Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке "Новогоднее конфетти"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

1. Подготовка мероприятия.

Мероприятие “New Year Confetti” (“Новогоднее конфетти”) приурочено к празднованию католического рождества и нового года. Оно проводится в форме соревнования между двумя командами, состоящими из учащихся старших классов. Конкурсы чередуются выступлениями учеников любых возрастов. Это позволяет сделать мероприятие общешкольным и даже провести его в форме соревнования между школами. Дети заранее готовят номера, участникам же соревнований необходимо разучить финальную песню группы “Абба”, т.к. знание слов нужно для последнего конкурса, повторить материал о традициях, связанных с празднованием данных праздников.

Мероприятие ведут девушка и юноша (далее именуемые В1 и В2) из старших классов. Заблаговременно украшается класс, готовятся карточки к заданию о пословицах, два текста песни “С новым годом”, разрезанным на отдельные фразы, а также надписи для конкурса “Правда или неправда”.

Жюри состоит из учителей иностранного языка, незаинтересованных в победе какой-либо команды, а также представителей администрации школы. Жюри выставляет оценки за каждый конкурс и определяет победителя и активных, сообразительных игроков.

Цели мероприятия: расширение знаний о традициях Великобритании, развитие познавательных интересов учащихся, повышение мотивации изучения английского языка.

2. Сценарий.

В1 - Hello, dear friends. We are glad to see you.

В2 - We want you to learn more about Christmas and New Year celebration in Great Britain.

В1 - We are going to sing, recite poems and play much. So enjoy yourselves.

В2 - We have two teams today. They are going to show their knowledge in British traditions. Тhe winner is getting a prize.

В1 - Let us start our party with one of the most popular songs in the world “Jingle Bells” (см. Приложение 1). ( Песню поют учащиеся 4-х классов).

В2 - It’s great. Thank you. Now we have a good mood to start our quiz “Christmas and New Year Traditions”. Remember everything you know about Christmas and New Year.

В1 - Each team is given one question in turn. If the team fails to answer it other one can try to do it. A right answer gives one point. (Ведущий 2 читает вопросы, а команды отвечают по очереди. Вместе с вопросами даны приблизительные ответы).

  1. When is Christmas celebrated? It is celebrated on the 25th of December.
  2. What do people celebrate? They celebrate the birth of Christ.
  3. What do people send each other during winter holidays? They send greeting cards to their relatives and friends.
  4. What do they wish their relatives and friends? People wish A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
  5. How do people decorate their houses? Most people decorate their houses with brightly- coloured paper or holly and they usually have a Christmas tree.
  6. Where do people put the presents? Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long stocking at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve hoping that Father Christmas will bring them small presents, fruit and nuts.
  7. What is traditional Christmas food? Usually people have a big turkey and Christmas pudding for dinner.
  8. What are traditional Christmas colours? Traditional Christmas colours are green and red.
  9. Is New Year as widely celebrated as Christmas in Great Britain? No, it isn’t. Some people even ignore it.
  10. Do you know any traditions connected with the New Year? There is a funny tradition connected with the New Year: the First Foot. This is the first visitor to enter a house on New Year’s morning. He is a person of great importance. The First Foot must be a man because it is believed that a woman brings bad luck. He must carry food, drink and coal into the house.

В2 - Let us enjoy ourselves. Listen to some poems about winter and winter holidays. (Стихотворения рассказывают ученики 4-6 классов).

Christmas Message. (H.W. Longfellow)
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men. [5]

New Year.
New things to learn,
New friends to meet,
New songs to sing,
New joys to greet.
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do,
In this glad New Year. [1]

The snowflakes are falling
By one’s and by two’s,
There is snow on my coat
And snow on my shoes.
There is snow on the plants
And snow on the trees,
And snowflakes all round me
Like many white bees. [2]

В1 - Writing the New Year Resolutions is another tradition. Many people make such resolutions: they promise themselves to improve their business and health. Schoolchildren decide to do their best to study better and obey their parents and teachers.

В2 - Parents plan to work harder too. They also plan to save money, to give up smoking or drinking, to drive more carefully and so on. Let us make some of them. Each member of every team should write a resolution and fold the sheet of paper.

В1 - The team that will write more resolutions in 5 minutes and won’t repeat them will be the winner.

B1 - The girls have prepared a song “Mamma mia” by the group “Abba” (см. Приложение 1) that was very popular in 1970s all over the world. Enjoy it and dance with us. ( Песню исполняют ученицы 10-го класса под аккомпонемент или караоке).

В2 - OK. We hope you will improve your life next year. And now it’s time to play and check your reaction. The game is called “True and untrue”.

В1 - There are two chairs: one is “true” and the other is “untrue”. You will hear some statements and if it is true you will have to sit down on the “true” chair. If the statement is wrong you will have to run to the “untrue” chair. We need two players from different teams for one statement. More right answers give more points. (Ведущий1 читает утверждения, а участники пытаются быстро сесть на нужный стул.)


  1. It is snowing hard now. (Если снег идет на самом деле, то утверждение верное.)
  2. Queen is the head of state in Russia. (Untrue)
  3. Christmas is a religious holiday. (True)
  4. British week starts on Monday. (Untrue)
  5. It is summer now. (Untrue)
  6. There are 50 states in the USA. (True)
  7. Paris is the capital of Great Britain. (Untrue)
  8. British people are considered to be conservative. (True)
  9. Russia is a presidential republic. (True)
  10. Great Britain is an island. (True)
  11. Kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. (True)
  12. Big Ben is a mountain. (Untrue)
  13. The climate of Great Britain is mild. (True)
  14. The British are great tea-drinkers. (True)
  15. George Bush is a Russian president. (Untrue)
  16. British buses are double-deckers. (True)

В2 - British people are known to have a good sense of humor. Our children have prepared some scenes to demonstrate this. (Сценки разыгрывают ученики 7-9-х классов).

Scene 1.

Mary: Don’t bother me, Ben. I’m writing a letter to my girlfriend.

Ben: But why are you writing so slowly?

Mary: She can’t read very fast. [5]

Scene 2.

Teacher: You know, children, I think that it is always better to give than to take.

Nick: My father always does so.

Teacher: Very nice, Nick! Your father must be a very good man.
Nick: Well, he’s a boxer. [5]

Scene 3.

Junior: Dad, do you think you can write in the dark?

Dad: Of course, I can, Son.

Junior: Then turn off the light and sign my report card. [5]

В1 - Thank you. It was funny. Next task is called “Proverbial Problems”. There is word missing from each of these proverbs. Choose the correct one from the three possibilities. (Команды получают карточки с пословицами, в которых как можно быстрее заполняют пропуски.)


  1. An Englishman’s home is his… . (castle, security, palace)
  2. Let sleeping dog … . (dream, sleep, lie)
  3. Many … make light works. (servants, hands, cooks)
  4. It takes all sorts to make a … . (world, war, salad)
  5. Prevention is better than … . (cure, punishment, medicine)
  6. … is thicker than water. (coffee, blood, soup)
  7. A miss as good as a … . (mister, mile, wife)
  8. Birds of a … flock together. (family, cage, feather)
  9. It’s no use crying over … milk. (sour, spilt, tinned)
  10. … begins at home. (charity, learning, love) [3]

Ответы: 1.castle, 2.lie, 3.hands, 4.war, 5.cure, 6.blood, 7.mile, 8.feather, 9.spilt, 10.charity.

Русские эквиваленты вышеперечисленных пословиц.

  1. Мой дом – моя крепость.
  2. Не буди лиха, пока лихо спит.
  3. В коллективе работа спорится.
  4. На войне все средства хороши.
  5. Предупреждение лучше лечения.
  6. Свой своему поневоле брат. Свое дитя и горбато, да мило.
  7. Промах есть промах. Раз уж промахнулся, то уже все равно насколько.
  8. Два сапога – пара. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.
  9. Поздно плакать, когда молоко сбежало.
  10. Своя рубаха ближе к телу.[4]

В2 - We are a bit tired. Let us listen to the song “If you’re happy” (см. Приложение 1). You can sing with us and repeat the movements. (Песню поют ученики 2-х классов).

В1 - We are going to play again. The game is called “Scrambled Lines”. Each team is getting some pieces of paper with lines of the song “Happy New Year” that Abba sang. You should put the lines in the right order. The quickest team is the winner. The first team is having one couplet and the refrain and the second team is having the other couplet and the refrain.

В2 - We are finishing our party. We hope you have got much pleasure and fun. Let us sing a song “Happy New Year” (см. Приложение 1) together.

3. Подведение итогов.

В конце праздника вручаются призы и подарки команде-победителю и самым активным и сообразительным игрокам. Затем проводится рефлексия в форме обсуждения или в виде анкеты с вопросами:

  1. Понравился ли вам праздник?
  2. Что запомнилось больше всего?
  3. Что было неинтересным?
  4. Ваши пожелания на будущее.


  1. Иностранные языки в школе. №6, 1990г.
  2. Иностранные языки в школе. №1, 1991г.
  3. “О Британии вкратце”, книга для чтения на английском языке в старших классах средней школы, составители В.В. Ощепкова, И.И. Шустилова. Москва, “Просвещение”, 1993.
  4. “1340 английских пословиц и поговорок с русскими эквивалентами”. “Ибис”, Москва, 1992.
  5. “Английский язык. Интенсивный курс”. Т.Н. Игнатова, Москва, 1988.