Итоговые уроки по английскому языку в 8—9-х классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Воспитать в ученике творческую личность может только педагог-творец, а когда вместе работают несколько учителей, объединенных одними идеями, результаты могут быть еще выше.

Педагогическое творчество как сотворчество является одной из отличительных особенностей нашего коллектива на протяжении нескольких лет. В условиях деления класса на две группы существует определенная замкнутость в рамках узкого круга лиц (10-15 человек группы), что не всегда может дать объективную картину личных достижений. Существует опасность, как недооценки, так и переоценки своих сил и возможностей, поэтому мы проводим совместные уроки.

Мы часто проводим итоговые совместные уроки с 5 по 11 классы по окончанию темы со всем классом в разных нетрадиционных, а иногда “чисто наших” формах, и учащиеся всегда ждут их. Но если на большинстве параллелей эти уроки единичны, то на параллелях восьмых и девятых классов подобные уроки проходят по завершению каждой темы.

За 1-2 недели до урока учащиеся получают индивидуальные задания в зависимости от уровня подготовки и знания предмета.

Для успешного проведения урока рекомендуется:

1. Начинать работу с тщательной подготовки, готовится оборудование, сами учащиеся, выполняются предварительные задания, накапливаются нужные учебные материалы.

2. Обязательно нужно включить всех учащихся в подготовку и проведение урока.

3. Учитывать фактический уровень подготовленности конкретного класса и возможность успешного восприятия учащимися материала урока.

4. При анализе урока оценивать не только степень достижения поставленных целей, но и эмоциональный настрой учащихся.

На наш взгляд, такие уроки позволяют:

  1. формировать у учащихся целостное представление об обсуждаемой теме;
  2. реализовывать межпредметные связи;
  3. активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся;
  4. повышать качество усвоения изучаемого материала;
  5. создавать творческую обстановку в коллективе;
  6. улучшать контакт учителя с учащимися;
  7. повышать интерес учащихся к общению на иностранном языке;
  8. обогащать знания учащихся новыми сведениями.

В заключение необходимо отметить, что обычно эмоциональный уровень данных мероприятий бывает значительно выше среднего уровня урока. Здесь сказывается присутствие творческого соревнования, новизна формы урока, что стимулирует наивысшую интеллектуальную и языковую активность учащихся.

Буквально на одном дыхании проходят два спаренных урока в “музыкальном кафе”, где дети делятся друг с другом не только дополнительным материалом по теме, но могут попробовать выступить в роли исполнителей песен. Стены “кафе” украшены постерами, на экран проецируются фотографии и портреты тех музыкантов и исполнителей, о которых идёт рассказ, а на “сцене” эпоха сменяет эпоху, один стиль сменяет другой.

Методическая разработка мероприятия для 9-х классов.

Заключительный урок по теме “Музыка”.

Учителя английского языка МОУ лицей № 1 г. Кунгура:

Л.В. Костоусова,

Е.Ю. Ладыгина,

Л.Н. Петрова


  • знакомство с творчеством и биографиями выдающихся музыкантов Великобритании и США,
  • знакомство с музыкальной культурой этих стран,
  • расширение кругозора учащихся на основе аутентичного материала.


  1. Воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре;
  2. Развитие умения воспринимать информацию на слух и поддержать беседу;
  3. Научить учащихся исполнять традиционные английские и американские песни.

Участники: ученики 9-х классов, учителя английского языка.


  • названия страничек устного журнала;
  • портреты известных музыкантов;
  • постеры известных исполнителей;
  • фонограммы песен;
  • магнитофон.

Форма проведения мероприятия: -устный журнал в музыкальном кафе.

Каждая группа учащихся под руководством учителя разучивает песни и готовят материал для устного журнала. Обязательно все учащиеся учат песни “My Bonnie”, “This Land Is Your Land”, “Yellow Submarine”, “Yesterday”.

План мероприятия:

  1. Вступительное слово о значении музыки.
  2. Сообщение “Как возникло пение”
  3. Исполнение учащимися традиционных английских и американских песен “Billy Boy”, “A Ring, a Ring of Roses”, “Yankee Doodle”, “My Bonnie”.
  4. Выдающиеся английские композиторы: Генри Пёрсел, Бенджамин Бриттен, Эндрю Ллойд Вебер.
  5. Исполнение музыкального фрагмента мюзикла “The Cats ” (“Memory”)
  6. Классики современности. Легендарная четверка.
  7. Исполнение “Yellow Submarine” и других песен из репертуара Beatles.
  8. Современные музыкальные направления.
  9. Исполнение современных песен на английском языке.
  10. Викторина.
  11. Заключительное слово учителя.

Ход мероприятия

1. Вступительное слово ведущих о значении музыки.

It is difficult to live without music. There is a world of music around us. We hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio, on TV, in the shops, in the parks and in the concert halls. We can’t live without music. We like to listen to music, we dance to music, we play musical instruments.

Music reflects people’s mood and emotions. It enriches our hearts and feelings. It can evoke long forgotten events and feelings we thought we forgot. Some people like classical music, others prefer modern songs. No doubt, music can’t leave us indifferent.

Today we’ll devote our talk to traditional, classical and modern music of the English-speaking countries. Do you know how singing began?

2. Сообщение “Как возникло пение”

We know that people learned to write long, long ago. For more than 7,000 years people have been writing down their thoughts.

But even before people learned to write they could sing! Music began even before writing. Pictures preserved on ancient rocks show dancers and singers and also, people playing different musical instruments. How did people learn to sing? What musical instruments did they play?

The group of early men worked together like an orchestra and they usually murmured to each movement of their hand or foot. Without murmuring (or “singing”) they could not do the work.

Later people learned to make other and better tools and it was not necessary to sing during their work. But singing began, and there are songs in many countries which are probably children of these first work songs.

When men made their first tools, they learned to make musical instruments, too.

Bones of animals, horns, pieces of wood were man’s first musical instruments. By blowing into horns or bones people could make a very loud sound. They could also make sounds by beating one piece of wood against another and a piece of wood against a stone. They also could use strings and fur to make musical instruments. And yet they could sing and were fond of music.

Many, many years passed since that time, but even now people use horns as musical instruments and even now they use wood to make musical instruments.

3. Исполнение учащимися традиционных английских и американских песен “Billy Boy”, “A Ring, a Ring of Roses”, “Yankee Doodle”, “My Bonnie”.

Ведущий: Really, singing began long, long ago. Every nation has its own traditional songs that are loved by them. Let’s enjoy some of traditional English and American songs. (Каждая группа исполняет выученную заранее песню.)

4. Выдающиеся английские композиторы: Генри Пёрсел, Бенджамин Бриттен, Эндрю Ллойд Вебер.

Ведущий: Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts and feelings of people all over the world. The names of Henry Purcell, Benjamin Britten and Andrew Lloyd Webber are well-known among musicians. What is special about them? What is their contribution to the world of music?

The greatest composer of Restoration epoch Henry Purcell was born in London, in the family of a court musician. Since early years he sang in the Royal choir, he learned to play the organ, the lute and the violin. Later he was taken to court service. His duty was to look after the musical instruments, to tune and repair them. This work helped the future composer to learn the peculiarities of the sound of different musical instruments.

During his short life Henry Purcell composed a lot of vocal and instrumental works, the most significant was “Dido and Aenaes”. It was the first British classical opera. A young composer got the order from a dancing master of the boarding school for noble girls to create a musical play. So, “Dido and Aenaes” was written. The opera was not large in size and the action was developing rapidly. The song “Lilliburlero” can be heard on the BBC.

The distinctive feature of Henry Purcell’s music is harmony. The composer had a wonderful gift to create perfect melodies – majestic and calm.

Another famous English composer whose name is known in many countries of the world is Benjamin Britten. He was born in 1913. He was only five when he started to play the piano and compose music. By the time he was nineteen, Benjamin was already both a musician for a film company and a composer. He wrote music for the plays of several English writers. In 1962 Benjamin Britten finished his great musical work “The War Requiem”. Britten had musical contacts with musicians, singers and composers from different countries. Benjamin Britten also wrote songs and operas for children. He created a piece of music called “A Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra”. It is still can be taken as a handbook on all the instruments of the orchestra. This great composer died in 1976.

Andrew Lloyd Webber was born on the 22nd of March in London, England. He is a famous English composer who helped to revitalize British and American theatre in the late 20th century. Lloyd Webber studied at Magdalene College, Oxford, and at the Royal College of Music. He was keen on such genres as rock-and-roll, English music-hall song and rock. While a student he began collaborating with Timothy Rice, who wrote the lyrics to Lloyd Webber’s music. Their first notable work was “Joseph” and “The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” (1968), a pop oratorio for children that earned worldwide popularity.

It was followed by the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” (1971), an extremely popular thanks to rock music and interesting story of Jesus Christ’s life. This show was one of the longest- running musicals in British theatrical history.

One of the most popular musicals is “The Cats” (1981), Lloyd Webber set to music verses from a children’s book by T. S. Eliot. The London production of “The Cats” became the longest-running musical in the history of British theatre, and in 1997 the musical was staged on the Broadway, New York, where it was also a success.

On September 10, 2000 “The Cats” were closed after 7,485 performances. His other works are: “The Phantom of the Opera” (1986), “Songs and Dance” (1982), “Starlight Express” (1984) and “Aspects of Love” (1989). He was knighted in 1992 for his marvelous works.

5. Исполнение музыкального фрагмента мюзикла “The Cats” (“Memory”)

6. Классики современности. Легендарная четверка.

Ведущий: On Wednesday 24th October 1962, “Love Me Do” entered the British Top Thirty. It was a song of an unknown group from Liverpool. It was the first of a number of big hits that would make the group world famous. What group is it? What are their names?

The Beatles.

British musical quartet appeared in the 1960s. The principal members were Paul McCartney (in full Sir James Paul McCartney; born June 18, 1942, Liverpool, Merseyside, England), John Lennon (born February 25, 1943, Liverpool), and Ringo Starr (by mane of Richard Starkey; born July 7, 1940,. Liverpool)

First they performed together in Liverpool in 1957. The group played American rock-and-roll. Throughout the winter and the spring of 1963, the Beatles continued their rise to fame. Those four young men were loved by thousands of people especially girls. A new word “Bitlomania” appeared in the vocabulary. Their songs: pop ballad “Yesterday”, hard rock song “Tomorrow Never Knows”, folk tune “Norwegian Wood” and many others were extremely popular. They were awarded by the Queen. To great regret of their fans the Beatles parted in 1971. I 1980 a big tragedy happened: John Lennon was killed. Today the Beatles are as popular as they were many years ago.

Ведущий: I am sure, you remember some of their songs. Let’s sing together.

Исполнение “Yellow Submarine” и других песен из репертуара Beatles.

8. Современные музыкальные направления.

Ведущий: It is not a surprise that young people prefer modern music to musicals or classical music. Who are the top singers among teenagers? What musical styles do you prefer?

There is a certain distinction between popular music, the songs and dance tunes of the masses and classical music. With the development of mass entertainment popular music is dominated. Pop stars promote fashion, dance styles and social protest.

The kind of music you like may depend on what kind of person you are. Curiously, there are now classical musicians and opera singers who have achieved the status of rock stars. Some young people enjoy classical music but they do not want to be associated with the generation who are traditionally supposed to like it. Sometimes classical music is beginning to sound exciting to a generation of rock music.

(учащиеся могут рассказать о любимых исполнителях или музыкальных течениях)

9. Исполнение современных песен на английском языке.

(каждая группа исполняет популярную песню)

10. Викторина.

Ведущий: I’d like to suggest you a music quiz. The team which knows the answer will give it and get the point.

  1. What is the first mane of McCartney? (Paul)
  2. Which magazine weekly publishes the official US Hit list? (“Billboard”)
  3. What is the style of Eminem’s music? (raps)
  4. What is the real name of John Lennon? (John Lennon)
  5. What is the latest hit single of Britney Spears? (“Lucky”)
  6. Who puzzled the world with the question “How much is the fish?” (Scooter)
  7. What was the name of Nirvana’s vocalist? (Curt Cobain)
  8. What is the top hit of Lou Bega? (“Mumbo number 5”)
  9. Who recorded the hit “Summer Sun”? (Texas)
  10. Which rock band recorded the track “It’s my life”? (Bon Jovi)


Now the winner of the quiz is …
Thanks to all of you for your coming!
And I hope that shows like this
You will never ever miss

I am sure that soon we’ll meet here back again.

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