Открытый урок по домашнему чтению в 10-м классе с углубленным изучением английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


  • познакомиться с творчеством английского писателя Оскара Уайльда


  • познакомиться с различными понятиями эстетического плана на английском языке.

Задачи урока:


  • организовать устную тренировку учащихся по оперированию лексикой прочитанной сказки на основе речевых и языковых упражнений;
  • организовать устную тренировку новых лексических единиц;
  • организовать повторение грамматических конструкций, часто употребляемых в тексте сказки (степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий)
  • организовать краткий пересказ прочитанной сказки на основе предложенных опор.


  • развивать у учащихся умение находить главные “вехи” в тексте и, опираясь на них,
  • логически строить высказывание.

Средства обучения

  1. Текст сказки (книга для чтения “Сказки” Оскар Уайльд уровень “advanced” в старших классах средних школ, адаптация текста и упражнения Холхоевой Л.В.);
  2. Текст сказки в оригинале на экране;
  3. Дидактические раздаточные материалы с первой иллюстрацией к сказке, цитатой о Красоте и многоугольной звездой для работы с лексикой;
  4. Видеопроектор;
  5. Диск “Англоязычная библиотека” с оригинальным текстом.
Этап урока Ход урока Режим работы
1. Организационный момент






2. Начало урока




3. Основная часть



Pair work






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Individual work



















Summing up the lesson




Saying good-bye

1. Good afternoon! You may take your seats! I am very glad to see you today!

2. Introduction. Today we have a lesson of home reading. We start reading a new book. It is a collection of fairy tales by a well-known English writer Oscar Wilde. He is called the Prince of Paradox. Have you ever read his novels or fairy-tales in Russian? (students name Wilde’s famous tales and novels)

In the foreword of your books you have a short biography of O. Wilde. Let us describe the main events of the writer’s life (students discuss the life of the writer using the text)



3. At home you were to read the tale “The Happy Prince”.

How do you like it? Is it a sad story or is it a beautiful story? (students give their impression of the story)

Look at the papers you’ve got on your tables. This is the first picture, the first illustration for the tale made in 1888.

Here on the screen you’ve got the original version of the tale, you may compare it with your texts.

While looking at the texts and at the picture, let us describe the Happy Prince. Will you discuss it in pairs first?

Now let us sum up the description of the Happy Prince.

(A student or two describe the picture)

Before we start discussing the tale itself I want you to express the main idea of the tale. Do you agree that the main idea of the story is BEAUTY? There is a sentence about beautiful things, how do you understand it?

“Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope” (Те, кто способен узреть в прекрасном его высокий смысл, - люди культурные. Они не безнадежны. Но избранник – тот, кто в прекрасном видит лишь одно: Красоту1)

(Students give their understanding of the sentence).

Let us think and brainstorm ideas about beautiful things. (Students give their own ideas and write down the words that are associated with BEAUTY. Any variant is acceptable, students may name precious stones, feelings or things from the story they consider to be beautiful etc.)

The teacher draws this multi-angled star with the word BEAUTY in the centre and writes down the examples that the students suggest on the blackboard.

Let us recall the order of the events in the tale. Ex. 1 on page 14 will help you. You are to decide on the order of the events and put them in the proper order. (Students get ready for the retelling of the tale)

Let us check the order of the events.

It’s very important not to forget about grammar while retelling the story. Exercise 5 on page 18 helps us revise the degrees of comparison of adjectives

Let’s recall the main events of the tale. (Students give their own ideas and they may also use Ex. 1 on page 14)

  • The Statue of the Happy Prince stood high above the city
  • A little Swallow flew over the city one night
  • The Happy Prince asked the Swallow to stay for one night and be his messenger
  • The little Swallow and the Happy Prince helped people in the city
  • The little Swallow kissed the Happy Prince and fell dead at his feet
  • God asked His Angels to bring Him the two most precious things

While retelling the students should expand on these events and add more information to those sentences.

Will you give the summary of the tale. (Students give their retelling of the story.

Today we have discussed the first tale by Oscar Wilde.

Hope you have enjoyed it. Will you write the home assignment for the next lesson.

(The teacher gives the home assignment and finishes the lesson).

Thank you for the lesson and good-bye.



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St Cl



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St Cl






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St3 St4

St1 Cl



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St1, St2…



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St1 Cl



St1 Cl

St2 Cl






T Cl


St1 Cl

St2 Cl


1 Перевод М. Абкиной