Урок английского языка по теме "Getting to know Australia" (7-й год обучения)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок английского языка по теме «Getting to know Australia.» для 7 года обучения

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков

Цель обучения:

- активизация лексики по теме Австралия
- тренировать употребление лексики в речи
- обучение монологическим высказываниям
- закрепить грам. материал Verb Tenses.

Цель развития:

- развивать коммуникативные способности
- развивать лингвистические способности (фонематический слух, языковая догадка)
- развивать память, творческое мышление.

Цель воспитательная:

- способствовать становлению межкультурной компетенции через приобретение лингвострановедческих знаний
- воспитывать любовь и интерес к изучаемой стране

Оборудование: карта Австралии, энциклопедия, «Животные Австралии», наглядный материал о штатах Австралии, раздаточные карточки, карточки с русскими или английскими словами для повторения лексики по теме «Австралия»

Ход урока.

1. Орг момент.

Teacher:Dear friends!Our lesson is devoted to Australia.We are going to talk about history, geography, industry, holidays, cities, ways of life, hobbies of the Australian people.I hope you will learn many interesting things at the lesson. Today we have our lesson-conference!

All first let me introduce your our paticipants of our conference.(называется Ф.И.О.учеников)

Our ecologist-

Our traveler-

Our plant-grower-

Our archaeologists-

Our zoologist -

Our sport commentators-

Our geographer-

Our historian-

Now repeat our vocabulary

I. Развитие лексики и фонетические упражнения.

(Дети читают по карточкам слова и говорят переводы английских или же русских слов)

To lie-находиться;

To be situated-быть расположенным;


Commonwealth of Australia-Австралийский Союз;




Standard of living-уровень жизни;



Commonwealth of Nations-Британское содружество наций;



To recreate-развлекаться;

To dream of sinth-мечтать о чем-либо;




Marsupial-сумчатое животное;




A cane toad-тростниковая жаба;



To avoid trouble-избежать опасности;

Taipan-ядовитая змея;





II. Развитие диалогической речи.(Беседа учителя с учениками)

T.: I want to ask your about Australia.

-Is Australia a big country?
-Yes, it is.

-Where is it situated?
-It is situated in the south-west of the Pasific Ocean.

-What is the capital of Australia?
-The capital of the country is Canberra.

-How many states has Australia?
-It has six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania.

-Have you been to Australia?
-I have never been to Australia.

III. Развитие монологического высказывания.(Выступление участников конференции)

Archaelogist: The Great Barrier Reef on the coast of Queensland is a garden under the sea. There are different kinds of fish and coral. Tropical fruit and flowers grow on the beautiful islands.

Tasmania is the island south of Australia. It is the came size as England.There are no deserts in Tasmania.It often rains. In the Northern Territory you will find the red heart of Australia.

Sydney is the best known place in New South Wales. There are Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of blue colored eucalyptus trees.

2Archaelogist.: Australia is sometimes called the lucky country. One reason is the wonderful riches under the earth:gold, silver, iron, coal and others. South Australia is the dryest of all the states, but is does have Murrey River. The Murrey River was South Australia` s mainroad. Some towns on the Murrey still keep the old river boats, and visitors can ride on them.


Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the

Indian Ocean. The name of the country comes from latin word

Australia. The country s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states-New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia.


Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The nation is administered under written constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia. But the queen has little power in the Australian government.


Most Australians have been dreaming of a white Christmas for centuries Australia is a country which is largely made up of desent and sandy beaches Christmas in Australia happens in the summer. In the class-room, children learned songs like Frosty the Snowman and Zingle Bells Publishers print Christmas cards with native Australian animals and landscape scenes of the Australian bush.


There are many animals in Australia. There are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres fall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Wombats and koalas have many similarities. The number of koalas is getting smaller.

The plant-grower.

You know there are many animals that are unpopular in Australia including spider which are dangerous. If they are hungry, they will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison. Another animal with sharp teeth and a fatal bite is the shark. There are a number of types of crocodiles found in northern Australia.

Sport comentator.

Around the country you ll find plenty of opportunities for golf, squash, tennis, trailriding, fishing and so on. Surfing is almost a religion for many Australians who follow the waves around the country. You ll find football of assorted types including the unique Australian Rules Football. Then, there is motor racing and motocycle racing, horse racing, yacht racing, criket.

Teacher: There are some tasks for participants of the conference.

III. Развитие фонетического и орфографического навыка.( По ранее изученному материалу дети повторяют написание,произношение слов)












































(Ученики вместо русских слов подставляют английские слова)

1. A lot of (граждане)… living in Australia (родилась за границей)…
2. There is a special (дорожка)… for buses and taxis.
3. The drivers stop the cars wait for (пешеходы)… to cross.
4. If we don` t (охранять)… nature, a lot of (виды)… will die.
5. There are special (контейнеры для сбора вторсырья)…
6. Sasha noticed a lot of (пассажирские паромы)… (в Сиднейской бухте)…
7. Sydney (окружен)… by national parks.
8. (На Ольгу произвело впечатление)… how polite and helpful everyone is.
9. They realized that too many trees (было вырублено)…
10. Ольга (была удивлена, что в Австралии осень, а дома зима)…

IV. Развитие коммуникативной способности.

Situation «You turned out in Australia. You want to buy a present your mother, father, boy friend, cousin, sister and ask the shop assistant to help you with the choice.(Дети составляют диалог -сцену покупки подарков для своих родных)

(для сильных учеников).

(для слабых учеников)

Put the order these sentences.

A trip to Australia.

He is in Australia. Linda received a letter from her brother Richard. He was there for six months. He has just bought an Australian car and went to Alice springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. Richard is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he already have visited a great number of different places in Australia. Richard have never been abroad before so he found this trip very exciting.

V.Итог. Оценки. Д/з: мини-сочинение

«Я хочу посетить Австралию».

«I want to visit Australia».