Открытый урок по теме: "Семья" в 5-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • развитие и повышение интереса учащихся к урокам английского языка;
  • развитие навыков говорения;
  • повторение и закрепление ранее изученной лексики по теме “Семья” и применение ее в речевых ситуациях.

Оборудование: аудио-магнитофон

I. Org. moment: Good Morning, good morning,

Good morning to you,
Good morning dear children,
I’m glad to see you.
Good Morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning dear teacher,
We are glad to see you.
Nice to meet you! Thank you! Sit down!
Nice to meet you too!

Now, let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Family”. Today we shall repeat the words, we’ll learn a new dialogue and you’ll try to tell about your family, ask questions and answer.

II. Phonetic drill: By the way, who remembers the rhyme about the family?

Here is the mother,

Here is the father

Here is the sister

Here is the brother

Mother, father, sister, brother

Hand in hand with one another.

And today we’ll learn a new rhyme. Listen and repeat!

How is your mother? - She is fine, thanks.
How is your father? - He is fine, thanks.
How is sister? - She is fine, thanks.
How is your brother? - He is fine, thanks.
Who can recite it?

III. Oral practice: Let’s repeat our lexical words. Come to the table, please, take a card, read, translate and show the card to the class.

Cousin, parents, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, son, daughter, nephew, niece.

Do you know the transcription of these words? Match the words with transcription.

“Matching the words”- (соедините слово с транскрипцией).

“Take off the word”- Take the cards, please, and cross out one of these words.

Исключи лишнее слово:

Father people great-grandfather nephew sister

Man brother great-grandmother aunt son

Mother daughter woman uncle parents

Grandfather parrot niece grandmother cousin

IV. Now, let’s listen to the dialogue “A new friend at home”. Open, please, your textbooks at page 83.

(Учащиеся слушают и повторяют за диктором, чтение по ролям).

V. Before we’ll make the dialogue, we’ll repeat the grammar material- the verb “have, has got”. Go to the blackboard and write down the verbs in the table. (трое учащихся заполняют таблицу на доске с глаголами, затем обобщают употребление глаголов).

Составьте вопросительное и отрицательное предложения:

а) I have got a parrot.
b) He has got a tortoise.

Представление проектов- рассказов о своей семье.

<Приложение 1, Приложение 2, Приложение 3, Приложение 4, Приложение 5>

VI. Let’s remember- how we can take an interview. Imagine yourself that one of you is an English correspondent, and he wants to write an article about pupils of our class. What does he ask the pupil about?

- What is your name? - My name is Sveta.
- What is your surname? - My surname is Ovchinnikova.
-How old are you? - I’m 12 years old.
- Where are you from? - I’m from Russia.
-What nationality are you? - I’m Russian.
-What is your hobby? - My hobby is music.
- What is your favourite subject? - My favourite subject is Music.

That’ll do, thank you.

VII. Let’s listen to the new song “A Happy Family”. (Слушают песню в записи, догадываются о значении новых слов, читают текст, затем поют все вместе).

VIII. Задание на дом ex. 19, p.83 (test reading, crossword; дети получают кроссворды на карточках)

IX. Подводятся итоги урока, выставляются и комментируются оценки.