Открытый урок по иностранному языку по теме "Характер"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Предметная цель: Создать условия для введения и отработки новой лексики по теме характер.

Цель, ориентированная на развитие личностных качеств: Содействовать формированию коммуникативной культуры, развивать умение работать с готовой презентацией с целью извлечения информации.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Готовая презентация учителя. (Приложение 2)
  2. Фотографии \календарь астрологический\, маршрутный лист. (Приложение 1)
  3. Тренажер для учеников. (Приложение 3)
  4. Словари.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

  1. Рапорт дежурного.
  2. Беседа о теме и плане урока.

Teacher: Look at the picture and guess what the topic of our lesson is, what we are going to speak about.

What is the topic of our lesson?

S1: The topic is “Character. Star sign”

T: You are right. We are going to speak about Person character. Traits of character. Today we are going to listen to your stories about people’s appearance. Then we are going to speak traits of character. After that we’ll work with calendar, read new information about character, study many new words. We’ll read and discuss and do some tasks on the texts. And at last we’ll know the star sign of our classmates.

Is everything clear?
Let’s start our lesson.

2. Сообщения студентов по теме домашнего задания.

T: First, your stories. Show your pictures and tell your stories.

S1: “The appearance of my elder brother ”.

He is tall, he is thin. He has black, wavy hair, blue eyes, straight nose and square chin. He has sharp features.

S2: “The Appearance of my mum”.

She is not very tall, she is plump,she is blond. She has blue eyes and long eyelashes, turned up nose, pink lips. She has an oval face. She is beautiful.

S3: “The Appearance of my dad”.

My dad is short. He has wide shoulders,because he is strong. He hasn’t an athletic figure. He has a plenty of smile and his face is kind.

3. Беседа о внешности и характере людей.

T: Let’s speak.

What can you say of Ksyusha’s brother?

S2: -I think, he is clever.

T.- And what does he look like?

S3: - He looks like Ksyusha.

S12:- Yes, her hair is also black.

T.- Does Tanya look like her mother?

S4: -Yes, Tanya’s eyes are also blue.

S5. I think she is a beautiful girl too.

S12.- You are right.

S9: - What does Nastya’s father look like?

S10:- He is strong man with a good smile.

T.-Does she look like her father?

S11: -Nastya is tall and slim girl.

T: But she is as kind as her father.

-Is a word “kind” means appearance?

S6.- No it is a character.

T.-Today we talk about our character. But what influences your character. Read information about your star sign. Find new words, translate them and write down in your own vocabulary.

Работа с упр.1 \учитель предлагает детям маршрутные листы, где в первом задании предлагается им выбрать свой знак по гороскопу, прочитать и выписав новые слова из текста, перевести их по словарю, перевод сравнить с ключом, данным в учительской презентации\

Презентация с ключом демонстрируется через проектор. (Приложение 2)

Выполнение упр. 2.

T: Let’s do them and discuss your results.\обсудите результаты гороскопа используя речевые клише \ I agree that I am…

But I don’t agree that I am…

S7.-I agree that I am lazy. But I don’t agree that I am talkative.

S8.- I agree that I am friendly but I don’t agree that I am bossy.

Работа по маршрутному листу с тренажером, результаты заносят в маршрутный лист.

Домашнее задание: на выбор составить кроссворд с использованием новой лексики, сделать астрологический календарь для членов семьи.