Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке для учащихся 10–11-х классов, посвященное празднованию дня святого Валентина. Игра "Любовь с первого взгляда"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Competition “Love at first sight”.


  1. лазерный проектор и экран;
  2. компьютер;
  3. магнитофон;
  4. аудиокассета с записью;
  5. актовый зал;
  6. презентация с фотографиями участников в Power Point

Праздник открывается танцем “ Маленьких Купидонов”. Звучит песня Ф. Киркорова “Валентинов День”.

На экране появляется Презентация – поздравление для учащихся старших классов.

Приложение 1.

Ведущая: Welcome to our remarkable game “ Love at first sight ”.

Ведущий: They say: ”Marriages are made in heaven”, but it is in our authority today to connect loving hearts here.


Ведущая: We have preliminary interrogated you and have invited three unmarried young ladies who have expressed their desire and.

Ведущий: three young and single gentlemen. We’ve checked their passports.

Ведущая: Meet our participants!

Ведущий: Our gentlemen!

Photo of each boy appears on the screen.

(Все участники постепенно поднимаются на сцену)


Takes a great interest in basketball, likes to spend his free time with his friends. In people appreciates honesty and purposefulness. Alexey hopes to meet the girl of his dream today.


He takes a great interest in volleyball, basketball and computer games. Dreams to become a cosmonaut and to get a star from heavens for his beloved girl.


He takes a great interest in sports and spends a lot of time with his friends. In people he appreciates a good sense of humor, adherence to principles and self-possession in any situation. Phillip dreams to go on a smart resort with a cheerful company.

Ведущая: Our ladies!

Photo of each girl appears on the screen.


She is a charming, sociable and purposeful girl. Olga loves noisy companies. She likes to stay alone in the house and to dream. In people Olga appreciates sincerity, trusts to luck and good manners. She dreams to swim with an aqualung in the Pacific Ocean and to walk along the streets in Milan.


She is sociable and sympathetic, that’s why she has a lot of friends. Julia always achieves the purposes and finishes any business she’s started. In people Julia appreciates honesty, kindness and self-confidence. She is fond of English, music and sports. She hopes to realize all her dreams.


She is a kind, sympathetic and hardworking girl. Maria does not like to miss. She is always ready to come and help her friends. Maria likes to dream and wishes to open a shop for kids as she adores small kiddies.

Ведущий: And now we shall find out your small secrets, listen to some situations. A situation for you, gentlemen.

You have an appointment with a beautiful girl. When you pass half of the way you notice that you’ve put on different socks. What are you going to do?

1 Will you burst into tears from burning and come back home?

2 Will you take off your socks and go barefoot?

3 Will you act in your own way?

Ведущая:Ladies, I suggest you to resolve the following situation: you have an appointment with a young handsome man, but suddenly a black cat runs across your road. What will you do?

1 Will you go back home, and then explain everything?

2 Will you go further?

3 Your variant?

Ведущий: Imagine, that your girl-friend and you are in the car. She drives at a speed of 180 km/h. Your reaction?

1 You are in a horror and continuously joke with a despair.

2 Snatch a steering wheel

3 Act in another way.

Ведущая: We return to our ladies. The following situation is offered to you. You have stepped on a foot of your boy-friend in transport. What will you do?

1 Will you start to reproach that he has nearly broken your leg?

2 Won’t submit that you have made it.

3 Your variant.

Ведущий: The situation for you, gentlemen. Your girl-friend and you visit your friends, but the company is too boring?

1 Will you start to ridicule all these bores?

2 Will you arrange closer to a table with drinks and snack?

3 Your variant.

Ведущая: The situation for our ladies. You have an appointment with a handsome boy, he tries to amuse you and jumps in a fountain.

1 Will you jump in a fountain after him and float together?

2 Will you be frightened, that militia can arrive and escape home?

3 Your variant.

Ведущий: And now the main part of our program and it is necessary for our participants to make their choice.

(Участники пишут имя понравившегося парня или девушки на листочках бумаги.)

(В это время звучит песня в исполнении школьного ансамбля.)

The song “Someone is watching me”

Ведущая: So, all our participants have made their choice. And we are eager to know who will become “ The Ideal pair ”?

Ведущий: I shall name each participant and his or her choice

(Ведущие произносят имя мальчика или девочки , которых они выбрали)

Ведущая: Alexey has chosen Olga.

Ведущий: Olga has chosen Sergey, etc.

Ведущая:So, “The Ideal pair” is :Phillip

Ведущий: and Mary.

Ведущая:We shall give them some time to learn more about each other.

(В это время звучит песня в исполнении школьного ансамбля.)

Ведущий: The song "Yesterday"

Ведущая: And now we shall see how much our “ Ideal pair ” approaches each other. The rules of the game are the following: We shall ask you a question. But a person to whom it is addressed, keeps silence for a while, until another writes the answer on the board. If answers coincide, the pair receives a score.

(Ведущий задаёт вопрос , но тот не отвечает до тех пор пока второй не напишет предполагаемый ответ на маркерной передвижной доске.)

Ведущий: We shall begin with you, Mary.

You will listen, and Phillip will write.

You have an appointment. But you are late for …?

1) 5 minutes

2) 15 minutes

3) I am not late

Ведущая: Question to Phillip. You vary your roles .Phillip will listen, and Mary will write.

Do you always say the truth?

1) Yes, if it is not dangerous for me.

2) I try, but it is not always possible.

3) Never.

Ведущий: Question to Mary. You will give a characteristic to yourselves?

1. Strong-willed and charming

2. Original

3. Sociable

Ведущая: The next question is addressed to Phillip. Do you like to eat cakes in the street?

1. Only when I am very hungry.

2. Yes.

3. Never.

Ведущий: And the last question to Mary. What do you appreciate in a man?

1. Force

2. Intellect

3. Beauty

Ведущая: Well, the last question to Phillip. We finish our interrogation.

What kinds of girls do you like?

1. Brunettes

2. Brown-haired women

3. Blondes

(Другая сторона передвижной доски украшена вырезанными из цветной бумаги сердечками, в соответствии с количеством набранных баллов.)

Ведущий: And now let's count your scores. You have three scores. Look at the board. You may open three ”Hearts” and read the name of your prize.

Ведущая: But if you choose “The broken heart” the game will come to an end.

(На обратной стороне сердечек написано название приза: “Шоколадка”, “Романтическая прогулка вокруг школы”, “Медленный танец”, “Песня о любви”, “Чай вдвоём”-две чашки с сердечками , “Два талона на обед в школьной столовой”, “Разбитое сердце”)

Ведущая: We thank all our participants. We congratulate our “Ideal pair” and the next song is for them. All participants and actors are invited to a stage.

Ведущий: The song “Lady in red”


Литература: “Театрализованные праздники, вечеринки, дискотеки” Дудникова Г. П., Сагайда Л. М. изд. “Феникс” 2004 г.