Итоговый урок-проект "Books in my life" в 11-м классе в рамках изучения элективного курса по программе "Аналитическое чтение"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Образовательная цель: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Воспитательная цель: Развитие творческой активности и мышления учащихся, воспитание толерантности друг к другу.

Практическая цель: Выработка умений и навыков вдумчиво читать и понимать художественные тексты в единстве его содержания и формы.

Методы обучения: проектно-исследовательский метод, коммуникативный метод, эмоционально-деятельный метод, личностно-ориентированный подход.

Оснащение урока:

1. Портреты великих английских и американских писателей.

2. Выставка с проектными работами учащихся.

3. Выставка произведений великих английских и американских писателей.

4. Карточки с высказываниями великих людей о чтении.

5. Аудиозапись стихотворения”If” by Kipling.

6. Видео-интервью учащихся и преподавателей “Что вы любите читать?”

7. Стенгазеты и коллажи учащихся о любимых писателях.

Последовательность выполнения проекта:

1. Целеполагание (определение темы, выбор рабочих групп).

2. Планирование (анализ проблемы, выдвижение гипотез).

3. Выполнение (поиск информации, выполнение и оформление проекта).

4. Защита проекта (представление результатов проектирования, оценка результатов).

Ход урока

Student 1

The world of books is enormous. Many people are fond of reading and their interests are different. “Tastes differ”, they say. One can enjoy reading romantic novels but another one thinks it is boring. At the same time, he gets absorbed in reading a thrilling story or a whodunit and finds it an exciting pastime.

Student 2

As Somerset Maugham said: “There are books of all kinds. Volumes of verse, philosophical works, critical studies (they say books about books are useless, but they certainly make very pleasant reading), biographies, history, there are books to read when you are ill, and books to read when your brain wants something to work at, there are books that you have always wanted to read, but in the hurry of life at home have ever found time to, there are books to read at sea, there are books chosen solely for their length, which you take along when you have to travel light, and there are no books you can read when you can read nothing else.

Student 1

And now dear friends let us know about your literary preferences.

What books do you like reading? I, for example, am an addict of popular fiction, especially on holiday, or even every day, because I find it much more enthralling than my school books.

So answer please, what books do you prefer to read and what writers are you fond of.

Student 2

As the saying says, “Tastes differ”. We asked the same question our teachers and students. Let’s watch video episodes and listen to their opinions on reading. (video-episode).

Student 1

As you see, despite the increase in TV watching, reading is still an important leisure activity nowadays. Some books become very popular and are bestsellers.

Student 2

It is rather difficult to give an advice on reading. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested”.

Can there be an “advice better than that”. This quotation tells you how to read books of different kinds. I suppose most romantic novels “are to be tasted”: it’s enough to dip into them and read leisurely. If you’re fond of crime stories, you’ll read them quickly, you’ll swallow them. And then, there are books that you’ll read slowly and carefully. If a book is on an important subject, and a subject you’re interested in, you will want to chew and digest it. And you will want to weigh what the author says and consider his ideas and arguments.

Student 1

Fortunately there are many sorts of books. We may choose books according to our tastes. And today we are going to speak about our favorite English and American writers.

Ernest Hemingway – as you know, he is a master of short stories. The short story is characterized with brevity; t usually gives only a glimpse of life and characterized by incompleteness. It often deals with one crucial event or psychological moment from which the reader is intended to infer a wider reality.

Student 3 – Hemingway’s biography and a short summary of “The old man and the Sea”.

Student 2

Another popular genre is detective fiction (also commonly known as “whodunit” – who has done it, because it is centered on a famous detective’s investigation of a crime (usually murder) which leads to the discovery of the criminal responsible.

2. Student4. –Edgar Allan Poe and his “The Raven and other Poems”.

Student 1

The history of detective fiction starts in the 19th century. Edgar Allan Poe invented Dupin, a brilliant detective, accompanied by a devoted friend who narrates the story of Dupin’s investigation in “The Murders of the Rue Morgue” (1841). In the late 1880s Arthur Conan Doyle introduced his Sherlock Holmes, who was to become the greatest of all fictional detectives, along with his loyal companion Dr Watson.

3. Student 5. –My favourite personages-Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Student 2

Science fiction is the genre which deals with the impact scientific discoveries and technological progress may have on the future of mankind. It expresses the ambivalent attitude men have always had towards science and technology. The main sources of inspiration for science fiction are in the following areas: nuclear power; space travel; medical discoveries; computer science.

4. Student 6. –My favourite English writer –Herbert Wells and a summary of “The Time Machine”.

Student 1

Of course you’ve heard about Harry Potter and “Lord of the Rings”. They are heroes of the fictional world. To understand fully how the word of the story (place, time and characters), that is fictional world, comes to life you have to pay attention to the narrative techniques, through which it has been created, and the effects these techniques are meant to achieve. When dealing with characters you will need to remember that they are not real people but they exist only in the world of fiction.

5. Students 7 and 8. -A story report of “Harry Porter”and “The Lord of the Rings”.

Student 2

Sometimes, when I’m in a bad mood, I like to read funny stories in order to raise it. My favorite funny story is “Three Men in a Boat”, that describes us really incredible adventures of three Englishmen who went traveling along the river Thames. They were very stupid, so that traveling was a real trial for them. I can’t help laughing reading it.

6. Student 9. -My favourite personages from “Three Men in a Boat”.

There are a lot of anecdotes about Mark Twain. Here are some of them.

7. Anecdotes from students 10 and 11.

Student 1

Poetry is a word of Greek origin. It comes from a verb that means “to make”, “to create”. A poem is something made or created. The poet is the creator and the language is the material out of which he creates his work of art.

The precise origins of poetry are unknown. It is a very ancient art which was born as an oral form and accompanied by simple music and dance. It expressed what people regarded as meaningful and memorable in their lives: natural disasters; births and deaths; brave actions; dangerous enemies, battles, etc. Poets and listeners enjoyed playing with words, choosing and arranging them to produce music and meaning.

(A tape-recorder: ‘If’ by R. Kipling)

Student 2

Today poems exist in printed form, but the careful choice and arrangement of words still account for the unique quality of the poetry. Like other literary works poetry is made up of words. But what is special about poetry? A good start to answering the question is to consider what poetry concerned with: poems.

Students read poems by famous poets R. Burns, H. Longfellow, W. Shakespeare.

Student 1

And now dear friends pay attention to the gallery of famous characters from well-known books. All the personages are mixed. But of course you’ll easily recognize them.

Books, Books, Books… Сценарий Н. Осадчей из книги “Я иду на урок” Сценарии школьных праздников и постановок. Москва “Первое сентября” 2003, с. 212-216.