Открытый урок по теме: "Welcome to Paradise Island"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оснащение урока: учебник английского языка "New Hotline" издательства "Oxford University Press", карточки с названиями этапов урока, письмо, аудиокассета, магнитофон, проекты.

Цель урока: развитие основных видов речевой деятельности, формирование навыков общения в познавательно-развлекательной форме, развитие творческой фантазии, инициативы учащихся, повышение мотивации и интереса к изучению языка.

Задачи урока:
- обобщение лексического материала по теме "Отдых на острове";
- закрепление грамматических структур с модальным глаголом can, употребление в речи предлогов to и at, повторение грамматических времен present simple, present continuous, future simple;
- организация самостоятельной работы учащихся над проектом "Welcome to…"

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Создание психологически благоприятного настроя учащихся на уроке. Warm up.

T: Good-morning, boys and girls, my dear friends. I'm so glad to see you today. Welcome to our lesson. How are you?
P1: I'm OK. Thank you.
T: How are things getting on with you?
P2: Everything is all right with me.
T: How is your mother?
P3: She is fine.
T: Are you ready for the lesson?
P4: Yes we are.
T: What about the weather today? Spring is a nice season, isn't it?
P5:Of course, it's fine in spring, but the weather is not very good today. It really looks like in winter.
T: I agree with you.

2. Вводная беседа учителя по теме урока и сообщение плана "путешествия".

T: Well, today we are having an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about 'Holidays & Travelling', but we aren't going to speak about ordinary holidays, we'll speak about Paradise Holidays on Paradise Island. By the way, tomorrow your spring holidays are starting and I think it's just the time to have a talk about your future rest.
Now let's begin our imaginary trip to Paradise Island. There we can do a lot of interesting things.
The motto of the lesson today is 'There is nothing impossible for a willing heart', so the important three words you can say to yourselves are: 'Yes, we can.'
We'll travel by train and have some stays. They are: Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, Reading, Speaking.
(На доске схема движения).

схема движения

3. T: The first stop is 'Vocabulary'. На доске записаны столбиком слова и словосочетания по-английски.

Отработка лексического материала происходит в виде игры 'One by one make two plus one'. Ребята сначала читают с доски или экрана по три слова, поочередно повторяя два предыдущих слова, произнесенные предыдущим учеником, и добавляя одно слово от себя.
Например: ' golden, sand, wind',
    'sand, wind, surf ,
    wind, surf, beach,
surf, beach, sand, etc.
Такая же работа проделывается и со словосочетаниями:
'have a picnic, climb the hill, fish in the river',
'climb the hill, fish in the river, swim & sunbathe',
'fish in the river, swim & sunbathe, go roller skating' etc.
Затем эта работа проводится устно, без зрительной опоры. Конечным итогом данного вида деятельности является составление предложений и мини-рассказа.
T: Now you'll play the game 'One by one make two plus one'. (учащиеся выполняют упражнение №2 на странице 59 по данной схеме, затем отвечают на вопросы одного из туристов).What can I do on Paradise Island?
P1: Can I go windsurfing there?
P2: Where can I have a picnic ?
P3: Who can I go climbing the mountains with? Etc.

4. T: Our second stay is 'Grammar'. We'll stay here for a while and learn two prepositions 'to' and 'at'. 'To' means 'movement', 'at' means 'place'. ( Третья остановка "Грамматика").

T: Choose the right preposition.
A. Where is Jane? She's______ the tennis court.
B. I go ______ the beach every day.
C. There's a good film______ the cinema.
D. Can you buy postcards______ the shop?
E. Let's go ______ the disco.
G. Can I send this letter______ France, please?
H. Come_____ Paradise Island for a wonderful holiday.

5. T: The third stop of our travelling is 'Listening'. We are on Paradise Island now and the travel agent invites us to stay here for a week. (Аудирование текста - третий пункт путешествия. Звучит аудиозапись текста 'Paradise Island', упр. 1, стр.59.)

T: Listen to the information and say which of the two is right.

Come to Paradise Island - the holiday island for young people. Paradise Island has got two beautiful beaches. You can swim in the sea or go windsurfing. Or you can swim in our Olympic swimming pool.
There are lots of things to do on Paradise Island. You can have a picnic in the forest. You can fish in the river. In the evening you can dance at Sharks Disco. There's a cinema too. We show a new film every day.
You can sleep in huts in Paradise Village.
You can buy food at the supermarket or you can eat at the Blue Dolphin restaurant.
There's a souvenir shop, too, and a post office. You can send a letter or a post-card any time you want.
Come to Paradise Island for a wonderful holiday.

1. Paradise Island has got ______ beautiful sandy ______.
a) one, beach b) two, beaches
2. Paradise Island is the holiday island for________ people.
a) young b) old
3.You can have a _________ in the forest.
a) football match b) picnic
4. You can fish in the______.
a) swimming pool b) river.
5. In the evening you can dance at _______.
a) Dolphin Club b) Shark Disco

T: Listen to the information again and find these things on the map.
Beach, island, forest, river, disco, cinema, souvenir shop, tennis court swimming pool, sea, restaurant, supermarket.

6. Чтение текста упр. 1, стр. 59. The next stop is 'Reading'.

Dear boys and girls, my friend has already had a holiday on Paradise Island and I've got a letter from him. He has got a lot of impressions of the island and has written about them. But there is a problem, the letter has got wet through and there are some missing words. Will you help me restore it? But we're short of time, you've got only 3 minutes.
(Содержание письма приводится ниже).

Paradise Island.
Dear, Rezeda,

I'm on Paradise_________. It's a _________ island for young __________ . There are a _____ of things to ____here. There are two beautiful________ and a swimming_______too. You can play tennis at the _____ _____ and you can climb the_______ or ______ a picnic ___ the forest. And in the_________ there's a disco. It's called________. ________ a cinema, too. They____ a new______ every day. Hope you're well.


7. The following stop is 'Speaking'. (Развитие навыков говорения, защита учащимися проектов по теме "Путешествие"). "Турагенты" приглашают "туристов" побывать в Канаде, США, Великобритании, рассказывая о возможностях отдыха в этих странах. "Туристы", в свою очередь, задают интересующие их вопросы.

Например: P1: Hello, my name is Kate Smith, I'm a travel agent from Canada.
If you have a chance to travel, come to Canada, please. Vancouver is one the most beautiful cities of the country. It's the third largest city after Toronto and Montreal. Summers aren't very hot here, but you can swim in the ocean all year round. You can roller skate and ride a bike on special roads. You can walk along the streets visiting supermarkets and buying souvenirs for your friends and relatives. And you have a good chance to meet Indians in their national costumes. By the way, people speak English and French in Canada. Welcome to Vancouver for a wonderful holiday!!!

Travel agent: Now you can ask me questions, I'm ready to answer them.
P: Will you tell me please, how can we get to the country?
T.A.: Firstly, you can go from Moscow to Ottawa by plane, then you'll go to Vancouver by train or by coach.
P: What about accommodation?
T.A.: You'll live in a comfortable hotel on the seashore. Etc.

8. Рефлексия.

T: What's your impression of our trip to Paradise Island? Will you recommend your friends to travel to exotic islands or unusual countries? Where would you like to go next time and who would you like to travel with?

T: You've got your learning diaries, and now look back and record your thoughts and ideas about the lesson.
What have we learnt at this lesson?
Do you understand the travel agents' advertisements?
How many words have you learnt? Can you use them?
Can you make a project about travelling and visiting holiday resorts?

9. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок учащимся, запись домашнего задания.

T: Dear boys and girls, I'm quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today, you've done a good job. Actually there is nothing impossible for a willing heart. So you can say to yourself: I can do many things and use English as much as possible in class.
I believe that some day you'll go to a foreign country and have a good time there. Your home task is to write a letter to your English friend about your summer rest.