Проект урока по теме: "Basic terms" в рамках курса "Английский язык для пользователей ПК" в виде командных соревнований

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Уважаемые коллеги, учителя английского языка!

Трудно недооценить значение компьютера в нашем тысячелетии. Они проникают практически во все сферы жизни и становятся неотъемлемой их частью. Люди самых разных профессий, постоянно использующие компьютер, понимают, насколько облегчает работу знание английского языка. Ведь зачастую аппаратные средства "разговаривают" с нами именно на интернациональном, английском языке. Русифицированные же версии программ, первоначально созданных на английском, не отличаются высоким качеством. Учебных пособий, ориентированных на пользователей ПК, очень мало. А ведь "компьютерный" английский обладает целым рядом особенностей: как лексических, так и грамматических.

Именно поэтому мною была разработана программа "Английский язык для пользователей", которая как раз и помогает преодолеть трудности, возникающие при работе с вычислительными машинами и научно-технической литературой. Данная программа используется как дополнительная к базовому курсу средней общеобразовательной школы для учеников 8-9 классов.

Изначально учитывался тот факт, что данная тема заинтересует не многих, тем более, что курс не из легких. Поэтому я старалась сделать содержание программы как можно более разнообразным (с точки зрения заданий) и интересным.

Я предлагаю Вашему вниманию пример одного из уроков, направленных на закрепление изученного лексического материала и позволяющих эффективно и необычно осуществить контроль полученных знаний.


Раздел программы: Лексические вопросы перевода.

Тема урока: "Basic terms".

Цели урока:

  • Практическая: подвести итог по изучению темы "Basic terms", активизировать лексический материал;
  • Общеобразовательная: расширить кругозор;
  • Воспитательная: усилить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка, воспитать командных дух, повысить внимание и активность на уроках, развить творческие способности учащихся.

Закрепить пройденный лексический материал; Формировать навыки монологического высказывания и диалогического общения; Развивать навыки письма; Продолжить формирование навыков просмотрового чтения; Способствовать развитию навыков перевода научно-технических текстов.

Тип урока: урок контроля и закрепления пройденного материала.

Вид урока: игра.

Форма работы учащихся: командная.


  • маленькие рисунки (фотографии) периферийных устройств и/или частей компьютерной системы;
  • 2 рисунка с изображением разных компьютерных систем;
  • лист со словами по теме "Basic terms", написанными разным стилем;
  • раздаточный материал с заданиями для команд (тексты для перевода, кроссворд и т.д.).

План урока:

1. Организационным момент - 4 мин
2. Первый этап - 19 мин
3. Второй этап - 14 мин
4. Третий этап - 8
5. Подведение итогов - 2 мин


Our task for today is to revise the material of the previous lessons. I suggest you to do it in the form of a game or competition… You should divide into two teams, think of the team's name and choose your leaders. All the tasks You must do together but the leader is the only one who can present them.
Let's start with the rules. The competition consists of 3 stages: the first one is oral - we'll check how you have remembered the meaning and pronunciation of the words. The second stage is in written form and the last one is the competition of interpreters. The third stage will show us the best readers and interpreters of technical texts.
The first and the second stages include three tasks. So every stage has one team-winner which gets a picture of computer peripherals. The team which at the end of our intellectual competition will compile a larger computer system will become a winner and get small but very useful prizes.
Task №1
Your task is to remember as many words as possible concerning "HARDWARE" and call it one by one. The team which calls the last word is a winner.
Task №2
Compose a dialogue about the buying of:
а) hardware;
б) software
and act it in pairs.
There are only two themes so the team-winner of the previous task has the right to choose.
A dialogue will be estimated according to the four categories:
а) from the point of view of grammar;
b) usage of vocabulary;
c) artistic skills;
d) volume..
Task №3
Compare two pictures of the computer and peripheral devices. Find all the differences and enumerate them one by one using the corresponding grammar constructions.

Рис. №1

Рис. № 1.

Рис. №2

Рис. № 2.

So the winner of the first stage is the team №1.
Let's go to the next stage!
Task №1
I will show you a sheet of paper for about a minute. You will see a certain number of words concerning "Basic terms" there. Your task is to remember as many words as possible and write them down. You should be not only very quick but also very attentive and put the words down without mistakes.

Task №2
Match letters and technical data:

Task №3.
Crossword puzzle.

Crossword puzzle

1. What can be touched in a computer (the machine, the keyboard, the screen ...) is the hardware.
2. What cannot be touched in a computer (the programs, the data ...) is the software.
3. An integrated circuit is usually simply called a chip.
4. The heart of the computer (like Pentium 4 or Athlon ... ) is the processor.
5. Binary digit is abbreviated as bit.
6. The computer stores its data into some form of memory.
7. To interact with the user, the central unit of the computer is linked to various peripherals.
8. The unit which shows/displays data is called the monitor.
9. The unit which prints out data is called the printer.
10. The most common unit used to enter data is the keyboard.
11. If a user wants to process a picture, he needs a scanner.
12. To link the computer to the phone network, he will need a modem.
13. A group of 8 binary digits makes a byte.

And now let's pass to the third finishing "COMPETITION OF TRANSLATORS"!

Your task is to read and translate the text correctly. The team which makes less mistakes will be the winner of our today's competition!
Keyboards have changed very little in layout since their introduction. In fact, the most common change has simply been the natural evolution of adding more keys that provide additional functionality.
The most common keyboards are:
· 101-key Enhanced keyboard
· 104-key Windows keyboard
· 82-key Apple standard keyboard
· 108-key Apple Extended keyboard
The typing keys are the section of the keyboard that contains the letter keys, generally laid out in the same style that was common for typewriters. This layout, known as QWERTY for the first six letters in the layout, was originally designed to slow down fast typists by making the arrangement of the keys somewhat awkward! The reason that typewriter manufacturers did this was because the mechanical arms that imprinted each character on the paper could jam together if the keys were pressed too rapidly. Because it has been long established as a standard, and people have become accustomed to the QWERTY configuration, manufacturers developed keyboards for computers using the same layout, even though jamming is no longer an issue. Critics of the QWERTY layout have adopted another layout, Dvorak, that places the most commonly used letters in the most convenient arrangement.

Рис. № 3


Рис. № 3

Рис. № 4


Рис. № 4


The floppy disk drive (FDD) was invented at IBM by Alan Shugart in 1967. The first floppy drives used an 8-inch disk (later called a "diskette" as it got smaller), which evolved into the 5.25-inch disk that was used on the first IBM Personal Computer in August 1981. The 5.25-inch disk held 360 kilobytes compared to the 1.44 megabyte capacity of today's 3.5-inch diskette.
The 5.25-inch disks were dubbed "floppy" because the diskette packaging was a very flexible plastic envelope, unlike the rigid case used to hold today's 3.5-inch diskettes.
By the mid-1980s, the improved designs of the read/write heads, along with improvements in the magnetic recording media, led to the less-flexible, 3.5-inch, 1.44-megabyte (MB) capacity FDD in use today. For a few years, computers had both FDD sizes (3.5-inch and 5.25-inch). But by the mid-1990s, the 5.25-inch version had fallen out of popularity, partly because the diskette's recording surface could easily become contaminated by fingerprints through the open access area

Рис. № 5

Рис. № 5

Рис. № 6

Рис. № 6

According to the results of all the stages TEAM №1 is the WINNER! You have shown the excellent knowledge of the basic terms and reading skills. Take my congratulations and the PRIZE! TEAM №2 was not successful today but I hope that you'll better prepared next time.
Our lesson is over! See you again next week!