Сценарий утренника на английском языке на тему "Времена года"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по данной теме.

Ход утренника:


Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
Four lovely seasons
To make up a year
Sing them by colour
And sing them by name.

(Исполняется песня "When trees are green")

When trees are green and forest are green,
And grass is green and long,
It's good to walk in the forest
And listen to little bird's song.
When trees are white end forests are white,
Because they are covered with snow,
It's good to be out-of-'doors and play,
Oh, I love it so!

Выходит девочка в зеленом наряде:

I am spring. People call me the season of hope and happiness. When I come, flowers begin to grow, green leaves appear on the trees. Birds come from the South and begin to build their nests. Then they feed their little ones. Children help their fathers and mothers to plant trees, vegetables and wash the earth and everything looks so bright

Три ученика изображают три месяца:

1) March brings sunny days and winds,
So we know that spring begins

2) April brings the primrose sweet,
We see daisies at our feet.

3) May brings flowers, joy and grass,
And the holidays for us.

(Девочка в костюме Весны танцует)

Ученик читает стихи:

Spring is dancing without rest
In a beautiful green dress.
Flowers grow under her feet,
Singing birds her coining greet.
Pleasant, sunny month of May,
Hurry quickly, don't delay,
Grow red flowers and green glass
And make us happy, all of us!
It is springtime it is springtime
Cold winter is past.
Warm breezes are blowing,
And May's here at last.
The birds are returning,
Their songs fill air,
And meadows are smiling
With blossoms so fair.

Выходит мальчик в ярком наряде:

After spring time is over, summer comes. My months are June, July and August. I am the hottest season of the year, the sun shines brightly; green grass and flowers are every where. Children go to their summer camps, where they bathe, lie in the sun, gather mushrooms and berries.

Три ученика изображают три месяца:

1) June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children's hands with posies.

2) Hot July brings apples and cherries,
and a lot of other berries

3) August brings us golden corn;
Then the harvest home is borne.
The summer sun shines hot arid high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are so good!

Сценка (один из учащихся инсценирует стихотворение):

We have a little garden
And every summer day
Ws dig it well and clean it well,
We have a little garden,
And every summer night
We water all the pretty flowers
And watch than with delight.

Выходит девочка в желтом костюме:

I come after summer, when days become cool. I bring fruit, vegetables and corn and turn me leaves red, yellow and brown. Everything looks so beautiful in its colourful dress. One day you get up and see that your town is all covered with snow.

Три ученика изображают три месяца:

1) Warm September brings us school,
Days are shorter, nights are cool.

2) Fresh October brings much fruit,
Then to gather them is good.

3) Then November brings us joy,
Fun for every girl and boy.

Ученик читает стихи:

Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it's cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down,
It is raining all around.
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrellas here,
And on the ships at sea.


And now solve the riddle:
This is the seasons,
When days are cool
When we eat apples
And go to school

Выходит девочка в белом костюме:

I am the coldest seasons of the year. My months are December, January, February. When I come, all the rivers and lakes are frozen. Snowflakes dance in the air. The ground, the trees and the houses are covered with deep snow. The sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer. But when it sends its rays to the earth, everything sparkles like diamonds. You'll never see such a wonderful picture in any other season. Children sledge, ski and skate or play snowballs. They are fond of wintertime!

Три ученика изображают три месяца:

1) Cold December brings us skating,
For the New Year we're waiting.

2)January brings us snow,
Makes our feet and finger glow

3)February snow again
And sometime it brings us rain.

Ученик читает стихи:

The snowflakes
See the pretty snowflakes,
Falling from the sky,
On the wall and house-tops,
Soft and thick they lie.
On the window-ledges,
On the benches bare,
See how fast they gather,
Filling all the air.
Look into the garden.
Wide the grass was green,
Covered by the snow flakes,
Not a leaf is seen
Now the bare black bushes
All look soft and white,
See the snowflakes falling
What a pretty sight?
It's winter now, so bundle up tight!
Warm mittens and caps will be just right.
Ice on the take, snow on the ground,
Time to ski and skate all around.


And now solve the riddle:
When it is best to go a little slow
Because streets are covered with ice and snow?

Ученики в костюмах времен года:

1) Summer, summer, summer!
The sun is shining,
The flowers are blooming,
The sky is blue, the rains are few.

2)Autumn, autumn, autumn!
The summer is over,
The trees are bare
There's mist in the garden
And frost m the air.

3)Winter, winter, winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and all night.
Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen,
Grey winter has gone away,
The world looks new and gay.

Четыре ученика инсценируют следующий диалог:

ТОМ: Do you like autumn, Ted?

TED: No, I don't. I think it's a dull season. The grass is yellow. The leaves fall down from the trees. It often rains. It's often cold.

KATE: But I like autumn. In autumn the leaves in the trees are of different colours - green, yellow, orange, red and brown. They look beautiful. And autumn is a "tasty" season - there are a lot of vegetables and fruit in autumn.

JANE: And I like winter and summer.

TOM: Do you?

JANE: Yes, I do, because in summer the days are longer and warmer and the nights are shorter. And we don't go to school. You can have a lot of fun in summer.

TOM: And why do you like winter, I wonder?

JANE: Oh, in winter you can have a very good time too. You can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderful in winter!

TED: And what about you, Tom? What season do you like?

TOM: I like spring very much. The leaves are small and green. The grass is green too. It's warm in spring. In spring I usually enjoy the sun because it is not very hot. Well, I think all the seasons are beautiful!


And now solve the riddles:

  • A little old woman with 12 children: some short, some long, some hot. What is it? (a year).
  • What is without hands and without feet, without head or body, but can open a door? (the wind).
  • What is it that can catch me in the garden and make me wet, but cannot reach me when I am at home? (rain).
  • In winter and in summer they stand both in one colour. (a fir-tree and a pine).
  • What man cannot live inside the house? (a snow-man).


Do you like to sing? Let's sing together!

(Исполняется песня "What's the weather like today?")

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
What's weather like today? Is it sunny?
What's the weather like today? Is it rainy?
What's the weather like today?
It's quite funny How it's changing.
What's the weather like today? Is it snowing?
What's the weather like today? Is it clearing?
What's the weather like today? Is it going to be
Really very nice indeed?
Shining sun, And sparkling sea,
Warm and dry, with just a breeze
Among the trees... Breeze...
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter .
Yesterday the wind was blowing,
Is today going to be fine?
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.