Игра "Звездный час" для учащихся 7–8-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: контроль развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся.

Задачи: активизация лексического материала по теме “ Достопримечательности городов”, активизация грамматических навыков по темам “Артикли перед именами собственными” и “Степени сравнения прилагательных”, развитие познавательной деятельности.

Ход занятия: ( Приложение1)

Teacher: Welcome friends. Today we have “Star hour” Let me introduce the participants.

(учитель представляет участников).

Now the participants were to prepare something to show their talents. (участники демонстрируют свои таланты, на английском языке исполняют песни, стихи).

Now let me introduce you the rules. You will here a question and you will be shown variants. Show the card with the number of the right answer. For each right answer you will get a star. After each round those who have fewer stars leave the game. Now let’s start the game.

The first round.

(the first slide)

1. Show the number of the picture that illustrates London.

2. Show the number of the picture that illustrates Syktyvkar.

3. Show the number of the picture that illustrates Moscow.

(the second slide)

1. Show the number of the picture that illustrates the National Gallery in Syktyvkar.

2. Show the number of the picture that illustrates the Kuntz Kammer.

3. Show the number of the picture that illustrates the British Museum.

(the third slide)

1. Show the number of the picture that illustrates the Albert Hall.

2. Show the number of the picture that illustrates the Summer Garden.

3. Show the number of the picture that illustrates the Covent Garden.

(the fourth slide)

1. Show the number of the picture that illustrates a monument in Moscow.

2. Show the number of the picture that illustrates a monument in Syktyvkar.

3. Show the number of the picture that illustrates a monument in London.

Teacher: This is the end of the fist round. Count your stars. (в игре остаются те, у кого большее количество звёзд)

The second round.

(the fifth slide)

1. Show the number of the sentence that is translated “Поставить полатку”

(the sixth slide)

2. Show the number of the sentence that is translated “Развести костёр”

(the seventh slide)

3. Show the number of the sentence with a mistake.

(the eighth slide)

4. Show the number of the sentence that is translated “Усинск не такой большой как Сыктывкар”.

(the ninth slide)

5. Show the number of the sentence that is translated “Ты морочишь мне голову”.

6. Show the number of the sentence that is translated “ Сгорать от стыда”.

Teacher: Now let's count the stars. Those who have fewer stars have to leave the game.

The third round

Theacher : You will sea a long word on the screen. Make up new words using letters from this word as many times as they are used in the word. If you need an extra letter you can use it but you will have to sacrifice you star/ One star for each extra letter. You have one minute.

Teacher: Now say your words. If you don’t have a word you can give you star. That one who says the last word is a winner.

The winner gets a prize.

Игра разработана на основе материалов по учебнику “Happy English.ru” 7 класс К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. В игру включён регионально-национальный компонент.