Урок-проект в 7-м классе по теме: "Семья"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Расширение кругозора учащихся.
  • Учить учащихся работать самостоятельно на уроке и во внеурочное время.
  • Воспитание личной ответственности учащихся за свои знания.
  • Формирование умения включать свои знания в реальную действительность.
  • Побуждать учащихся учиться самостоятельно, добывать необходимую информацию, пользоваться различными источниками по теме урока.


  • Развитие познавательного интереса при подготовке к своему проекту. Развивать интерес к показу результатов своего труда.


  • Развивать стремление учащихся работать совместно с целью сплачивания коллектива; взаимопонимание и взаимодействие учащихся.
  • Развивать чувство ответственности не только за свою деятельность, но и за работу всей группы.


Картинки, изготовленные учащимся — ванная комната, кухня; гербы семей; книги — альбомы “Словарь семьи”; реальные вещи по теме “Традиции корейской семьи”; рисунок генеалогического древа; рисунок — схема “Корни семьи” “Цели семьи”, “Семейные правила”; 16 рисунков — символов весны; карточки — варианты поздравлений с днём рождения; анкеты “Какого человека я выбираю”; музыкальный инструмент – синтезатор (аккомпанемент к песне “Home on the Range”).


Словесные, наглядные, практические; самостоятельная работа; обобщающий.

I. Организация урока. Preliminaries of the lesson.

Compere — Ведущая урок в роли учителя.

- Dear children! Dear guests — ladies and gentlemen! Today we’ll have a reviewing lesson — project. The subject — matter of the project is “Family”. They say “Together we’re strong” or “One for all, and all for one”. When people say these words they mean FAMILY.

During our lesson we’ll discuss several projects. There are 9 of them. All of them have been planned and studied by the pupils of our English group.

So, we are going to share our experience in our projects.

II. Представление проектов.

P1 - My project is the Coat of Arms of our Family (показывает рисунок герб семьи). — This is the design of our Family Coat of Arms. It has a shield – shaped form. It means defence, protection and mutual friendship. The shield is on the coat of arms of Poltava which is in the Ukraine. Poltava is my hometown. As for the colours — I painted the shield dark blue — and yellow; white — red - and blue; these are the colours of the Ukrainian and of the Russian flags.

I chose the colours of the Russian flag because we have many roots in Russia. After leaving Tajikistan we’re going to live in Russian.

I chose the colours of the Ukrainian flag, because there are a lot of our relatives living in the Ukraine nowadays.

Our family love flowers and one of the most favorite is the chamomile (or ox — eye daisy). There are a lot of these flowers both in Russia and in the Ukraine. And the picture of this flower is on our coat of arms.

All members of our family like to play badminton. That’s why a shuttle — cock and a badminton rocket is designed on our coat of arms.

I think the birch tree is the symbol tree of Russia. So, I painted a birch tree on our coat of arms.

As for my roots I can’t but mention that my grandpa and my grandmother live in Poltava. My grandmother is the head of our family. All members of our family love her, respect her, and follow her advice.

P2 — Показывает герб семьи - Before describing the coat of arms of our family I’d love to remind you the history. Coats of arms were invented almost 900 years ago. In those days soldiers wore helmets over their faces while they fought. No one could tell who is who. Then people decided to put different coats of arms on their shields. So, everyone could tell which family they belonged to. Each coat of arms had its special design that told something particular about the family.

- Here is the design of our family coat of arms. You can see the symbols of two countries on it: of Tajikistan and of Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan is the homeland of my Mom. She was born in Bukhara, the most beautiful and quiet — peaceful town of Uzbekistan. Tajikistan is the homeland of my Daddy, but his roots are also in Bukhara.On the background of two flags — Tajik and Uzbek: white – green — red and

blue — white — red you can see the Tulip — the most beautiful flower which is the symbol of Central Asia. Its leaves are bright green, large, nice. The Tulip means Beauty, Wealth, and Bright Nature.

So, colours of our family coat of arms are white — green — read, and blue — red – white — red and green. Its shape resembles us the Tulip:

Tajikistan, the Beautiful!
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For purple mountain majestics
Above the fruited plains!

Blooming, dearest country is Tajikistan. And the Tulip symbolises all the flowers blossoming around our Motherland.

Compere: - The second project is “A Family Dictionary”. Two pupils will offer their projects. Each family has its own dictionary. The Family Dictionary helps better understand among people.

P3 — A dictionary is a book that tells you what words mean and how to say them. The names of those things and people are always listed in ABC order.

I’ve made my own dictionary that tells about our family. But you can include not only members of the family, but your pets as well. So, here is my project:

A. Amin is my father. My father is very clever. He likes football. He likes historical films. We often talk, and I can ask any question on any problem. I like to follow his advice.

D. Daler is me. I’m 14, and I’m in the 7 grade. I like English and Geography. I like to watch TV-sports programmes, world championships and matches. I like football. I like computer games. I like films.

D. Dilya is my sister. She is very beautiful and kind. She likes pop music. Her favourite singers are “Backstreet Boys”. She likes skate boarding.

K. Kenja is my brother. He is very strong and clever. He likes football very much. He enjoys computer games, especially “Counter Strike”. He knows English very well. He likes history and enjoys historical films. He knows history very well.

V. Valentina is my mother. She likes TV programme “Anshlag”. She is fond of Russian music. She likes sport: figure skating. She reads a lot: stories and novels. She collects different crystal — glass figures.

We are a friendly family

P4 - My project is also a Family Dictionary. In my dictionary I wrote everything I want to say about each person. I use a different colour page (you also may use a colour card) for each family member.

Here is my project:

А. Alisher is me. I have brown eyes and brown hair. I’m 14. I’m the youngest in our family. I’m 154 cm. tall. My favourite kind of music is RAP. I especially like Russian RAP and French RAP. I keep on basketball and swimming. I’m fond of reading science fiction. I like our school. My favourite subjects are: Algebra, English, Physics, Chemistry.

M. Mokhira is my Mom. She has black eyes and black hair. She is 45. She is beautiful and slender. She likes to bake and to knit. My Mom doesn’t like to watch TV. She is fond of reading historical novels.

S. Shoira is my sister. She has brown eyes and brown hair. She is 15. Some of her hobbies are: reading books, listening to music and writing GRAFFITY.

In our family we all love each other dearly.

P5 — The 3rd project is “Family Traditions” A tradition is something that is handed down in families. It goes from your grandparents to parents, to children and so on. A tradition can be a story or an idea, or an activity. Some families bake or cook certain kinds of foods on holidays. Other families have special parties where they sing their favourite songs, or tell family stories. Does your family have any tradition! If you do, you can start keeping a record of them. Then, on special days, you share those traditions with the rest of your family.

P6 — I’d like to tell about our family tradition. The important events of the Korean family are: celebrating 1 year of a baby, wedding and some anniversaries. I would like to tell you about the Korean tradition of celebrating the child’s 1 year birthday. A lot of guests are invited to the birthday party. The special table is covered for the child. There are some things on the table: rice, bread, scissors, threads, a book, a note book, a pen, a pencil and money. The relatives and friends put all these things in front of the child. Some old and experienced relatives can foretell the fate of the child. It depends on the thing the child chooses. If he chooses money, he will be rich: if he chooses the book or the pen, he will be a good pupil. This ceremony must be carried out until it is 12 o’clock. After the ceremony all the guests taste delicious Korean dishes.

P7 — The next project is an “American Family” I would tell you about the Garretts Family. The Russian boy Sasha Krylov from Moscow is going to Atlanta (Georgia) for the whole summer. He will be staying in the Garretts’ house. The Garretts have two daughters – Natalie and Alison.

Natalie is 17 years old and attends Roswell High School. She also works at the shopping mall, at a fast-food restaurant called Chic — fil — a. She’s saving money for college. She will be attending college next year. She has just got her driver’s license and drives herself to work. She has got an old white car. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing, playing softball, dating, playing with her dog and watching TV. Her favourite kind of music is country music. She’s planning to go to college and become a doctor. It will take a lot of hard work, but she thinks she can do it.

She has got a sister — Alison.

- Alison is 11 years old and she is in the fifth grade. She goes to Roswell North Elementary school. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia. The Garretts have a pet dog. His name is Montana. He is very smart and funny. Some of Alison’s hobbies are: collecting rocks, coins, and shells. She also likes to skate, swim, and ride her bike. Alison would love to come to visit Russia someday and see what Russian children enjoy and how they live.

The daughters’ parents’ names are Kirk Garrett and Joan Garrett. The Garretts live in the suburbs of Atlanta, in the town called Roswell. The Garretts live in a house which has two floors.

P8 — The fifth project is “Family Roots” and “Family Trees”.

- My project is “Our Family Roots” I was born in 1988. Country where I was born is Tajikistan. My mother was born in 1959. My father was born in 1960. My mother’s mother was born in 1938. Our roots come from Khasan Khamidov who was born in 1922.

P9 — My project is “Our Family Tree” The name of our family comes from my grand father, born in 1930. His mother was born in 1900. I have a grandmother Svetlana. As for me, I am 14. I was born in 1991. The country where I was born is Tajikistan.

P10 — And now our pupils will sing the song “Home on the Range” because our next project will be “House”. (Children sing the song). Our Home is the place where we live and rest, cook and discuss some events, do our school lessons and sing or dance sometimes, celebrate holidays and clean it once a week. We often miss our home if we are traveling in other countries far away from it. They say “There’s no place like home” or “East or west home is best”. The song “Home on the Range” is the nostalgia.

P11 — My project is “A room in our house”, and I am going to tell your about the bathroom of my dream (показывает рисунок) Here is the picture of it. I’ve designed it myself. When we describe any house or flat we talk about different rooms in it. In our house we have a nice bathroom. I think the bathroom must be warm, spacious and comfortable. Coming into the bathroom you step on the mat which is soft and fine. To the left of it is the scale. On the wall there is the toilet paper and to the left is the lavatory can. It is clean and blue in colour. Straight opposite the door is the sink and the tap. Above the sink there is a mirror. It is of round shape. On the shelf next to the mirror there is a piece of soap, shampoo, tooth paste, and tooth brushes. And here is the towel — so soft and nice.

To the right of the door there is the bath and the shower, and on it can see a sponge.

I like my bathroom and I think you like it too.

P12 — My project is “The Room for Children”. My brother and I share a room. I n our room there are two beds, a cupboard and a wardrobe where we keep our clothes. To the left of the door there is a bookcase. We have many interesting books in it, and my brother and we like to read stories and novels. Near the window there is a writing table, and on it there are text books, pens, exercise books. Here we do our lessons. There are two chairs, a sofa. You can see a watch on the wall. Our room is nice and comfortable. We like our room.

P13 — My project Is “The kitchen” Every family has a kitchen. Every flat and every house has a kitchen. I think the kitchen must be large, bright and clean. Here we cook food: very often we all come to the kitchen together and talk. Sometimes we have tea and even dine in the kitchen. It is warm and cosy here. I dream our kitchen had all modern appliances like an electric can opener, a disposal and a dishwasher. But it is only my dream. In our kitchen we have a drawing, a litter can and a lot of kitchen dishes. The kitchen towel is always clean, and on the table there are several fine napkins. When somebody comes into the kitchen to cook, she puts on an apron. All the electric appliances must be in good order, the oven must be tidy. The kitchen is one of the warmest and most cosy places in our house. I like our kitchen.

P14 - And our last project is “Family Goals” and “Family Rules”.

Family Goals

- Our Family Goals are:

  1. We want to be a loving family.
  2. We want to be alert at school and work.
  3. We want to be morally clean.
  4. We want to develop our individual talents.
  5. We want to be kind.

Family rules

- Our Family Rules are:

  1. We will all try to attend any event in which one of our family members is involved to show our support.
  2. We will always be home by ten o’ clock.
  3. We will not date until we are sixteen.
  4. We will not do anything that will lead to immorality.
  5. There will be no quarreling in our house.

III. Заключение (compere).

- We have shared our experience in all our projects on the subject — matter of our lesson “Family”. But our lesson is not yet finished. It is April now and it is spring now. Most people like spring. It is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Each person has his own symbol of spring. Now we will show our pictures — projects which are the symbols of spring for each of us.

К доске один за другим выходят учащиеся со своими рисунками — проектами символами весны.

Colourful rain, a rainbow, a thunder — storm, beautiful spring flowers, a loving heart and the heart which is loved, a snowdrop, a fluttering dandelion, a daffodil, the shining sun, the blue sky, the warm weather, beautiful girls, a new spring dress.

Затем учащиеся декламируют стихотворение “A Daffodil” на английском языке (автор William Wordsworth).

IV. Подведение итогов урока.

Итоги урока подводит учитель английского языка. В конце урока один из учащихся вручает гостям (учащимся и учителям) оформленные на открытках тексты — образцы Поздравлений к дню рождения — Birthday Wishes, а также анкеты “Какого человека я выбираю”.
