. Текст “One Coat of White”
  2. Диалог “In the Museum”(аудиокассета)
  3. Лексика по теме
  4. Упражнения учителя на карточках

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Good morning, boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Read the tongue twisters as quickly as possible.

Mike likes spicy pies with fried pike.

Troy is a spoilt noisy boy who enjoys breaking toys.

Betty and Bob brought balloons from the bazaar.

III. Фонетическая отработка, первичное закрепление новой лексики по теме “Искусство”. Развитие навыков аудирования; контроль понимания прослушанного диалога

Today we’ll talk about the art, the art movements, the role of the art in our life.

Подготовка к прослушиванию диалога.

1. Listen to the new words, please. (Card 1)

Types of pictures. Verbs connected with the arts. Art movements. Art professions. Places where art is shown. Elements of a picture.

Pay attention to the art movements: Realistic classical art: Рембрандт; Impressionism: Ренуар, Клод Моне, Поль Гоген (начало творчества), Ван Гог. Abstract art: Пабло Пикассо.

Комментарии учителя, показ репродукций.

2. Group the given words.

Первичное закрепление лексики.

3. Now listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

The dialogue “In the Museum”

- Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate! How are you? What are you doing here?

- The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.

- Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.

- Nor do I, Peter.

- Which art movements do you like?

- I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?

- I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?

- I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.

- That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!

- Which one?

- The one on the left.

- I see. What’s the title?

- “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.

- Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.

- It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.

- Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting. You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.

Аудиозапись. Прослушивание без опоры на текст. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя:

1 Where is the conversation taking place?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What are they talking about?

Look the dialogue through and fill in the gaps and complete the sentences

(Опора на текст, извлечение более подробной информации.)

1. Peter and Kate are going to see_____.

2. They are glad to_____.

3. Peter doesn’t like visiting exhibitions_____.

4. Kate loves_____.

5. Peter is interested in_____.

6. The picture they love very much is_____.

7. It’s Peter’s favourite_____painting.

8. Peter and Kate love the exhibition because they can admire _____that they like.

Read the sentences.

Well, you see that there are people who admire the art. What about you? Do you love the art?

IV Контроль понимания прочитанного текста “One Coat of White” by H.A.Smith. Обсуждение проблемных вопросов.

You’ve read the text “One Coat of White” at home. It’s interesting, isn’t it?

And now we’ll discuss some problem questions. I’ll see if you have understood the main idea of the text.

Контроль понимания текста.

1. Фонетическая отработка собственных имен, географических названий.

2. Снятие трудностей. Find English equivalents for my Russian sentences.

а. И затем мы выяснили, что мой новый друг, вероятно, лучший современный художник.

б. …слышали, как он сказал, что никогда, пока жив, он не прикоснется к кисти.

в. Я вытащил ведро, наполовину заполненное белой краской, кисть и старый кухонный стул.

г. …я не имею понятия, о чем они говорили.

д. …но затем в Нью-Йоркских газетах появилось сообщение.

е. По крайней мере, еще одна дюжина картинных галерей и музеев прислали людей.

ж. “Я так повеселился, читая о вашем заборе”,- сказал он.

з. “Вы решили, что будете делать с ним (забором)?”

и. Я не мог удержаться от смеха, когда увидел свой забор, также обнесенный забором

3. Answer: true, false, no information.

1. Gregg was a very rich man.

2. Gregg and his wife came back from Japan.

3. Lautisse was sure that Gregg could keep a secret.

4. The artist’s name wasn’t known to Gregg.

5. Gregg and Betsy found out that Lautisse was probably the world’s best living painter.

6. Gregg and Lautisse were too different to become friends.

7. Lautisse spent his weekend with Gregg but he hadn’t enjoyed himself.

8. Some days later the story broke in New-York papers.

9. The headline said: “Lautisse’s Masterpiece”

10. Many art galleries wanted to buy the fence painted by the great artist.

4. Answer the problem questions. There are no direct answers. Choose the most suitable ones.

a. Why did Lautisse decide to spend a weekend at Greggэs house?

1. He didn’t want to go home.

2. He didn’t know where to live.

3. He felt drawn to Gregg and Betsy.

b. Why did Lautisse and Gregg become friends?

1. They spent a lot of time together.

2. They had much in common.

3. They liked each other.

c. Why did Lautisse enjoy himself so much having spent his weekend at Gregg’s house?

1. Because he did nothing and rested.

2. Because nobody asked him silly unpleasant questions.

3. Because the weather was warm and sunny.

d. Why was the fence exhibited?

1. Because Lautisse had painted it.

2. Because it was made of a valuable sort of wood.

3. Because it was a masterpiece.

e. Why did Lautisse sign each of the thirty sections?

1. He wanted them to be sold.

2. He wanted to present his friends with them.

3. He decided to give them to Gregg as a souvenir.

4. He wanted to do Gregg a service.

f. Why did the people buy the sections?

1. The sections were cheap.

2. The sections were signed by Lautisse.

3. The people followed the fashion.

4. The wanted to resell them after a while.

Do you like the story? It’s humorous, isn’t it? What sentences from the text made you laugh?

What is more important: the artist’s name, his works or his things? Why?


And now choose the most suitable heading of the text:

1. The great artist’s gift.

2. The fence as a masterpiece.

3. Money out of nothing.

And in conclusion I want you to answer: true or false.

1. Some people make money out of nothing.

2. Some people admire the art.

3. Some people follow the fashion visiting art galleries and museums.

4. The art is a profession for some people.

As you see all the statements are true. And what is the art for you?

V. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.