Сценарий урока английского языка по теме: "Любишь ли ты зиму?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Отношение к открытым урокам всегда было и остается неоднозначным. Некоторые учителя считают, что никакой “показухи” быть не должно, следовательно, если на урок приходят гости, пусть все будет как обычно. Я же отношусь к той части педагогов, которые любят открытые уроки, стараются сделать их яркими, праздничными, необычными, запоминающимися. Безусловно, к такому уроку надо готовиться основательно. На мой взгляд, вполне обоснованно проверить заранее подготовленность отдельных учащихся к уроку, обращая внимание на форму и содержание монологических и диалогических высказываний, чтобы свести к минимуму количество ошибок. В то же время не следует, конечно, проводить “репетиции” урока, иначе, будет утрачен эффект новизны и неожиданности, а это именно то, что и превращает наш урок в праздник. Кроме того, открытым уроком мы чаще всего “ставим точку” в работе над темой. Я надеюсь, что со мной согласятся многие учителя в том, что на таком уроке мы иногда по-новому видим отдельных учеников, которые до определенного момента стеснялись говорить на иностранном языке даже при своих одноклассниках, не то, что при большом количестве учителей. Да и где, как не на открытом уроке учить наших питомцев правильно держаться, чувствовать себя уверенно в любой обстановке?

Предлагаю вниманию коллег сценарий урока “Вы любите зиму?”

В зависимости от уровня подготовленности учащихся предлагаемый сценарий урока может быть рекомендован для проведения в 7-м или 8-м классе. Подбор лексического материала осуществлен таким образом, что учащиеся с различным уровнем владения языком могут принять участие в беседе.

Do you like winter?


  • определение степени сформированности речевой компетенции учащихся;
  • совершенствование навыков устной речи;
  • расширение знаний об окружающем мире;
  • воспитание чувства любви к родной природе.

Teacher: Today we see many guests at our lesson. It will be interesting for them to hear what you think about winter.

(Two boys are talking)

Mike: Hey, Nick! Where are you going? Why are you wearing such a warm coat, winter boots and a winter hat?

Nick: Oh, Mike, glad to see you. Haven’t you heard the weather forecast? They say, it will be 45 degrees below zero.

Mike: Really? But it is the beginning of winter. And usually winter at our place is so pleasant.

Nick: As for me, I like this season. You can sky, skate, sledge and do a great number of other interesting things. Besides, winter holidays are so wonderful!

Mike: And what about strong winds, severe frosts, ice-covered ground?.. By the way, haven’t you heard about the Snow Queen? She can do us a lot of harm.

Nick: Do you believe that the Snow Queen really exists?! She is just the personage of fairy-tales!

Snow Queen: What? Who doesn’t believe in me? I am the Queen, the Snow Queen! I can not only make the snow, bridges and icy castles, but also I can freeze you to death. Aren’t you afraid of me? You must be afraid! I can transform you into icicles. I am the Queen of the whole world. One my kiss makes your heart icy. I’ve got the magic mirror and if I break it, its parts will get into your eyes and make you cruel, envious, greedy, rude…

Teacher: My dear! I don’t like your speech. You look very beautiful, indeed, we see that you are really the Queen, but I can’t agree with you. Our pupils are not rude, selfish, greedy…

Snow Queen: Who are you? Aren’t you afraid of me? I can freeze you…

Teacher: I am the teacher. I teach my pupils to be honest and brave. That’s why I am not afraid of you. Of course, you can freeze somebody when you are in the fairy-tale. But now you are at school. If you want, you may stay with us, but sit still and listen or I’ll put you onto the hot stove.

Snow Queen: How can I sit still? You are speaking about the cold wind, the ice and the snow… Who knows about all those things better than the Snow Queen ?

Teacher: What do you think about yourself? We’ve invited the scientist . He knows everything about the snow. Don’t you believe? Then let’s listen to him.

Scientist: What do you know about the snow? Do you really think that the snow is white? Then I should say that you are mistaken. Snow is not actually white. It only seems so. In some parts of the earth you can see snow that looks red. At the North and South Poles, for instance. High in the Alps climbers are sometimes surprised to come upon a dark red landscape. It is caused by microscopic red plants that grow on the surface of the snow. Black snowfalls were reported in Virginia. Chicago had a broken snowfall in 1947 which was caused by a dust mixture.

Fresh snow looks delicate and fluffy. Pick up a handful and it seems like nothing. A cubic foot may weigh only one pound. But when snow is compressed, it can weigh up to 30pounds a cubic foot. It can crush buildings and fall down into mountain valleys in massive deadly avalanches.

Snow is not very cold. It is one of nature’s insulators. Farmers know that snow is the overcoat for their fields, holding heat in the ground and keeping seeds from freezing. Snow is frozen water vapour. Warm tropical air causes much snow, because tropical air contains great amounts of the water vapour needed to make snow.

Teacher: Oh, dear scientist, thank you for your interesting story! The information is so cognitive and really unexpected.

Snow Queen: You all will be frozen! Miserable creatures!

Teacher: Sit still and don’t say a word! And as for our future, the astrologist will tell us about it.

Astrologist: Do you believe in horoscopes? Be sure, my information is very truthful.


Aries. You may have an opportunity to change your life, but think hard before taking a decision. You shouldn’t tell anyone about possible changes.

Taurus. This is the time of success in studying. Be punctual and hard-working.

Gemini. You should spend more time at home, especially in the evening.

Cancer. Don’t be upset! Things will improve.

Leo. You may get an opportunity to see new places. Go without hesitation and take a camera with you.

Virgo. You will spend much time playing computer games, but remember, it’s not good for your eyes.

Libra. It’s the best time for you to go to the country. Have a rest.

Scorpio. Don’t worry about your problems at school, you’ll solve them easily.

Saggitarius . If you want to be happy, try not to change anything in your life!

Capricorn. Some health problems may touch you. If you smoke, stop it immediately. Don’t overeat!

Aquarius .This week begins a period of luck. You may find something valuable!

Pisces. Don’t work too much. Leave time for outdoor activities and parties.

Teacher: Thank you, dear Astrologist! What will you say now, Snow Queen? Everything will be all right in our future. You can see that winter consists of not only cold, snow and ice. Winter is the wonderful time of the year! Many writers praised it in their works and many painters devoted their pictures to winter.

My pupils, will you help me prove these words?

Pupil 1: Oh, with great pleasure! Everybody knows the name of the famous Russian writer Nickolai Vasilievich Gogol. He wrote about Russian winter with love. And we tried to translate passages from his book into English. Listen to our translations, please.

“ Everything became lightened. The snow-storm has gone. The snow lit up the wide silver field and crystal stars ran out. The frost seemed to become softer. Crowds of lads and girls appeared. Songs were ringing and beside every hut you could see the people singing Carols”.

Pupil 2: “ The last day before Christmas has gone. Clear winter night came, stars appeared. A young moon rose in the sky to shine for kind people and for the whole world, for everybody who sang Christmas Carols merrily and glorified the Christ. Frost was stronger than in the morning, but the air was so still that the crust of the frost under the feet was heard in half of the verst.”

Teacher: I’m sure, you’ve recognized the wonderful book “ The night before Christmas”.

Pupil 3: I’d like to show you this picture and speak about the wonderful winter landscape. This is the close of the day. The sun is still seen in the sky but in some minutes it will disappear. The beauty of the forest is so great that you want to watch it again and again. You look at the picture and you seem to feel the cold air of this winter evening. It’s so impressive, isn’t it?

Pupil 4: And I’ve got the illustration of the fairy-tale. This is the mouse-hole in winter. We see two beautiful little mice here. Everything looks magic. There are unusual stars in the sky. They are shining and glistening. The moon is so bright. Its light falls on the snow that seems to be blue. Grandfather Frost drew a wonderful picture with snow and ice.

Pupil 5: Now look at this picture! It’ s a real Russian landscape. On the background you see small huts. Their roofs are covered with white snow. The trees seem to be dressed in white coats like in the fairy-tale. The house in the centre looks like a chamber from the tale. But the most impressive thing is the three-horse-open sleigh.

Pupil 6: Everybody knows that many wonderful holidays are observed in winter. On the 25th of December people in Great Britain, in America and some other countries celebrate Christmas, the greatest holiday of the year. January 1 is the New Year’s Day. On the 7th of January Russian people celebrate Christmas, then the Old New Year, which really sounds strange… So many holidays! The time between Christmas and Cristening (Kreschenije) in Russia is called Svyatky or Yule-tide. How people like these winter days full of songs, jokes and interesting parties!

Pupil 7: There are some days in winter that help forecast the summer weather.

January, 14 – Vasilyev Day . Fogs on this day promise good harvest of grains. If the day is windy, the harvest of nuts will be rich.

January, 18 –Christening Eve, the last day of the Svyatky. People go to the river to take some water that is considered to be saint.

January, 19 – Christening. The period of marriages begins. These days are the coldest in the year.

January, 25 – Tatyana’s Day. If it snows, summer will be rainy.

February, 15 – Sreteniye, the first meeting of spring. If the day is sunny, severe frosts have gone. If there is no sun, wait for frosts.

Teacher: Snow Queen, what will you say now? You can see that not only you know much about winter. The pupils and our guests told us so much interesting. You still want to transform us into icicles, don’t you?

Snow Queen: Please, forgive me! My behaviour was awful. If you don’t mind, I’ll better be your friend. I’ll teach you many things I can do myself,

Teacher: So, let it be so. We’ve got a lot of friends and we are always glad to make new ones. Come to our next meeting, we’ll be glad to see everybody!

Snow Queen: Thank you very much! And I invite you to my icy castle. I’m sure, you’ve never seen such a beautiful place. I’ll give you different kinds of ice-cream to eat as much as you want. You will dance in the halls of my castle and play games. You will like it!

Pupils: Oh, thank you for the invitation. Of course, we’ll come.

Teacher: Dear pupils, I think, that everything at the lesson was interesting for you. What impressed you most of all? Please, speak.

Источники информации:

Л.К.Буренина, С.Б.Консон “Учебник английского языка”, Москва, “Высшая школа”, 1966

Г.Д.Рыженков “Народный месяцеслов”