Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5-м классе школы с углубленным изучением английского языка на тему: "Civing advice in different situations"

Разделы: Начальная школа


1. Активизация структуры should в устной речи.

2. Совершенствование новых прилагательных в диалогах и актуализации условных предложений 0 типа.

3. Воспитание внимательности, вежливого отношения к окружающим.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

How are you?

Ask Denis how he is.

II. Ok! Look at the blackboard and let’s repeat these adjectives (read and translate)

Now, look at these cards and watch these objectives with pictures (Приложение 1)


1 K Happy 9 C Talkative
2 H irritated (раздражение) 10 L serious
3 I tired 11 D dreamy
4 A sleepy 12 G satisfied
5 B disgusted 13 F calm
6 E surprised 14 P scared (испуганный)
7 N внимательный 15 J pensive (задумчивый)
8 O tormented (измученный) 16 M sad

IV. Look at the window. What can you say about the weather today? You know the weather is very changeable and I feel awful. What should I do?

- I see, you have fantastic advice. Thanks a lot. But now there are some problems. Make short dialogues (Приложение 2)

V. Let’s check! Well done!

I think you are tired. Do you want to have a rest? I think so. Oh, no! I’m sure. Please, stand up and do it (Bananas of the world, unite!)

VI. I see! You are super! You know all people have different problems. Everybody has them. What should you do, if somebody has one of them? (Приложение 3)

VII. I know! You are good detectives. Please, look at the blackboard and find some mistakes

1) Young people should to listen to their parents

2) Teachers should make not children to do things they hate

3) If your head hurt, you should go to bed

4) If you are depressed, doesn’t cry

Now, open your books and find the mistakes in ex 3, p.33

VIII. You are ultra super detectives! I suppose you can help me. My friend wrote me the letter. She had some problems. Please, read her letter and try to write a letter of advice.


Two weeks ago I went to Italy. I wanted to see a lot of interesting and beautiful places, to learn about Italian culture. And of course I was sure it helps me to become more confident, responsible and flexible woman.

But yesterday I lost my money and credit cards. I forgot the place where I was staying. I don’t know Italy. What should I do? I don’t know. Please, help me. Write me as soon as possible. Joan”

IX. I want to say that you are very clever children. You have shown your good knowledge. You are very intelligent fun, not boring and I’m very glad to teach so beautiful children. Thank you much for your excellent work.