Урок английского языка "The Place we Live in"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Изучение лексики по теме.
  • Применение в практической деятельности оборота “ theге is (аге)”.
  • Развитие психических механизмов: слуховой и зрительной памяти, логического
  • мышления.
  • Развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
  • Развитие эстетического вкуса.

План урока.

1. Игра в “случайность”
2. Программированная проверка домашнего задания.
3. Новые слова.
4. Круговая диаграмма
5. Повторение с расширением.
6. Фантастическая добавка.
7. Творческое задание.
8. Домашнее задание.



Let’s repeat the words and play the game “Игра в случайность”. Choose the card, read and answer!

1. Do you live in a town?
2. Do you live in a house or in a flat?
3. Is there a kitchen in your house?
4. Is your kitchen large?
5. Is there a dinning-room in your flat?
6. Are there five rooms in your flat?
7. Is there a sofa in your sitting-room?
8. Is there a fire-place in your country-house?
9. Is the fire-place upstairs or downstairs?
10. Where do you cook?
11. Where do you sleep?
12. Do you like your flat?

– Good!  Thank you!


– And now oral program questioning! Take card 1 <Приложение 1> and choose the correct answer! This card is the program of right answers. Listen to me and mark the right answer!

1. Many English families live in:

a) flats
b) their own houses
c) the country

2. A bathroom is:

a) downstairs
b) upstairs
c) near the kitchen

3. What makes the sitting-room comfortable?

a) flowers
b) a fire-place
c) a carpet

4. What do English people usually do in their sitting-room?

a) have tea
b) listen to music
c) play chess

5. English people like their homes because:

a) there are many flowers in them
b) there are many rooms in them
c) there is no place like home

– Now, children, look at the blackboard and check up your program!
– Stand up who has no mistakes! Your mark is five!
– Stand up who has one mistake! Your mark is four!
– Good! Well done! What was the aim of this task?


– Today we’ll learn some new words on our topic. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me!

a curtain
in the middle of

– Repeat after me again! Read the words! Let’s play the game “Snow-baIl”. Thank you! Now you know the words well!


– Look at the plan of the room <Приложение 2> and say what furniture there is in the room and where it is! Circular diagram!

There is a bookcase near the door. —  There is an arm-chair near the bookcase. — There is a fire-place near the aim-chair. — There is a window near the fire-place. — There is a desk near the window. — There is a TV-set near the desk. — There is a sofa near the TV-set. — There is a carpet near the sofa. — There is a table in the middle of the room. — There chairs near the table. —There is a mirror on the wall near the sofa.

– Thanks for your work! Sit down! Now let’s repeat some words. We’ll need them soon for broadening of our topic. Look; listen and repeat!

to be ill
first aid kit
to hurt smth .


– Look at the plan of the room again and answer the questions!

1. What kind of room is this?
2. What geometrical forms do the things in the room have?
3. Can you find the area of this room? Find it if the length is 5 meters and the width is 3 meters? What is the answer?
4. Are there any flowers in the room?
5. Why do we grow flowers in our flats?
6. Why do we have first aid kit at home?
7. Are there any books in the bookcase?
8. Do you like to read?
9. What Russian writers do you know?
10.Who is your favourite writer?
11. Have you got any English books at home?

– Very well! Thank you! Let’s go on! Daily Dozen!


– Imagine that your friend has got a new flat. It’s interesting for you to know about it! Make up a dialogue! Use card № 2! <Приложение 3> Work in pairs! I give you 2 minutes!

– Do you have a house or a flat?
– I have a house?
– Where is your house?
– My house is in Lenin Street.
– Is your house large or small?
– It’s large.
– How many rooms are there in your flat?
– There are 4 rooms and a kitchen in it
– Is your street quiet?
– Did you buy new furniture’?
– No, we didn’t. We only bought wonderful curtains and a lovely mirror. Come to my place on Sunday.

– Your time is up! Act out the dialogue! Your mark is ...! Thank you!


– Children, make groups in four! Take card № 3! <Приложение 4>.  Look at the pictures and find differences! Use the example! 2 minutes!

Example: There is one window in this room.
There are two windows in this room.


– Take card № 4 <Приложение 5> and make up a story about a room! Use there is (are)! Do it orally! 2 minutes!

– Your time is up! Ira, your story! Do you like Ira’s room?


– Open your day-books and write down your home task!

1. С. 135 ynp.22 — cлова (наизусть)
2. Начертить план своей комнаты, описать её (используя there is, there are) и вычислить её площадьюъ.



– Каким прилагательным из изученных нами слов вы могли бы оценить наш урок?

– Stand up, please! Thank you for the lesson! The lesson is over! Good-bye!