Урок-праздник в 6-м классе по теме: "Halloween. Traditions and customs"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: ознакомить учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования этого дня в англоязычных странах .


  • 1) воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся чувства уважения к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка, а через это и к своей родной национальной культуре;
  • 2) практическая: развитие лексических навыков говорения; развитие навыков аудирования и чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации (reading for specific information)
  • 3) развивающая: развитие творческой фантазии и инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, а также развитие познавательных интересов учащихся

Оборудование: плакаты и рисунки (изображения символов праздника), магнитофон, аудиозапись песни “The Pumpkin In the Patch”, чистые листы бумаги, фломастеры, карандаши, плакаты для игры (изображение ослика), повязка на глаза.

Ход урока

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1. Warming – up

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?

(Ask individual pupils about date, month, season and weather)

2. General Part.

I.Teacher: Well, autumn is not only harvest time but it is time for many holidays in different countries. In old Russia, for example, people celebrated rich harvest and that’s why a lot of weddings took place in autumn. Can you name any autumn holidays of modern Russia?

(The 1st of September , Teacher’s Day, the 4th of November)

Teacher: But today we are going to speak about one famous and curious holiday of the English-speaking countries. Do you know what holiday it is?

(It’s Halloween)

Right you are. It is celebrated on the 31st of October. You’ll learn some interesting facts, traditions and customs connected with this wonderful holiday. And now, we’ll start with the riddle. Try to guess what the main symbol of Halloween is.

Pupil 1.

Something big and something small.
But always round and yellow.
When children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow

Teacher: Did you guess? That’s right. It’s a pumpkin. But it’s a special pumpkin. What is its name? (Jack-o’-Lantern)

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II.Teacher: But there are some other symbols of Halloween. What are they? This special Halloween tree will help you. Use the words on the blackboard. Look over

these objects and name the Halloween’s symbols

Pupils: A witch is a symbol of Halloween. A black cat is a symbol of Halloween. Skeletons are symbols of Halloween. Ghosts and goblins are symbols of Halloween. Etc.

III.Teacher: Thank you for your answers. There are a lot of funny poems and curious omens about these symbols. Let’s recite some of them.

Pupil 1.

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late.”
The second one said, “There are witches in the air.”
The third one said, “But we don’t care.”
The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run!”
The fifth one said, “ I’m ready for some fun!”
OOOOOoooooooo went the wind and out went the light,
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight …

Pupil 2:

I made a funny pumpkin
For everyone to see.
It looked so big and terrible
It even frightened me!

Pupil 3:

Red goblins, yellow goblins,
Blue and green,
These are the funniest
I have ever seen

Pupil 4:

Put on your costume
Tie your mask on tight
Grab your bags for trick-or-treating
Cause it’s Halloween’s night!

Pupil 5. If a cat sat next to you on Halloween – you would have a good luck!

Pupil 6: If a black cat sat on your lap – you would have a fantastic luck!

(You may ask you pupils to illustrate these poems and omens at home)

IV.Techer: Well done! Thank you! Oh! What is it? It is a telegram. So, boys and girls, you have just been selected to create a new monster for an upcoming scary movie.

(Divide the class into some groups and ask them to create a monster) It is your own personal creation. Then you should name and describe it tell us what is its favorite thing to eat and do tell us where it lives and why.

(You may organize an exhibition of pupils’ monsters, a contest “Whose monster is the most terrible? Etc.)

V. Teacher: One of the most popular traditions is trick-or-treating. Children go from house to house and ask for some sweets, fruit and so on. Listen to the poem about this tradition. Will you Ann?

Pupil 7:

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some
You had better do it quick
Or we’ll surely play a trick!
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!

Teacher: And now take these cards and learn more about people’s activities on Halloween. Then we’ll complete a word-web.

(Give your pupils 5-6 minutes to read the card. Then they should complete the word-web by themselves. After that you may work with the whole class. Pupils will share their ideas about Halloween’s activities)

VI. Teacher: Well done. Now let’s sum everything up and make up a story about Halloween’s traditions.

VII. Teacher: OK. And do you want to play any special Halloween games? Here is one of the simplest one.1) It is called “Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey”. (One child is blindfolded and spun slowly so that he or she will become dizzy. Then the child must find a paper donkey hanging on the wall and try to pin a tail onto the back)

Another game is called “Hide a Ghost”. Choose one child. He or she should go out of classroom and the rest of the class (“hiders”) will hide a toy ghost (you may take it from the Halloween tree). After that the hiders clap their hands louder and louder if a “seeker” comes near the ghost. Of course, the children exchange roles

VIII. Teacher: Did you enjoy the game? Traditionally this day many children sing funny songs. Let’s sing one of them. (“The Pumpkin in the patch”)

The pumpkin in the patch ,
The pumpkin in the patch ,
Hi-ho on Halloween, the pumpkin in the patch .
The pumpkin calls a witch
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The witch calls a bat
The bat calls a ghost
The ghost scares us all
We all scare the ghost

IX. Teacher: In our culture there is no such holiday as Halloween, but we have other similar holidays and traditions. On Christmas’ eve in some regions of our country children go from house to house and sing songs “kolyadky”. What else do you think children like doing on this day? (They enjoy wearing folk costumes, singing songs for treats, wearing scary masks, going from house to house, playing tricks on their friends and neighbors, telling scary stories etc.)


Teacher: I want to thank all the participants for taking part in this lesson. You were very nice, clever and cheerful. Of course, you’ll get only excellent marks. Our lesson is over. Good-by.


Text card: Halloween. Traditions and customs.

In the USA and Canada, people often go to parties on Halloween. Children may dress up in costumes and masks of witches, ghosts or skeletons and go trick-or-treating. They ring doorbells and say: “Trick or treat?” asking for candies, apples or coins. If they do not receive a treat, they may play a trick: smear windows and parked cars with shaving cream or soap; hit a front door with a sock filled with flour.

In Scotland, a country steeped in Halloween traditions, there is a custom of burning a model of witch on a bonfire at Halloween time. All over the country people used to light bonfires to keep evil spirits away.

In Britain, torches and torch-light processions have always been associated with Halloween. British farmers used to carry torches around their property and recite spells to protect it through the grim winter months.

But everywhere the most common symbol of Halloween is the grinning jack-o’-lantern, carved from a big harvest pumpkin.


Trick or treat! Шутка или угощение!
smear пачкать
burn жечь
bonfire костёр
evil spirits злые духи
torches факелы
property собственность
spells заклинания
grim мрачный
grin ухмыляться


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Halloween Tree

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