Праздник английского алфавита

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


  • повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной обстановке при помощи игр и конкурсов;
  • подвести итог проведенной учебной работе на данном этапе обученияанглийскому языку;
  • повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls, teachers and guests! I am very glad to meet you at our

English ABC party.

Парад букв английского алфавита.

A is for apples.

Three apples by the door,
Four apples on the floor,
All the apples are good and sweet,
Can you count them all, Pete?

B is for ball.

My ball is big and round.
His ball is blue and brown.

C is for cat, my cat is grey.
He likes to run and he likes to play.

D is for dog and for doggy
I have a dog, his name is Bobby.

E is for English. At school we learn Russian and English too.
Do you like English? Yes, I do.

F is for five and also for four. Five little dogs playing by the door,
One runs away and now they are four.

G is for girl, the girl is six.
She likes to play with little chicks.

H is for hat, Ann has a hat.
I’m a boy, I have a cap.

I is for I. I am a boy.
What have I? I have a toy.

J is for jam. Two little boys, Johnny and Sam,
Sit down to have some tea and jam.

K is for kite, Kate has a kite.
Her kite is little, and it is white.

L is for letters, do you know them all?
Yes, I do, twenty six in all.

M is for mother. I agree she is fine.
You love your mother and I love mine.

N is for night. Good night mother, good night father,
Kiss your little son.
Good night sister, good night brother,
Good night everyone.

O is for one. One and two is three.
Three little cats are in the tree.

P is for pencils. Peter has a pencil, Peter has a pen.
He paints with his pencil and writes with his pen.

Q is for questions. How do you do, my dear sister Sue?
Very well, thank you, and how are you?

R is for roses, they are white and red.
“Give me this rose, please”, says little Fred.

S is for spring and for summer too,
When it’s warm and the sky is blue.

T is for tick and for tock.
“Tick-tock, tick – tock”, says little clock.

U is for under, but not for at.
“I’m under the tree”, says brother Pat.

V is in five and also in seven,
It is in twelve and in eleven.

W is for Willy and also for why.
Why do you cry Willy, why do you cry?

X is in six. Let’s count to six.
One, two, three, four, five, six.

Y is for yard, where children play.
They play in the yard every day.

Z is for zoo. Let’s go to the zoo.
I like to go to the zoo, and you?

Teacher: Мы песенку споем о том,

Как буквы – letters A,B,C

Построили свой дом.

Свой дом, в котором 26

Letters – букв живет.

“ ABC” song .

(Представление команд “Seagull” и “Iceberg”, а также членов жюри - учащихся 7 класса).

Конкурсная программа.

1. “Давайте познакомимся”.

What is your name?

What’s your mother’s name?

Are you a pupil?

What is your telephone number?

Is your father a driver?

How old are you?

Is your sister a student?

Are you good a school?

What’s your address?

What’s your mother’s job?


2. “The ABC quiz ”.

Сколько всего букв в английском алфавите?

Назовите пятую и двадцатую буквы алфавита.

Сколько букв и звуков в слове plate?

Назовите три последние буквы.

Сколько гласных букв в алфавите? Назовите их.

Какая буква стоит в алфавите раньше L или M ?


3. “Говорящие буквы” (буквы, которые звучат как некоторые слова).

Какая буква “омывает” Великобританию со всех сторон? ( C – sea)

Какая буква “приносит” мед? ( B – bee)

Какую букву вы “пьете” каждый день? ( T – tea)

Какая буква является вопросительным словом? (Y – why)

Назовите буквы-местоимения. ( I – I, U – you)

Какая буква всегда “восклицает”? ( O – oh)


4. “Найди пропавшую букву”.

Каждая команда получает карточки с заданием вставить пропущенные буквы в словах и перевести их на русский язык.

t - - - r (tiger) t e - - p - - - e (telephone)
- r – v - r (driver) - l - - - y (gloomy)
m - - s - - r (monster) s - - e - t (street)
s - - - - k (stick) a - - - e (apple)

5. “Пройди через болото”.

Участники команд проходят по “болотным кочкам” (карточки с буквами разложенные на полу) и называют слова, которые начинаются с этой буквы.


6. “Анаграмма”.

Участники команд должны узнать слова, записанные на плакате, правильно написать их и перевести.

obok (book) anem (name)
enpicl (pencil) celrve (clever)
inkd (kind) yict (city)
atnu (aunt) ponos (spoon)
filmay (family) ocdort (doctor)

7. Конкурс капитанов “Пойми меня” .

Ученик изображает два предложенных слова с помощью жестов, а члены команд должны догадаться о значении изображаемого слова:

(plane, rabbit)            (bus, dog)


8. “В стране английской >грамматики”.

Вставьте в предложения пропущенные глаголы am, is, are.

She … a doctor. His sister … only six.
Where … my dress? They … good friends.
We … a happy family. You … very kind.
This man … very gloomy. How … they?
He … not a manager. … from Rostov?


9. “Конкурс английской скороговорки” (на плакате):

A fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.


10. “Секретное донесение” (каждая цифра – это номер буквы в алфавите).

25, 15, 21/ 1, 18, 5/ 3, 12, 5, 22, 18/ 16, 21, 16, 9, 12, 19.
(You are clever pupils.)

Жюри подводит итоги и предлагает посмотреть сказку, подготовленную учениками 7 класса.

Представление кукольного театра.



After W. Disney.

Narrator: Sun, sun, send us your morning ray,
Be quick, we shall begin our play.


Niff-Niff: I am rosy and fat, I am not quick,
It is not so bad to be a pig.
I have no grief, I’m never sad,
My name is Niff-Niff, remember that. (He takes a book)
Most of all I like to read,
All children know it,
I’m a very clever pig,
I have a book, it’s very big.

Narrator: What are you doing, Niff-Niff ?

Niff-Niiff: I’m reading a book.

Narrator: And where are your brothers?

Niff-Niiff: They are playing and dancing as always, look at them!

(Naff-Naff and Nuff-Nuff are singing :
We are dancing all day long,
All day long, all day long,
We are dancing all day long,
La-la-la-la-la (two pigs run away)

Narrator: The three little pigs have built three new houses. They are so funny, look at them!

Naff-Naff: I have made my house of grass,
House of grass, house of grass,
I have made my house of grass,
Do you like my house?

Narrator: Oh, no. I think a strong wind will blow your house away.

Naff-Naff: Never mind! (he comes into his house of grass)

Nuff-Nuff: I have made my house of sticks,
House of sticks, house of sticks.
I have made my house of sticks,

Narrator: Your house is bad, not good at all.
You must know that, it will soon fall.

Nuff-Nuff: Never mind! (he comes into his house of sticks)

Niff-Niiff: I have made my house of bricks,
House of bricks, house of bricks,
I have made my house of bricks,
I have made my house of bricks,
Because work and play don’t mix.

Narrator: You are right. This house is the best I have ever seen.

Big Bad Wolf: It’s always said that I am bad, but I’m simply hungry.
I want to eat very much. What shall I do?
What is it? Somebody is coming! I smell a pig close by!

(Naff-Naff sees the wolf, cries and runs into the house of grass)

Big Bad Wolf: Let me in little pig or I will blow your house down!

Naff-Naff: Go away, Big Bad Wolf, go away!

(Big Bad Wolf blows the house away; the pig runs to Nuff-Nuff’s house and they sing together):

We are afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.
We are afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
He is near by.

Big Bad Wolf: Oh, I can catch two pigs now. This house is bad too.

(Big Bad Wolf blows the house away, the pigs run very quickly to Niff-Niff’s house)

Niff-Niiff: Don’t be afraid my brothers, my house is made of bricks, it will save us.

Big Bad Wolf (speaks in a small voice):

I’m a poor sheep, I’m so ill and thin.
Please let me in! Please let me in!


Niff-Niiff: It is not a sheep, it is you, Big Bad Wolf. We will not open the door, go away!
And if you don’t run, I shall call a man.
He will take his gun, you will know then!

(The three pigs say together):

You’d better go away! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

Big Bad Wolf: What? A gun? Oh, I must run! (The wolf runs away).

(The pigs sing their merry song):
We are not afraid of Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.
We are not afraid of Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf has gone!

Ведущий праздника благодарит и награждает всех участников праздника сладкими призами и предлагает попрощаться с английским алфавитом.


Goodbye English alphabet!