Конспект открытого урока по теме: "Диалогизация учебного процесса на примере темы "Животные" (англ. язык, 5-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель урока:

Формирование навыка интонирования специальных вопросов и кратких ответов.

Задачи урока:

  • отработать интонацию краткого ответа;
  • отработать интонацию простого диалога без слов, разыгрывая роли;
  • составить свои короткие диалоги, соблюдая интонацию примера.


Картинки разных животных, веревочки, мяч, карточки с названиями животных, булавка, магнитофон, магниты, игрушки-животные, таблички для выполнения рефлексивного задания.

Оформление доски:

Левая часть: краткие ответы.

Средняя часть: дата, тема, план, диалог без слов.

Правая часть: схемы вопросов для игры, “мордашки” для последнего рефлексивного задания с английскими расшифровками.

Ход урока:

1. Warming

T: Can you guess the topic, looking at the blackboard?


Look at the today’s topic: “Intonation. Dialogues about animals”. You were right. We’re going to study intonation today. We’ll play, make up dialogues.

2. Phonetic exercises.

Which poems about animals do you remember? Let’s recite them!

“The Elephant”

The elephant is like a wall
He is broad and very tall
Upon his back ht has a ride
And swing and swang from side to side.

“A Wise Old Owl”

A wise old owl sat ina an oak.
The more he thought – the less he spoke.
The less he spoke – the more he thought.
Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?

“Two Pigeons”

I had two pigeons bright and gay.
They flew from me the other day.
What was the reason they did go?
I cannot say for I don’t know.

“Baa, baa, Black Sheep”

Baa, baa, Black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full.
One for the master and one for the dame
And one for the little girl who lives down the lane.

3. Which phrases do we use in a dialogue?

Class: - Questions and answers.

T: You can see the plan of the lesson on the blackboard. (to ennumerate)

T: Do you remember any short answers?

Class: Yes, we do. (children say the short answers, the teacher writes them on the board)

10. Absolutely!
9. Very, very much!
8. Yes, a lot!
7. Yes, I do!
6. It’s OK!
5. Sometimes.
4. Very little.
3. Not very much.
2. No, I don’t!
1. Definitely not!

- Now I will say the phrases at random, you will guess. (to draw the intonation pattern)

I see that you remember them well.

4. Questions and answers.

We’ll go to the next step of our leson.

Catch the ball and answer my questions.

- Are you funny?


- Do you like green?

(It’s OK.)

- Do you like apples?

(Yes, a lot!)...

Now you will ask and answer yourselves. One of you throws the ball and asks, the other catches and answers.

5. Role Playing without words.

Now we’ll play. Do you like playing?

(Absolutely!) Look at the board! What is it? (Ta-ta-ta) This is an English dialogue. Can you find short answers in these phrases?

We’ll do the next task, that you can see on the board.

  • to listen to the teacher
  • to read together
  • to read in pairs

Your task is the follwing: to act out the dialogues in pairs. Choose your partner with the help of strings. I have 4 strings. You will take the endings. Those who take the same strings will make a pair.


This time you have your partner. You will choose your role: a mother and a baby; an angry teacher and a pupil; two friends; two gentlemen. You have to act out this dialogue without any words but using only intonation. We shall guess who you are.

......................(preparing and acting out)

6. Making dialogues.

It’s time to find out the words of this dialogue and make your own ones.

(teacher erases “ta-ta-ta” and writes the words)

- Do you like whales?

- Yes, I do. What about you?

- Certainly. I like whales very much.

- Let’s read aloud together.

Make your own dialogues about other animals. Choose a toy and that will be the animal about which you will speak in pairs.


When a pair is telling a dialogue, the group stands up and is showing their intonation with a hand.

7. Game “Guess the animal”

The final task is a game. Look at the fifth item of the plan. We need a lot of animals. Name them in two teams. The team which says an animal the last will be the winner.

I’ve got some cards of animals. You can see their pictures on the board. Name them. Here are the rules of the game. One of you comes here and becomes an animal, that he has chosen without looking. He doesn’t know which, but the group knows. The pupil will guess by questions “Am I...?”, “Can I...?”, “Do I...?” The class will give short answers.

8. Reflexion

What did we do today at the lesson?

What interesting things did you learn?

Did you like the lesson? Come to the board and tick the face that reflects your opinion: absolutely, it’s o’k, definitely not.

..........(everyone comes and ticks)

Have a piece of paper to note which task you liked best.

  absolutely Yes, a lot It’s o’k Very little Definitely not
Short answers          
Questions and answers          
Role playing without words          
Making dialogues          
Game “Guess the animal”          

9. Conclusion

Thank you for your work. Your marks are... You may be free. Have a rest. Good bye!