О средствах массовой информации Великобритании на лекционно-практических занятиях по страноведению

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Курс по страноведению Великобритании (56 часов) представляет особый интерес для студентов.

Использование активных методов обучения, лекционно-практических занятий способствует вовлечению всех студентов в активную деятельность.

Технология обучения страноведению включает следующие методы:

1. Ознакомление с новым вокабуляром; новой темой и проблемами, с ней связанными. ( Приемы: объяснение; слушание и запись лекции; самостоятельное чтение материала и его изучение; работа с вокабуляром; диктант.)

2. Тренировка (Приемы: ответы на вопросы; поиск ответов на вопросы в тексте; чтение и перевод текстов; работа с карточками в парах; ролевые игры.)

3. Практика (Приемы: обсуждение изучаемой темы/ проблемы в парах, группе; устная презентация; доклад; написание эссе.) [1]

Ниже предлагается одно из разработанных мною лекционно-практических занятий на основе вышеназванной технологии обучения страноведению.

Информационная карта лекционно-практического занятия (ЛПЗ)

Группа: 31

Преподаватель: Розбаум И. Р.

Дата проведения: 23 апреля 2003 года

Предмет дополнительной подготовки в области иностранного языка (английского): Страноведение

Методическая тема преподавателя: Формирование способности к межкультурной коммуникации на английском языке через социокультурный компонент в обучении

Тема ЛПЗ: Радио и телевидение Великобритании

Цель: расширение общего, социального и культурного кругозора студентов

Аспекты цели (задачи):

  • Познавательный аспект – обогащение знаний учащихся о средствах массовой информации Великобритании
  • Развивающий аспект – расширение активного и пассивного вокабуляра студентов по теме занятия
  • Учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений и коммуникативных навыков диалогической, монологической и полилогической речи
  • Воспитательный аспект – воспитание положительного, уважительного и терпимого отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка через празднование знаменательной даты – Дня рождения Уильяма Шекспира

Сопутствующая задача: создание благоприятного психологического климата для самовыражения личности студентов

Формы работы: самостоятельная, фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповой проект

Источники информации:

1. Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь: Литература. Театр. Кино. Музыка. Танец. Балет. Живопись. Скульптура. Архитектура. Дизайн. СМИ. / Сост. Г. Д. Томахин. М., ООО “Издательство АСТ”: ООО “ Издательство Астрель”, 2001

Chapter VIII Mass Media: Radio pp.250-257 Television pp. 258-281

2. Счастливый английский в 4 кн. Кн. 4. Учебник английского языка для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений (В. П. Кузовлев, Н. П. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.)– М.: Просвещение, 1997

Unit 3 What’s the News ? pp. 67-97

3. О Британии вкратце: Книга для чтения на английском языке в старших классах средней школы. / Сост. В. В. Ощепкова, И. И. Шустилова, М.: Просвещение, 1993, стр.16-17/

Оснащение: аудиоприложение к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева “Счастливый английский” для 9 класса общеобразовательного учреждения (кассета 1); транспаранты для графопроектора; грампластинка с музыкой М. Таривердиева “ Сонеты Шекспира”; текст диктанта на транспаранте для взаимоконтроля.

Оформление доски: правая часть – лексические единицы по теме; левая часть – план занятия; центральная часть – дата, тема, перечень популярных способов времяпрепровождения в Британии.

Речевой материал (продуктивный):

advertise – помещать объявление, рекламировать
advertiser – 1. лицо, помещающее объявление 2. газета с объявлениями 3.реклама
broadcast – n 1. радиовещание 2. радиопередача, телепередача v 1. передавать по радио, по телевидению 2. вести радиопередачу 3. вещать
broadcast appeal – обращение по радио
broadcaster – диктор
channel – канал ( телевизионный)
commercial – разг.радио и телевидение
mass media – средства массовой информации
review – обзор, обозрение
reviewer – обозреватель
transmit – передавать по радио и телевидению = to broadcast
TV viewer – телезритель
view TV – смотреть телевизор = to watch TV
viewing habits – телевизионные привычки

Структура лекционно-практического занятия

1. Оргмомент. Cообщение темы, цели, задач и плана занятия. Запись плана в тетрадь.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. Проговаривание тематической лексики за преподавателем.
3. Аудирование (с аудиокассеты) с последующими записями в тетради.
4. Мини-лекция преподавателя о радио в Британии с использованием графопроектора. Запись опорной схемы в тетради по ходу лекции.
5. Проверка домашнего задания в форме фронтального опроса.
6. Диктант по теме. Взаимопроверка диктанта.
7. Мини-лекция преподавателя о телевидении в Британии с использованием графопроектора. Перенос таблицы студентами в тетради по ходу лекции.
8. Аудирование (с аудиокассеты) с последующими записями в тетради
9. Групповой проект – телепередача “Уильям Шекспир – великий поэт и драматург” – 32мин.

1) Полилог в молодёжном клубе – 5 мин.
2) Представление стенгазеты, сообщения о биографии Шекспира – 12 мин.
3) Чтение сонетов У. Шекспира и переводов С. Маршака (под музыку М. Таривердиева) –15 мин.

10. Рефлексивный этап.
11. Итог урока. Домашнее задание.

Ход лекционно-практического занятия

1. T: Good morning! How are you today? I hope everybody is fine . Dear guests! Welcome to our English lessons! The third year Tatarsk pedagogical students are in front of you! The theme of today’s lesson is

“ Radio and Television in Britain”. Radio, Television and Press are called Mass Media. At today’s lesson we’ll speak about radio in details and about TV – in general. We’ll continue our talk about British TV next time, when you study thoroughly much of the information by yourselves. The main aim of the lesson is to enrich your knowledge on the topic, to enlarge your vocabulary and to improve your English.

Let’s begin by writing the plan of the lesson.


I. Five most popular leisure activities in Britain.

II. General information about the BBC.

III. Radio

3.1. Radio Stations
3.2. Radio Programmes
3.3. Radio Broadcasters

IV. Television

4.1. TV in Figures and Facts
4.2. From the history of British television
4.3. British TV audience share

V. Students’ group project “ А TV Programme for Russian TV Viewers in English “ In Commemoration of William Shakespeare”

2. T: First let’s brush up your phonetics. Repeat topical words and word combinations after me, please.
Advertise, advertiser, broadcast, broadcast appeal, broadcaster, channel, a commercial, mass media, review, reviewer, to trasmit= to broadcast, a TV viewer, to view TV = to watch TV, viewing habits.

3. T: To my mind when we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are many ways to do it.There are five very popular leisure activities in Britain. Listen to the tape and place the activities in order from the most popular downwards.

(Следует прослушивание аудиозаписи)

T: Well, is TV watching among popular leisure activities in Britain ?

S: Yes. TV watching is listed as the first most popular activity in British homes.

T: Yes, fist comes TV watching. What comes then ?

S: Visiting friends and relatives is listed as the second most popular pastime in Britain.

T: What comes next? What comes after that ? And last? Now write them into your copy-books.

(Студенты записывают в тетрадях)

Mass Media: Radio, Television, Press.

The Most Popular Leisure Activities in Britain

1. TV watching
2. Visiting friends and relatives
3. Listening to radio
4. Listening to records and tapes, CDs
5. Reading

4. T: I expect you already know something about British TV and Radio but nevertheless listen to the general information about the BBC and draw the scheme into your copy-books.

(Через графопроектор на доске представлена следующая опорная схема, по которой читается лекция)

General Information about the BBC

(текст лекции)

What do the letters BBC stand for ? The BBC / British Broadcasting Corporation / is one of the two radio and television broadcasting companies in Britian. The second one is the IBA / Independant Broadcasting Authority /.

The BBC was founded in 1927 as an independant public corporation. It is under goverment control since 1927 – the chairman and the governors of the BBC are appointed by the monach on the advice of the goverment but the goverment has no control over the BBC’s broadcasting policy – that is the BBC is free to manage its own policy and decide the content of its programmes. There is no advertising on BBC radio. It is not required to make a profit and its income comes almost entirely from the sale of television licences which everyone who owns a television has to buy.

The BBC broadcasts radio programmes both at home / within Britain / and abroad / to other countries/.

At home, the BBC currently broadcasts five radio networks Radios 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Apart from these national programmes, the BBC also has 36 local radio stations. The main external network of the BBC is the World Service, which broadcasts to almost every country of the world in 37 languages, including English. As well as the BBC’s local radio stations, there are 62 independant local radio / ILR / stations, which are originally operated by the Independant Broadcasting Authority / IBA/ .

5. T: At home you had to group the words into three columns: Radio stations, Radio programmes and Radio Broadcasters. Read the first ( second, third) column of words, please.

( к занятию студентами должна быть составлена следующая таблица)

Radio Stations

Radio Programmes

Radio Broadcasters

1. Auntie
2. the LBC
3. the BBC
4. Radio 4
5. Beeb
6. Bush House
7. CB
1. “Any Questions”
2. “The Archers” /daily/
3. “Reith Lectures”
4. “Brain of Britain” /weekly /
5. “Desert Island Discs”
6. “God Slot”
7. “Goon Show”
8. “Woman’s Hour” /daily /
1. John Arlott
2. Dan Maskell
3. Barry Normann
4. Alistair Cooke
5. Lord Reith
6. Richard Dimbleby
7. Michael Fish

T: (после прочтения одним из студентов первой колонки) Answer my questions.

1. Why is the BBC sometimes called “Auntie” ?

(Auntie, an affectionate name for the BBC used humorously to suggest that it is familiar, well – intentioned but rather unadventurous. It is seen as a staid old aunt, or keeper of moral values.)

2. What does the LBC broadcast ?

(The LBC (London Broadcasting Company), a local radio station run by the IBA. It opened in 1973 and broadcasts 24 hours a day, transmitting mainly information programmes such as news bulletins, weather and traffic reports, as well as talks, discussions and reviews.)

3. What does Radio 4 broadcast ?

(Radio 4 broadcasts programmes on news and current affairs as well as plays and arts programmes.Radio 4 is considered to be a quality station and listened to by educated people.)

4. What does Radio 1 broadcast ?

(Radio 1 broadcasts mostly pop and rock music and is listened to mostly by young people.)

5. What does Radio 2 broadcast ?

(A BBC radio station Radio 2 broadcasts mostly music and entertainments programmes and is listened to especially by older people.)

6. What does Radio 3 broadcast ?

(A BBC radio station Radio 3 broadcasts mostly classical music from 7. 00 a. m. to about midnight, but also present plays, talks, and readings of short stories and poetry. In the early morning, before its regular schedule begins, it transmits programmes for Open University courses.)

7. And what does Radio 5 broadcast ?

(A BBC radio station which broadcasts a variety of programmes, it began broadcasting in 1990, it is aimed at younger listeners and broadcasts mainly educational and sports programmes.)

8. What is the BBC’s nickname ?

(The familiar nickname for the BBC ( from the pronunciation of BBC ) is the Beeb.

9. Where are the headquarters and studios of the External Services of the BBC situated ?

(The headquarters and studios of the External Services of the BBC are situated in Bush House, a large building in central London. It was named in 1931 after its designer, the American business executive Irving T. Bush.)

10. What is CB radio used for ?

(Citizens Band Radio, a local radio communications system operated by private citizens, chiefly from travelling motor vehicles. It became popular in Britain from the early 1980s and uses a complex and semi-secret jargon, with each operator having his own call-sign.)

Вопросы после прочтения второй колонки таблицы:

1. What does the programme “ Any Questions” consist of ?

( “Any Questions” is a British radio programme in which members of the public put questions about current affairs to a group of politicians or public figures.)

2. What makes the radio programmes called “ The Archers” the longerst-running radio serial?

(“The Archers” is a popular daily radio programme on Radio 4 telling of the day-to-day life of an imaginary farming family, which has been broadcast since 1950, thus being the longest –running radio serial. Each episode continues the story from the previous programme.)

3. What is the title of the yearly talks on the BBC given by an expert about an important subject ?

(It is the Reith lectures, a yearly set of talks broadcast on the BBC, given by a person who is very knowledgeable about an important subject.)

4. What is the title of the weekly general knowledge quiz programme on Radio 4 ?

(“Brain of Britain”, a weekly general knowledge quiz programme on Radio 4, in which contestants answer questions in front of a studio audience. The winner at the end of the series is declared “ Brain of Britain” for that year.)

5. What do they call the programme on Radio 4 in which famous people make their choice of the best records ?

(“Desert Island Discs”, a programme on BBC Radio 4 in which famous people talk about their lives and choose the eight records they would like to take with them if they were stuck on a desert island. They also choose one book ( not the Bible or Shakespeare, as these are already on the island) and one luxury object.

The programme was first broadcast in 1942 as a weekly programme on Radio 4 in which a well-known personality was interviewed by Roy Plomley to choose six records (discs), one book, and one luxury which he would like to have with him on a desert island. The records were played during the interview. Roy Plomley died in 1985, but the programme was revived with new presenters.)

6. What are the names of the famous performers who took part in the radio show of the 1950s called the Goons ?

(“The Goon Show”, a British radio comedy show of the 1950s, whose four performers ( Spike Milligan (1918–  ), Peter Sellers (1925–80), Michael Bentine (1922–) and Sir Harry Secombe ( 1921– ) called themselves “ The Goons”– name allegedly based on that of a catoon character. The humour was a blend of the witty and the near-absurd. It was different from anything which had gone before and influenced a lot of later British humorists.)

7. What does “ Woman’s Hour” consist of?

(“Woman’s Hour”, a daily hour-long radio programme for women broadcast each weekday afternoon on Radio 4 since 1946. It has news, interviews with famous people, etc., and deals especially with subjects of particular interest to women.)

Вопросы после прочтения третьей колонки таблицы:

1. Can you name some of the British sports commentators ?

(John Arlott (1914–91) a well-known and much loved English cricket commentator and writer who broadcast on radio and television over many years, becoming though of as the “ Voice of Cricket”. Dan Maskell (1908–92), an English radio and television sports commentator remembered esp. for his description of tennis matches at Wimbledon.)

2. What is Barry Norman famous for ?

( Barry Norman is an English writer and broadcaster known esp. for his programmes of film reviews.)

3. What is Alistair Cooke (Richard Dimbleby ) famous for ?

(Alistair Cooke ( 1908– ) an American radio and TV broadcaster, born in England. He is known particularly for his long-running radio series, “ Letters from America”, which describes American Life and people to the British.)

4. What is Lord Reith known for ?

(Lord Reith, the first manager of the BBC, is known for his high standards.)

5. Who is the most famous weather reporter for BBC radio and television ?

(Michael Fish ( 1944– ), a weather reporter for the BBC radio and television.)

6. T: Some figures and facts about British television will be mentioned in the form of an unusual dictation. Behind the door there is a sheet of paper with the dictation. Go out, read one of the sentences, remember it,then come in and dictate it to your comrades.


1. Watching television is the most popular leisure activity in Britain.
2. Nearly every household has at least one television set.
3. Over 99 per cent of British homes have a TV and the average person watches “ the box” 26 hours a week.
4. Almost three quarters (about 70 per cent ) of UK households now have a video recorder.
5. People mostly use them to record TV programmes which they then watch at a more convenient time.
6. On an average day 80 per cent of the population tune into TV.
7. At some time 94 per cent watch TV during the week.
8. Britons are considered to be very enthusiastic TV viewers.

7. T: Now listen to some information from the history of British Television. (через графопроектор на доске демонстрируется таблица, по которой следует продолжение лекции, таблица переносится студентами в тетради)

From the History of British Television


Name of TV




the BBC

  • Britain’s first regular Television service opened
  • began transmitting four short-late programmes a week
the Second World War

the BBC


interrupted the development of television


the BBC


televised the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II




began transmitting in the London area


the BBC


began transmitting


the BBC


first broadcast in colour




broadcast in colour

10. T: Our lesson is coming to the end . The following sentences will help you to sum it up.

I was interested to hear that ...
I was surprised to hear that ...
I didn’t know that ...
It was new to me that ...
I didn’t realize that ...
I already knew that ...


1. Никитенко-Попова З. Н. Курс страноведения в Х – ХI классах школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1999. – № 2. – С.52-56.