Открытый урок по теме "The Man in the World of Disasters" в 8-м классе школы с углубленным изучением английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основная цель: способствовать формированию у учащихся представления о глобальных катастрофах захватывающих ценности; извлечение важной информации из прочитанного, прослушанного и увиденного материала.


1) уметь высказываться по прослушанному и увиденному материалу;

2) совершенствовать навыки аудирования;

3) развить умение правильно использовать материал;

4) развивать умение диалогической речи.

Ход урока

I.Вступительная часть

1) Организационный момент.

Hello! Nice to meet you. Our today’s lesson will be devoted to the discussion of the disasters of the world. The topic of our lesson is “The man in the world of Disasters”.

2) Работа с лексикой.

Unfortunately, the fact is that the life of people nowadays is full of disasters. Very few are the days when news reporters don’t mention them. Let us check which of them you remember.

a) Pupils brainstorm the following:

fire flood
volcanic eruption car crash
train crash avalanche
earthquake shipwreck
plane crash drought
explosion hurricane

b) The disasters you have named can be divided into two groups.

Can you tell me what these groups are (man-made and natural)

c) Which of them are natural disasters?

d) Which of them are man-made disasters?

e) Well done. The next task will be on the cards. Your task is to match the words meaning disasters to their descriptions.

Card # 1. Match the words with their definitions.

shipwreck flames and heat from something that is burning in an uncontrolled way
drought a sudden shaking movement of the ground
fire a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before
storm an occasion when something bursts with a lot of force and loud noise often causing damage
avalanche a violent storm with extremely strong winds
hurricane an accident in which ship is destroyed during a journey, usually because it hits rocks
flood a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain
explosion a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live
earthquake an occasion when a lot of rain or snow falls very quickly, often with very strong winds or thunder and lightning

f) the following task is on Card #2. You are to fill in these words in the sentences.

Card # 2. Fill in the gaps with the word

  1. The coastline of Jamaica was destroyed last night when a __________ swept through the area.
  2. During the __________in the Southwest of England the river Severn burst its banks and a young man drowned.
  3. Three people were lost at sea after a mysterious __________which happened last Sunday.
  4. Damaged rail tracks resulted in a terrible _____ _____ late Tuesday night.
  5. An __________ struck the town yesterday evening and several buildings collapsed.
  6. There was a sudden __________and the entire building burst into flames.
  7. A terrifying _____ _____was caused when a pilot lost control.
  8. Careless smoking caused a disastrous __________in an apartment building on Friday afternoon in the centre of Boston.
  9. A group of skiers were skiing down the hill when suddenly an __________began.
  10. II. Основная часть

1. Аудирование.

Thank you, it was good of you. The next task is connected with listening. You are going to listen to four people talking about disasters.

  1. Your task is to decide which of the disasters they’re talking about
  2. You’re going to listen to the same people again and choose the best answer – a, b or c on your card 3. You have 20 seconds to read the question.

Card #3

1. Paul is talking about …

A. a car crash

B. a plane crash

C. a house fire

2. Olivia was grateful to Stephen …

A. because he controlled her

B. for his sailing skills

C. for not being scared

3. How does the woman react to the man’s advice?

A. gratefully

B. doubtfully

C. ironically

4. How does the woman feel now?

A. happy that she survived

B. still frightened

C. upset because her house was destroyed

2. Беседа с учащимися.

It was nice. From the numerous examples we can see that people often find themselves in very dangerous situations connected with disasters, both natural and man-made. People from the town of Gloucester find themselves in dangerous situations quite more often. Why? What do most of them do? (They are fishermen)

Yes, you are right; we’ve learnt it from the book that we have read recently – “The Perfect Storm” by Sebastian Junger. We’re going to remember the events of the book, to watch some episodes from the film “The Perfect Storm” and to imagine ourselves the participants of the events.

  1. Who is the term a perfect storm used by? (by meteorologists)
  2. What is a perfect storm according to the author of the book, Sebastian Junger?
  3. On the board you can see the map of the places in the story. Which weather systems collided?
  4. What kind of books did we come across? (sword fishing boats)
  5. Why are antennas and radio important on boats?
  6. What is EPIRB?

3. Работа с видео эпизодами фильма.

That was nice.

  1. We are going to watch an episode from the film “The Perfect Storm”. I want you to listen to the meteorologist and try to catch what he says about the rarity of this disaster. And if you are especially attentive, try to catch what he calls such a disaster.
  2. Another episode form the film is for you. You will see Linda Greenlaw. She was the captain of the boat “Hannah Boden”.

Try to answer the following questions:

What did Linda call a monster?

Why did she repeat “May Day” several times?

What does “May Day” mean?

4.  Диалогическая речь. Пресс-конференция.

Very good! The next task is one of the most complicated. We are going to have a press-conference. At home you had to prepare questions for it. We’ll choose two people who will be interviewed. One of them is Mr. Carter, a representative of the American Coast Guard, and the other person is Karen Stimpson. Who was she? (Pupils: She was among the survivors from the yacht “Satori”)

Imagine that the events happened about two weeks ago , and you’re interested in details.

(The students draw lots’ and choose ‘Mr. Carter’, and ‘Ms.Stimpson’. They sat in the front and the students ask them questions about the events).


Where was the yacht “Satori” located at the moment of rescuing?

What were the problems with rescuing the crew ot the yacht?

Who took part in rescuing people who suffered in the perfect storm?

5. Защита проектов. Проверка долгосрочного домашнего задания.

Well done. Another home assignment was your projects. It was a long-term task. You have had to prepare projects on the disasters which happened in our region (in our republic)

The students protect the projects on the following topics:

  1. A disastrous explosion at the railway on June 3, 1989 near the town of Ulu- Telyak.
  2. The floods of the Belaya river in Ufa in 2005.
  3. The fire at Novo-Ufimskii oil –refining plant.

The students represent their projects according to the following plan:

  1. Type of a disaster
  2. Time and place
  3. What exactly happened
  4. Cause
  5. The number of people who died
  6. The number of injured people

III.Заключительная часть

  1. Выставление оценок.
  2. The teacher discusses the work done by the students and evaluates it.

  3. Домашнее задание.

To prepare questions on the projects which you hears at the lesson, to be ready to answer the questions on the projects.