Алгоритмическое предписание к выполнению студентами педагогического колледжа самостоятельной работы по английскому языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

25-летию Ангарского педагогического колледжа посвящается…

Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку способствует развитию языковых и речевых способностей студентов. Эта работа будет тогда результативной, когда регламентирован набор средств, которые могут быть использованы в ходе ее выполнения. Одним из таких средств является алгоритмическое предписание.

В качестве образца предлагаются две самостоятельные работы, которые выполняются студентами в соответствии с заданиями и направлены на получение определенной отметки, что позволяет студенту работать в определенном ритме и согласно уровню языковых и речевых особенностей.

Цель – учить извлекать основную информацию из несложного аутентичного текста; совершенствовать лексические навыки, повышать их комбинаторику, гибкость.

Алгоритм выполнения:

1. Прочитайте текст.

Like any other country Britain has its manners and customs as well as reputation.

Foreigners often say that in English trains people never speak to each other. But this is of course is not true.

Not long ago I was travelling to London. In my compartment there were many passengers and they talked to each other almost all time. They told each other where they lived, where they were going and, of course, talked about the weather. As soon as the train started a little girl sitting by the window, called out: “We’re off”. I found out that she was going to her aunt’s in Chiswick. It’s somewhere near the Thames but I don’t know exactly where. “Shall we be passing anywhere near it?” “Chiswick? That’s easy to find. You can get to it on the Tube. I’ll show you where to go when we arrive”, I told her. “Goodness, how fast the train is going!” said an old lady. “Do they go so fast in snowy weather and at night? “Her neighbour smiled, took out a book and began to read. Here were as a typical Englishman: during the whole journey he didn’t say a single word. But as we arrived in London, he got up and turning to the lady he said with a strong accent: “Excuse me. I do not understand English. I am from Poland.”

2. Переведите следующие слова, представленные в тексте и отражающие его смысл:

1. custom
2. compartment
3. passenger
4. somewhere
5. snowy
6. typical
7. journey

3. Ответьте на ключевой вопрос о содержании текста:

What nationality was the man taken for typical Englishman?

4. Ориентируясь на содержание текста, закончите предложения

1. Like any other country Britain has its manners and customs as well as …
2. As soon as the train started a little girl sitting by the window, called out …
3. You can get to it on the …
4. He got up and turning to the lady he said with a strong …
5. They called to each other almost …
6. “Shall we be passing anywhere …”

5. Подчеркните неверное слово в каждом предложении и замените на верное, написав в конце предложения в скобках.

1. English people often say that in English trains people never speak to each other ( ).
2. In my department there were many passengers ( ).
3. That’s difficult to find ( ).
4. How slow the train is going ( ).
5. It’s somewhere far off the Thames ( ).
6. Here was a common Englishman ( ).

6. Вновь прочитайте представленный ранее текс и озаглавьте его.

7. Выполните задание: напиши о своем отношении к прочитанному.

Алгоритм выполнения:

1. Прочитайте текст “Seasons and Weather”.

“Seasons and Weather”

When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be "How do you do?" or "How are you?" And after the reply "Very well, thank you: how are you?" the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. "It's a lovely morning, isn't it?" or "Isn't it hot today?" and the other person will reply "Yes, it's wonderful weather we are having. I hope it will keep fine, it seems almost too good to last".

Or perhaps the day is dull, it is raining a little, the sky is grey, and everyone is wearing a mackintosh or carrying an umbrella. As the cars and buses go along the street, they splash the water and mud on the passers-by.

Gradually it gets darker: a thick fog is spreading over London. The lamps are lit in the streets and in the shops and offices; cars and buses put on their lights and can only crawl along. As one friend bumps into another, he says, "Isn't it a beastly day?" "Yes", replies the other, you can hardly see yard in front of you".

Then comes winter. There has been a good fall of snow and a hard frost. It is just the day for a good country walk; let us have a tramp down the country lanes. The ground is like iron and rings under our feet, the frost sparkles on the branches, and icicles hang from the houses.

It is still freezing hard and the ponds are frozen over. There are crowds of people on them sliding and skating, and here is a merry group of schoolboys having a fight with snowballs. It is very pleasant while the frost lasts; the unpleasant time comes when the thaw begins.

A few months have passed and it is a beautiful spring day. The rain fell heavily last night, but now the soft white clouds are floating across the blue sky, and the sun is shining brightly. Raindrops and dewdrops shine on every small green leaf and every blade of young grass.

The fanner has ploughed his fields and the new corn is just beginning to appear above the ground. In a few months autumn and harvest time will come. When the corn has turned ripe and golden the farmer will reap it and put it in his barn.

2. Выпишите из текста слова в два столбика.

3. Ответьте на вопросы относительно общего содержания текста.

  1. What is the usual topic of the Englishmen?
  2. How can you describe a raining day?
  3. What is the description of winter?
  4. What is your opinion of the description of the spring day?

4. Отметьте свой выбор, поставив знак “X” напротив соответствующего

1. The next remark is almost certain to be about

a) the weather
b) the shoes
c) the winter

2. The sky is grey, and everyone is wearing

a) a mackintosh
b) a dress
c) trousers

3. And here is a merry group of schoolboys

a) having a fight with snowballs
b) playing hockey
c) skating

4. Raindrops and dewdrops shine on every

a) small green leaf
b) small red flower
c) small yellow bush

5. When the corn has turned ripe and golden the fanner

a) will reap
b) will plough
c) will put in his barn

5. Представьте себе, что вы получили письмо от своего английского друга, в котором он приглашает вас провести несколько дней в Лондоне.

Напишите ему ответ, короткое письмо, подтвердив получение вами письма друга и спросите/задайте несколько вопросов о том, в какое время лучше приехать и почему. Какая погода в это время в Лондоне (чтобы знать, какую одежду захватить с собой).

Согласно алгоритму при выполнении:

1-2 заданий (нулевой базовый уровень) – отметка 3.

1, 2, 3, 4 заданий (средний базовый уровень) – отметка 4.

Всех заданий (высокий базовый уровень) – отметка 5.