Открытый урок домашнего чтения в 4-м классе по сказке "Here comes Monday"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи с использование речевых клише, усвоенных учащимися ранее
  2. Развитие навыков монологической речи
  3. Тренировка навыков употребления времени Present Simple Tense
  4. Совершенствование навыков письма и чтения на базе текста сказки (домашнее чтение)



  1. Научить учащихся систематизировать знания, умения и навыки, полученные в результате самостоятельного чтения по тексту сказки с учетом индивидуальных особенностей учащихся
  2. Учить логически мыслить, сопоставлять полученную из текста сказки информацию


  1. Активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических единиц по теме (сказка)
  2. Правила написания писем в английском языке


  1. Воспитывать дух командных соревнований
  2. Воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать


  1. Развивать умение работать в группе
  2. Развивать умение находить необходимую информацию в прочитанном тексте

Оборудование: сказочное письмо, нарисованные герои, карточки для учащихся, кроссворд

Класс делится на 4 команды.


Teacher: Dear boys and girls. I am very glad to see you today. And as you see we have several guests here. And I hope you will do your best today. Today I have got a surprise for you. Look, I received today a very strange bag. Let’s see what is inside. (Учитель показывает сумку, на которой написано:”A strange bag”). Oh, there is something inside, and I think it is a letter. Ok, let’s read it. (Учитель предлагает одному из учеников прочитать письмо). (Приложение 1)

P1: (reads the letter)

Dear boys and girls,

I know you are in class 5 “A” and you are very clever and kind children. I think you remember me, I am Monday, and now I live with the Pecks. I know that you finished reading the fairy-tale “Here comes Monday” and I want to check if you remember everything about the mouse family and about me. I am here with all the twelve mice from the Pecks. They will give you the tasks and you will do them. I wish you good luck

Hope to meet you soon

Best wishes


T: Ok, thank you, is it clear what we have to do? We have to do the tasks which Monday prepared to us.

Let’s see inside the strange bag again. Who will help me? Yes, Veronika, you will be the first to take the task out of the bag.

P2 takes the first tasks out of the bag and reads it.

P2: Task Number 1 is (reads the card) (Приложение 2)

Просмотрите сказку, выберите и запишите прилагательные для описания следующих существительных:

Noun Adjective
Children nice, little
A wardrobe warm, large
A balloon strange, big, red, nice
A mouse strange, little, nice, kind, poor
Vegetables tasty
An idea good, clever

T: You can open your books and use the text of the fairy – tale. You have 4 minutes to do the task.

T: Well, who is ready? Let’s see what you have got (учитель опрашивает по одному ученику из каждой команды)

T: (После того, как закончился опрос) Very good, you are quite clever and have a good memory. Now let’s see what we have to do next. Who will read the next task? Yes, Kirill, you can do it.

P3 takes the next task out of the bag and reads the task.

P3: Task Number 2 is (reads the card) (Приложение 3)

Найдите в тексте сказки описания следующих героев

Mr. Peck – kind, clever, loves his family

Mrs. Peck – very nice, kind, loves her children, good

Grandfather – clever, old, friendly

Children – nice, kind, friendly, little, funny, glad

Monday – strange, poor, nice, hungry

T: You can use your books and use the text of the fairy – tale. You have 6 minutes to do the task.

T: Well, who is ready? Let’s see what you have got (учитель опрашивает по одному ученику из каждой команды)

T: (После того, как закончился опрос) ok, thank you, you really remember everything about the Pecks family and about Monday. But we have some more tasks to do. Who wants to try? Yes, Denis, you are welcome.

P4: Task number 3 is (reads the task): (Приложение 4)

Соединив части a и b , составьте логически правильные предложения

  1. a (Mr. and Mrs. Peck) b(are mice.)
  2. a (Mr. Peck looks out) b( of the window and sees a strange balloon)
  3. a (Grandfather jumps on the table) b(and gets the balloon with the umbrella).
  4. a (There is a strange) b ( little mouse in the bag).
  5. a (In summer and in autumn) b( mice work in the garden).
  6. a ( Mice pick fruits and vegetables) b(– apples and pears, grapes and plums).
  7. a(Cucumbers and tomatoes) b( are very tasty)
  8. a (A wardrobe) b( is a very warm and large flat).
  9. a (He comes on Monday,) b(so his name must be Monday).
  10. a (Monday likes) b( his new family and his new family).
  11. a (Monday) b( is very glad to live with the Pecks).

T: You have 7 minutes to do the task.

T: Well, who is ready? Let’s see what you have got (учитель опрашивает по два ученика из каждой команды)

T: (после того, как закончился опрос) Ok, boys and girls I think little Monday can be very proud of you. And I think there is only one last task to do and let’s see what it is. Who will help me? Yes, Nastya, you are welcome. Do you like crosswords? Now you have to make you. All the words are from the fairy-tale. If you make it correctly you will get a name.

P5: Task number 4 is (reads the task) (Приложение 5)

Прочитайте задания и пишите все слова. Если вы сделаете это правильно, в выделенных клеточках вы получите имя главного героя.

1. The thing Grandfather uses to get the balloon (umbrella).

2. Where do the Pecks put the strange mouse? (Sofa)

3. What do the Pecks think of a new mouse? (Strange)

4. Where is the Grandfather sitting? (Window)

5. What do the Pecks grow in summer? (Apple)

6. Grandfather says “It is not something, it is ….” (somebody)

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T: (После того, как задание закончено) Very good of you. You have a good memory; you are very attentive and clever pupils. Thank you very much, your story was quite interesting and you did it very good. Now it is time to finish our lesson. But before I would like to praise the following pupils. (Учитель оценивает активность учеников)

T: dear boys and girls. There will be no home task for you as we finished reading the fairy- tale. During next term we will read another tale. Our lesson is over, good-bye.