Литературно-музыкальная композиция по английскому языку "Som Words About Love"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Цель: познакомить учащихся с произведениями английских писателей.

Сопутствующие задачи:

  1. Практиковать учащихся В практическом применении английского языка;
  2. Автоматизация лексических единиц по теме конкретной ситуации;
  3. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
  4. Развитие навыков аудирования;
  5. Развитие творческих способностей учащихся

Образовательная задача: расширить знания учащихся  о традициях страны изучаемого языка научить воспринимать произведения в оригинале.

Воспитательная задача: способствовать привитию интереса к предмету иностранный язык. Воспитывать эстетический вкус у учащихся.

Оформление сцены:

Сцена 1.

Тронный зал. Занавеси убраны цветами.

Под музыку выходят весенние месяцы. Март – с зеленой веточкой. Апрель-с подснежниками. Май-с любыми весенними цветами.

Сцена 2.

Королева цветов Роза сидит на троне. Ее платье зеленого цвета, вокруг шеи и на голове — розы из красного материала. У Подснежника — зеленая юбочка и белая кофточка; на голове белая шапочка, похожая на цветок. У Фиалки — зеленая юбочка, кофточка светло-фиолетовая и такая же шапочка. У Лютика — зеленая юбочка, желтая кофточка и желтая шапочка. Колокольчик одет в голубую кофточку и голубую бумажную шапочку в форме колокольчика. Василек — в кофточку и шапочку василькового цвета. Подсолнух же ярко-желто-оранжевый. Его надо сделать отличным от Лютика с помощью цветка подсолнуха (или крупной цветной фотографии такого же цветка) на голове.

Во дворце королевы цветов Розы собрались разные цветы, чтобы решить, кому когда появляться на земле. К Розе по очереди подходят разные цветы, рассказывают о себе, а она дает каждому из них имя и говорит, когда появляться на земле.

Затем все выходят и становятся полукругом вокруг Розы, лицом к зрителям. Лютик декламирует стихотворение, все поют и танцуют. Королева Роза оставляет на краю сцены цветок.

Сцена 3.

На стуле сидит дочь профессора в вечернем платье, в руках у нее зеркало. Выходит студент с книгой в руках, «находит» розу. Подходит с ней к дочери профессора, становится на колено. Она высокомерно с ним разговаривает, а уходя, выбрасывает розу.

Сцена 4.

Балкон, на сцене свет, имитирующий лунный. Ромео и Джульетта одеты в костюмы средних веков.

Сцена 5.

Золушка, белокурая девочка с приятным лицом, одета в простенькое платьице. На мачехе— пышное платье; на голове шляпа с пером, на ногах туфли на среднем каблуке, в левой руке сумочка, правой она по ходу действия берет веер. Сестры в нарядных платьях сидят в креслах. Все трое высокомерно разговаривают с Золушкой, которая покорно выполняет все их распоряжения Когда они уходят, Золушка опускается на стул и плачет закрыв лицо руками. Ее плечи вздрагивают. Появляется добрая фея - белокурая девочка в длинном светлом платье с капюшоном, украшенным мишурой. В руке у нее палочка с вмонтированной на конце лампочкой от карманного фонаря. Лампочка соединяется проводом с батарейкой, спрятанной в рукаве. Гаснет свет на сцене. Соединив контакты, добрая фея взмахивает волшебной палочкой. Из-за сцены ей выбрасывают белое бальное платье и незаметно подают туфельки, которые она быстро передает Золушке.

Зажигается свет. Поклонившись, фея на цыпочках, мелкими шажками удаляется со сцены.

Сцена 6.

Благородные дамы в пышных нарядах расположились в креслах. В центре сидит на возвышении королева (или король) в особенно пышном платье. На голове у нее корона, изготовленная из картона, стеклянных елочных украшений и мишуры. В руках у дам веера. Принц - высокий, стройный ученик в светлом камзоле и коротких, выше колен, шароварах. Рукава рубашки можно сделать с буфами. Короткий плащ-накидка застегивается на груди пряжкой. Слева, на поясе, короткая шпага. К туфлям прикреплены пряжки. Принц танцует с дамами мазурку или полонез. Среди танцующих сестры: одна в белом, другая в голубом платье. Входит Золушка в белом бальном платье и красивых светлых туфельках. Принц с поклоном приглашает ее танцевать.

Ход праздника

The leader - Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to see you at our party. Do you know, why are you here today? Because sun is shining, because flowers are blossoming and spring is coming everywhere. And as you know spring, is time for love. And we want to tell you some true love stories today. But first of all I want to ask you one question. What spring months do you know?

-March, April and May.

- Yes you are right. And so let's begin our story.


Выходят 3 ученика одетые месяцами весны.

Сцена 1.

P1: - I'm March. I bring to you the first flowers and green grass.

Little red bird in the tree,
Sing a song so cheerily,
Pass the happy news along
Pass the happy news along
Listen to the red beard's song
Spring is coming? Winter's gone!
Pass the happy news along!

P2: - My name is April. I bring new leaves and the bird's songs to people.

Spring is coming,
I can feel it,
How soft, is the morning air?
Birds are singing,
Birds are peeping
Life and joy are everywhere.

P3: - I'm the youngest spring month and my name is May.

When it is May
We play and sing,
We are all gay
We greet the spring!

P1: My dear brothers, it is time to think about our gifts for people

P2:1 think, they'll be beautiful flowers.

P3: You are right, my brother, and the queen among them will be Rose!


Сцена 2.

(Выходит королева-роза. Месяцы кланяются ей и провожают на трон. Под музыку «Вальс Цветов» выбегают девочки наряженные цветами)

Snowdrop: I am a nice little flower in a white dress. I have no smell.

Rose: your name will be a Snowdrop. You will be the first flower in spring. People will like you very much.

Violet: I'm a spring flower, too. My dress is violet. I'm very nice, as you see.

Rose: Your name is Violet. You'll come after the Snowdrop, a little later, when there is no snow in the fields.

Buttercup: I'm a little flower. I'm dressed in a nice yellow dress. I like the sun, I
like when it is warm.

Rose: Then you must, come in summer, when it's warm and the sun shines all day long. Your name will be Buttercup.

Bluebell: I'm blue like the sky, and my dress is like a bell. I like the sun too.

Rose: Oh, I know, your name will be Bluebell. You will make the fields beautiful.

Corn- flower: My color is blue, too. I make the fields beautiful, but I make the harvest not very rich.

Rose: Your name my beautiful one, will be Corn- flower. People will see you in the fields all the summer.

Well, my dear flowers. Now you have your names spring and summer will come here soon, and your must be ready to come together with them: first the Snowdrop, then the Violet. After them Buttercup, and the Bluebell and then the Com- flower.

Now let us sing and dance.


Buttercups, buttercups,
Oh, the nicest flowers,
Coming in the spring time
To tell of sunny houses
When the fields are bare
Buttercups, buttercups
Spring up here and there.

(уходят оставляя на сцене розу)

Song- «Tis springtime». (Приложение 1)

P4: How beautiful season is spring, how beautiful her gifts. And the most, beautiful gift of the nature is Rose - the queen of flowers, and the symbol of love. Do you remember, that little brown bird by O.Wild that paid her life for only one, red rose.

Music. (пение соловья)

Сцена 3.

Nightingale: Be happy, be happy! You shall have your red rose. I'll build it out of music by moonlight and stain it with my own hearts - blood. All that I ask of you in return it that- you will be a true lover, for love is wiser, and mightier than Power, thought, he is mighty. Flame - colored are his wings, and colored like flame is his body. His lips axe sweet as honey, and his breath is like frankincense.

Student: (подбирает розу) Why, what, wonderful piece of luck! Here is a red rose. I have never seen any rose like it in all my life. It's so beautiful that I'm sure it has a long Latin name.(подходит к дочери профессора)

- You said, that you would dance with me if I brought you a red rose. Here is the reddest rose in all the world, you will wear it tonight to your heart, and as we dance together it will tell you how I love you.

Daughter of the professor: I'm afraid it will not go with my dress, and besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost, far more than flowers.

Student: Well upon my world, you are very ungrateful

Daughter of the professor: - Ungrateful! The tell you what you are very rude And after all who you? Only a student. I don't believe; you have even got silver buckles to your shoes, as the Chamberlain’s nephew has.

Student: - What a silly thing Love is. It is and not half as useful as Logic, for it does not prove anything and it's always telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true.


-My love-

Leader: Is it really love so silly thing? I don't think so, as didn't think our heroes Romeo and Juliet.


Сцена 4.

(Сцена на балконе)


O blessed, blessed night! I'm afeard,
Being in night, all this is but a dream,
Too flattering - sweet to be substantial


Three words, dear Romeo, and good-night indeed
If that thy bent of love be honorable,
Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow,

Nurse: Madam!


I come, anon. - But if thou mean' st not well,
I do beseech thee,-

Nurse: Madam!


By and by;I come:-
To cease thy suit, and leave me to my grif:
To - morrow will I send.

Romeo: So thrive my soul, -

Juliet: A thousand times good - night!


A thousand times the worse to want thy light.
Love goes to ward love, as schoolboys from their books.
But love from love, toward school with heavy looks.


Hist! Romeo, hist! O! For a falconer's voice,
To lure this tassel - gentle back again.


It is my soul that calls upon my name:
How siler - sweet sound lover's tongues by night,
Like softest music to attending ears!

Juliet: Romeo!

Romeo: My dear!

Juliet: At what o'clock to-morrow shall I send to thee?

Romeo: At the hour of nine.


I will not fail, 'tis twenty years till then.
Good night, good night!
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
That I shall say, good- night till it be morrow.


Sleep dwell upon thine eyes,
peace in thy breast!
Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest!

Song. My dream.

Leader- For never was a story of more woe.

That this of Juliet and her Romeo. Of course, it was a very sad love story. But I know another that has a happy end.

Do you remember a little girl named Cinderella? We don't know when she met her prince, but I'm sure it was in spring.

Сцена 5.

(Утро. Дом Золушки)

Cinderella: Good morning, Daddy, dear!

Father: Good morning, my child. How are you today?

Cinderella: Fine, Daddy, and you?

Father: Oh, I'm OK, but, my child.

Cinderella: Yes, Daddy?

Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you doing? You are not working?

Father: But...

Stepmother: Work, girl, work. Make the breakfast, I'm hungry.

Cinderella: Yes, stepmother.

Stepmother: And you Basil, what are you doing? Helping the girl?

Father: Er - no...

Stepmother: My daughters are coming down and they want their want their breakfast, too.

Cinderella: Good morning, sister.

Pat: Good morning, Mummy, dear.

Stepmother: And how are you today, Pat, dear?

Pat: Terrible, terrible.

Stepmother: Oh, dear.

Cinderella: Good morning, sister.

Stepmother: Oh good morning, my child.

Liz: Morning.

Stepmother: And how are you today?

Liz: Terrible.

Stepmother: Oh, dear, you too?

Liz: Oh, my head..., my teeth, ouch.


P1 - Ball, ball, it will be ball today!

P2 - The invitation card to Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters.

Pat: Oh, how wonderful. I want a beautiful white evening dress and blue hat, and white shoes.

Liz: And me, too. I want a beautiful blue evening dress, blue shoes and a white hat.

Cinderella: And me, too. I can't wear these old clothes. I want some new clothes.

Pat: You

Liz: You

Cinderella: Yes, me.

Pat: No, you can't go to the ball.

Liz: Oh, no you can't.

Stepmother: Oh, yes she can.

Pat: What?

Liz: What?

Stepmother: Of course she can. But first there's some work for you to do. Make beds, buy food, plant roses, wash my clothes...
Pat: Wash my clothes.

Liz: And my clothes!

Pat: Wash my dress!

Liz: And my dress!

Pat: My stockings!

Liz: My socks!

Stepmother: And only then you can go to the ball. Come my babies! Basil!!!

Cinderella: Oh, no! I can’t do all that today! How can I go to the ball now?!

Song «My Bonnie». (Приложение 1)

Fairy: I can help you, Cinderella.

Cinderella: But who are you?

Fairy: I'm your Fairy Godmother, Cinderella. I can do things for you. Now tell me, what's your problem?

Cinderella: I cannot go to the ball. I have neither a beautiful dress, nor shoes.

Fairy: My dear, I'll help you and you will go to the ball. Here is a white dress and here are glass slippers for you. But remember you must go home at twelve o'clock.

Cinderella: Thank you very much!

Сцена 6.


King: Why are you sitting?

Prince: I don't like dancing.

Queen: Look at this girl, she is beautiful.

Prince: Oh, no.

Queen: Look at that one.

Prince: Oh, no mum.

Queen: Who is that young girl?

King: How beautiful she is!

Prince: May I dance with you?

Cinderella: With great pleasure.

Prince: You are so beautiful.

Leader: Let's me interrupt the action at this moment. Here we can see a birthday of a new true and happy love. And of course, you all remember the end of this story.

Queen: They'll be married and be happy.

Leader: You are right my Queen. They'll be happy.

And today I wish you all be happy in your love. And please say your sweat -hearts just three words that always new. "I love you!"

Song – “I just call to say I love you”.