Использование проектной работы, как средства обучения аудированию в 10-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Представляю вашему вниманию идею мини-проекта, где работа над проектом ведется во внеурочное время, а защите проекта выделяется не целый урок, а лишь его часть. В этом случае презентация проекта органично вписывается в структуру обычного урока совершенствования лексических навыков устной речи и является не только целью (т.е. развитие речевого умения – монолог), но и средством совершенствования навыков восприятия английской речи на слух (для остальных учащихся). Идея проекта может быть выдвинута учащимися или предложена учителем в качестве домашнего задания для группы учащихся, а не всего класса. В данном случае учитель сообщил, что на следующем уроке они будут говорить о современных музыкальных направлениях. На что некоторые учащиеся высказались, что неплохо было бы также узнать об исторических истоках поп-музыки, а также какой из стилей был самым ранним. Так родилась идея мини проекта “Music styles. The Historical background.” Учащиеся не только нашли информацию по теме, оформили проект на трех листах ватмана, соединенных вместе, проиллюстрировали ее, но также подобрали отрывки из музыкальных произведений поп-групп, отражающих наиболее характерные черты того или иного направления в музыке.

Открытый урок в 10-м классе по теме: ’’How do teens express their individuality?’’


    1. Знакомство с различными современными музыкальными направлениями.
    2. Развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и детального содержания информации.
    3. Активизация изученной лексики по теме: “Молодежные субкультуры в речи учащихся”.
    4. Обучение подготовленной монологической речи, защита проекта.
    5. Совершенствование лексических навыков чтения.
    6. Формирование терпимого отношения и уважения мнения другого человека, подготовка к письменному выражению своего мнения по отношению к молодежным субкультурам.
    7. Развитие способности к сравнению, классификации, умению анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы.

Аспекты языка: лексика.

Виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо.

Режим работы: фронтально-групповой, в парах, индивидуальный.

Виды упражнений: языковые, условно речевые.

Ход урока

    1. Организационный момент. Установка учителя. Brainstorm
    2. Teacher: Today we are going to speak about things which are very familiar and interesting for you. We’ll discuss how teens express their individuality. You know that a lot of people belong to different subcultures. What is a subculture?

      Pupil 1: In the broadest sense, a subculture is any group within a larger complex culture who has interests that vary from those of the mainstream culture.

      Pupil 2: But in a more specific sense, a subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music.

      Teacher: So what are the 4 main features of any subculture?

      Pupil: Image, ideas, clothes, music.

      Teacher: We have already learned about their image and ideas. Today we’ll pay plenty of time to speak about modern music styles. We’ll review and summarize everything you know about their image and ideas.

    3. Phonetic drill
    4. Let’s pronounce correctly the words you need to discuss this topic. Listen and repeat after me.

    5. Работа с лексикой
    6. Exercise 1. These words have wrong spelling. Find the mistakes and say what letter is missed. Do you remember the spelling of these words?

    1. agressive 6. opton 11. rebellios
    2. hippi 7. rebelion 12.tehno
    3. pycedelic


    13. improvisatin
    4. got 9. scoter 14. aprove
    5. haker 10. skinhed 15. roker

    Exercise 2. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary (индивидуальная работа 2 мин.)

    1. to protest

    2. to show strong physical force

    2. to show strong physical force

    4. to refuse to accept

    5. not easily controlled

    6. to test

    7. right or power of choosing

    Exercise 3. Use the names of subcultures instead of pronouns (работа в группах)

    1. He wears a leather jacket and a cowboy hat.

    2. They are good at computers.

    3. They like to talk about vampires and about the end of the world.

    4. He refuses to accept everything.

    5. They cut their hair shorter than others do.

    Exercise 4. Find the right variant (работа в парах)

    1. Rockers wear

    a) leather jackets and army boots

    b) short jackets or short blazer jackets

    c) tight trousers and heavy boots

    2. Mods have

    a) very short hair

    b) college-style hair

    c) very black hair

    3. don't protest against their parents.

    a) Bikers

    b) Hackers

    c) Punks

    4. prefer aggressive music.

    a) Punks

    b) Skinheads

    c) Goths

    Exercise 5. I believe there are some mistakes in the descriptions of the subcultures. Find and correct them.

    1. The music of punks is romantic.

    2. Rockers prefer soul music.

    3. Hippies show off their independence in supporting an aggressive attitude and lifestyle.

    4. Ravers are thought to be sentimental.

    5. Punks support society's standards.


  1. Монологическая речь и аудирование

Teacher: We’ve discussed image and ideas of some subcultures. And now one more feature – music. Let’s learn about the historical background of some popular music styles. Listen to your classmates attentively and try to guess what music style they are speaking about. (Одна группа учащихся представляет свой проект, остальные слушают их и выполняют задание)

5. Чтение, письмо и устная речь

Teacher: Please, summarize everything you’ve heard and the information from your Student’s book (EX.3 1) p.72), fill in the table and speak about pop music.

Music style

the main features

groups, musicians


Teacher: Now you know everything about these music styles. Can you guess the style while listening to the music? Let’s see. (Student’s book, EX.3 2). P.73). Try to explain your opinion. Why do you think so?

6. Говорение

Teacher: At home you were to summarize information about subcultures. Look at the scheme and control yourself. Here is everything we’ve discussed at the lesson today. You are only to add the music styles.

A member of a group Clothes Music Specific features
Punk Leather jackets, metal chains   Brightly coloured hair, shocking way of wearing clothes
Skinhead Tight trousers, heavy boots (Doc Martens)   Very short hair, uninterested in politics, regarded as violent and aggressive, football fans


  2- or 3-wheeled motorized vehicles
Goth The blackest clothes, a lot of silver jewellery   Looks very pale and thin, reads Bram Stoker
Raver Psychedelic clothes   All-night dance parties, thought to be rebellious
Mod A neat white Italian shirt, a short jacket, narrow trousers, olive green anoraks, Levi's jeans and hush puppies   Pale face, scooters are the preferred means of transportation


  Liberal attitude and lifestyle, behaviours and attitudes differ from social norms
Rocker A leather jacket, army boots and a cowboy hat   v Associated with something rebellious


  A deep understanding of how their computers work, can do 'magical' things

 -Speak about different subcultures. What music do they prefer?

-Why do you think people belong to different subcultures? Try to answer this question using the expressions from the book. (EX2p.75) Choose from the ideas below.

-Which subcultures do you like?

7. Домашнее задание. Письмо

Teacher: You see there are a lot of different attitudes towards the members of some subcultures. Some people like or dislike them, others agree or disagree with their ideas. At home you’ll read a letter about grownups’ attitude to hippies. Write about your own attitude to any subculture. (p.36-37 EX.4 AB)

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to protest against teenagers who bring trouble to the city by choosing for their motor rides populated streets at most inappropriate time. These motorcyclists scare the late passers-by racing wildly through the city.

According to statistics, the number of road accidents caused by night-time motorcyclists has been steadily rising.

I request that the matter be investigated immediately.

V. Smith

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to support those teenagers who want to express themselves by having and riding motorbikes. If a lad's ambition is to race about on a motorcycle, he should have an opportunity to do this. And he should feel that grown-ups are supporting him. There should be youth clubs for lovers of motoring and competitions should be held. These night-time rides of young people, which a lot of people protest against, come from boredom and grown-ups indifference to them.

I request that something- be done to help these teenagers.

D. Smith

  1. Рефлексия. Заключительный этап урока

Teacher: But before you’ll say it is good or bad, remember that some famous people belonged to different subcultures when they were young .For example, Bill Clinton, the American ex-president. Do a crossword puzzle and you’ll learn the subculture Bill Clinton belonged to in his youth. Work in groups. Who will be the first?

 a. a 'wizard' of computers

b. a person with a short hair cut, listening reggae

c. a person dressed in a shocking way (very bright hair)

d. equipment necessary for making techno music

e. a person with a motorbike

f. a person visiting all-night dance parties

  1. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке

Teacher: I’m quit satisfied with your work at the lesson today. Your project about the historical background of some music styles was great. I liked it very much. I’m pleased with answers and work of other students. Thank you for your participations. Thank you for today’s lesson. See you in a week.