Урок английского языка по теме: "Дом. Обстановка в нем"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема урока: дом, его планировка

Тип урока: комбинированный

Реализуемая идея: формирование у детей умения участвовать в устном иноязычном общении

Цель: развить навык монологического высказывания учащихся на английском языке в рамках учебной темы “Мой дом”, расширить знания учащихся о национальных особенностях народов через систему упражнений и использование страноведческого материала.


  • активизировать изученную лексику по теме “Мой дом”;
  • ознакомить учащихся с новым лексическим материалом по теме “Различные виды домов” и закрепить использование данной лексики в устной речи;
  • повторить изученные ранее предлоги места и познакомить учащихся с рядом новых предлогов данного типа;
  • закрепить использование лексического материала по теме “Мой дом” и предлогов места в устной речи через описание своей квартиры и описание картинок, на которых представлены внешний вид и внутренняя планировка дома;
  • познакомить учащихся с национальными особенностями строительства домов;
  • познакомить учащихся с особенностями национального характера различных народов.

(Ход урока)

Этапы урока

Виды деятельности учителя

Виды деятельности учащихся

1. Мотивация

  • Активация мыслительной деятельности
  • Создание проблемной ситуации


  • Высказывание на английском языке
  • Фонетическая зарядка

2. Закрепление имеющихся знаний

  • Предъявление системы лексических упражнений
  • Выполнение тренировочных упражнений
  • Чтение текста

3. Получение новых знаний

  • Предъявление новых лексических единиц
  • Организация игр и самостоятельного поиска новой информации
  • Организация деятельности по закреплению новых лексических единиц
  • Упражнение на сопоставление
  • Игра

4. Применение полученных знаний

  • Организация процесса актуализации знаний
  • Составление плана рассказа
  • Высказывание по картинке

Конспект открытого урока

I. The beginning of the lesson. The plan.

- Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

- We’re fine, thank you. And you?

- I’m fine, too. Sit down, please.

Today at the lesson we’ll speak about our house, where we live and other different houses.

We’ll revise prepositions that you know and learn some new ones.

At the end of the lesson you’ll describe a new house in the picture.

II. Warming-up. Motivation.

Do you know any poems about a house?

- “The house that Jack built”.

Listen to it on the cassette and then read the poem. (the children listen to the poem and read it)

III. Revising the material

1. speaking

Do you live in a house or in a flat?

Would you like to live in a house?

I’d like to divide into 2 teams.

The first team will speak about the advantages of living in a flat. The second team will speak about the advantages of living in a house. That one who gets more points is the winner.

2.revision of the words

a) Well, many of you would like to live in a house. You have already learnt some kinds of houses. Let’s revise them!

The students of one team read the definition and the students of the other team guess the name of a house:

  • a shelter made of thick cloth spread over poles long thin stick - a tent
  • a small Scottish hose made of large pieces of granite and with a root made of straw – a croft
  • a shaped house built by Inuit people from blocks of icy snow. (minka farmhouse – эскимосская хижина) - an igloo
  • a very long building, usually found in Borneo, where lots of families live – a longhouse
  • a small, simple, shelter - a hut (хижина)

Are they different or similar? (the students answer)

b) Translate some words from English into Russian (a play with a ball)

living room






entrance hall




roof flat






a cattle shed




made of stone




c) Matching

Take some copies, on which you can see different kinds of the houses

  • match the titles with the pictures
  • say in which house you would like to live for 3 days and why?

d) Revising prepositions and learning some new ones.

To describe a house you need small words. What are they?

prepositions (students)

Let’s revise them!


  • gesture (the teacher shows and the students say)
  • a spider on the blackboard (+ above, between)
  • (Where is the spider?)

  • a toy in the box (Where is the toy?)

IV. A break (physical training) – say and show

A pizza hut

1. Japanese – small

Kentakki Macchicken

2. German – strict

A pizza hut

3. Russian – hospitable

Mc Donalds

4. Spanish - emotional

V. Training Activity.

Have you ever been at Ann’s house? Is it interesting to know what house does she have? Please, sit back to back. One pupil will say where the rooms in his or her flat are; the other student will draw a picture. After that you will compare the two plans. You’ve got 5 minutes. (дома учащиеся подготовили рисунки своих квартир, указали расположение комнат)

VI. The work with the text. (reading and retelling)

1) We have got one whole description of the house in the SB. Open page 25 and read the Ahmed’s description in the letter. (The students read the text, translate it and answer the teacher’s questions)/

2) (The teacher prepare students for the retelling of the text) What do we need to do to retell this text? Firstly we are to make a plan of the retelling.

A plan for the retelling

So, what do you speak about when describing the house? Let’s make a scheme to help you.

3) The description of the house

Get a picture of a house and work in pairs. Describe your house. (the students describe the pictures of different houses) Other pupils ask questions about the house their classmate is describing.

VII. The conclusion

What have you learnt at the lesson?

What have you learnt to do?

Your marks are …

VIII. Home task

Your home task is to describe a fictional house in writing & to draw it.

Thank you for your hard work. The lesson is over. Good - bye.