- познавательная – знакомство с некоторыми особенностями Австралии и Новой Зеландии;
- развивающая – развитие самостоятельности, коммуникабельности, способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации;
- обучающая – формирование знаний, умений и навыков аудирования, чтения, письма и устной речи с использованием лексического и грамматического материала цикла;
- воспитательная – воспитание потребности и способности понимать образ жизни других народов, более глубокое осознание своей культуры.
Оборудование: компьютер, экран, проектор, магнитофон, карточки.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент: приветствие, сообщение темы урока.
2. Разминка:
а) словообразование – образовать с помощью суффиксов все возможные части речи от следующих слов: to predict (prediction, predictor, predictable, predictability, predicted), to submit (submission, submissive, submissively), mobile (mobility, to mobilize, mobilization), to commune (community, communal, to communicate, communicable, communication, communicative, communalism).
б) вспомнить и написать с данными слогами слова, отражающие черты характера людей: -ti-, -re-, -fi-, -ta- (patience, predictability, self-confidence, cautiousness, hospitable, skepticism, optimism, etc.). Составить и записать предложение с одним из этих слов.
3. Закрепление грамматического материала цикла – формальный, неформальный и нейтральный стили речи, формы вежливого вопроса.
Работа в парах – составление и разыгрывание диалогов по заданным ситуациям (на подготовку 2-3 минуты):
а) Make up a short dialogue about your friend who was absent at school using polite questions in informal situation.
b) Make up a short dialogue about the climate in Central Russia using polite questions in neutral situation.
c) Make up a short dialogue about time zones in the USA using polite questions in formal situation.
d) Make up a short dialogue about the national flag of the UK using polite questions in neutral situation.
e) Make up a short dialogue about the landscape typical of Britain using polite questions in formal situation.
4. Знакомство с некоторыми особенностями Австралии (Приложение 1):
а) вспомнить все, что уже знают об Австралии;
б) рассмотреть карту и фотографии Австралии, прочитать краткие сведения о стране и сказать, что из полученной информации было новым;
в) ответить на вопросы:
What is the official name of the country?
Why do you think Australia is called “The Lucky Country”?
Who were the first people in Australia?
Where is the sacred place of Australian aborigines?
What is the Great Barrier Reef made of?
Why do Australian children learn first aid for spider bites at school?
What are the things that show the British origins of the population of Australia?
How do Australians call the British?
5. Развитие навыков аудирования:
а) прослушивание текста о географическом положении, ландшафте и климате Новой Зеландии с опорой на карту страны <Рисунок 1>:
New Zealand
New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, and approximately 1600 kilometers east of Australia. Its nearest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga, all about the same distance away as Australia.
With a land area of 268,105 square kilometers, New Zealand is similar in size to Japan, Britain or Italy, and extends over a similar range of latitudes to California. There are two main islands, the North and South Islands, separated by Cook Strait, some 32 kilometers across its narrowest point. The country is 1600 kilometers from northern tip to southern extremity, with no part more than 120 kilometers from the surrounding ocean.
The landscape is notable for its variety and particularly its mountainous nature. The spectacular Southern Alps of the South Island, which rise amid permanent snowfields and many glaciers, include 19 peaks exceeding 3000 meters. A special feature of the North Island is the central volcanic region with three still active volcanic peaks and thermal activity featuring hot spring, geysers and boiling mud pools. Both major islands contain fertile low-land areas of pastoral land, large forests (natural and man-made), many sandy beaches and short, swift flowing rivers. These provide a valuable source of hydro-electric power.
Numerous lakes exist in both islands, with the larger North Island lakes situated on the volcanic central plateau and the major South Island lakes set in beautiful mountain scenery. On the south-west coast of the South Island high mountain ranges meet the ocean in a series of dramatic fiords.
Lying within the South Temperature Zone, New Zealand has an oceanic climate, without extremes of heat or cold. Most parts of the country enjoy ample sunshine and rainfall, although the weather is rather changeable. Seasons are reverse of the Northern Hemisphere, with temperatures generally higher in the north of the country, which experiences sub-tropical warmth in summer. Winter brings extensive snow falls in the Southern Alps.
б) выполнение заданий по карточкам:
I. Расставьте пункты плана в правильном порядке.
1. Area; 2. Terrain; 3. Location; 4. Climate.
II. Найдите правильные ответы на вопросы.
1. What are the nearest neighbors of New Zealand?
a) Australia;
b) New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga;
c) New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga and Australia.
2. Which of the following was not mentioned as a characteristic of the land?
a) mountainous nature;
b) volcanic region;
c) low-land areas of pastoral land;
d) very sandy.
3. The word “extreme” in the last passage most nearly means:
a) high level;
b) the furthest possible limit;
c) possibility.
Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.