Урок английского языка: "Is TV a good invention or a bad one?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи по теме.
  2. Развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, к анализу и обобщению, формулированию выводов; развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков.
  3. Развитие активной жизненной позиции.

Ход урока

Teacher: I’m very glad to see you. I hope you are fine, aren’t you? Let’s make our lesson useful and interesting.
During several lessons we spoke about mass  media. And we have decided that TV now is one of the most important mass media. We can hardly imagine our life without TV. I think you know much about TV. Prove it answering my questions.

  1. How many television channels you receive in you town? What is your favourite TV channel?
  2. What types of programmes seem to dominate prime-time viewing?
  3. Are you a great TV-viewer? Why?
  4. How often do you usually watch TV?
  5. When do you usually watch TV?
  6. What are your favourite programmes?
  7. Is TV a good invention or a bad one?

Teacher: You can see that your opinions are different. So, that’s why the theme of our lesson:  is TV good or bad?
And what is the aim of our lesson?

Students: The aim of our lesson is to discuss/to understand/to explain advantages and disadvantages of TV.

Teacher: You have a lot of favourite programmes. So the first task is to match each type of programme on the left with the correct item on the right.

a)nature films 1) football, boxing, swimming
b) quiz shows 2) life of different countries
c) news 3) people try to win prizes by answering questions
d) soap operas 4) advertisements for products
e) commercials 5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers
f) travel films 6) information about what’s happening in the world
g) comedies 7) jokes and funny situations
h) sport 8) information for students
i) education programmes 9) story of the daily life of a family

Teacher: We’ve learnt a lot of adjectives.
Now I’d like you to work in pairs. Ask you friend about his/her favourite programme and tell me his/her answer using adjectives. You should use different adjectives.

Students(f.e.): He finds nature programmes useful/interesting/amusing/exciting/relaxing.
Teacher: You know a lot of verbs connecting with our topic.
Now, put the correct word or phrase into the sentences. Divide into 2 groups. Those, who put more correct verbs will be the winner.

turn on             look up             plan record turn off switch

  1. I _____ a programme if I don’t like it.
  2. I _____ good programmes on my video-recorder.
  3. I _____ the television as soon I get home.
  4. I _____ to another channel if I’m bored.
  5. I _____ my viewing very carefully.
  6. I _____ the times of the programmes in the newspaper.

Teacher: The _____ team is the winner. Good for you!
Now look at the blackboard and compare our viewing habits with the figures on the blackboard.
a)      The average American watches 4.5 hours of television a day.
b)      26% of Americans watch TV for 12 hours a day.
c)      About 65% of all Americans get most of theirs news from the television.
d)      Commercials take up 20% of a day’s broadcasting time.

Teacher: One student had to interview all students of our group. Tell us about your conclusions.

Television Questionnaire
1)      How many hows a week do you spend watching television?
a)      less then 5 hours
b)     5-10 hours
c)      10-15 hours
d)     more than 20 hours
2)      What sort of programmes do you like watching?
3)      Are there any sorts of programes you don’t like?

  Like Dislike
the news    
discussion programmes    
quiz shows    
classical music programmes    
pop music programmes    
variety shows    
sports programmes    

1)      What is you favourite programme?
2)      Are there any sorts of programmes you would like
a)      more of
b)     less of

Teacher: Two girls had their individual tasks too.
They’ll begin our discussion about advantages and disadvantages of TV. Listen to them very attentively and then tell us you own opinion.

Ann: I think television is one of the worst inventions the man ever made. It occupies all our spare time. We rush home to be in time for this or that programme.

Kate: I can’t agree with you, Ann. Television made it possible for people who live far away from cultural centres to watch theatrical productions, concerts, music and drama competitions, international and national sports events and what not?

Ann:  But too much television is bad for children. Some children spend more time in front of TV-sets than in front of the teacher.

Kate: Children should be taught what programmes to watch. Most of our educational programmes are really good and informative. What I hate is violence on TV.

Ann: Yes, that’s really awful.

Teacher: Let’s work in groups. Form 2 groups.
You should prove that:
1)      TV is a wonderful invention
2)      TV is a narmful invention
Share your findings: For/Against.

For Against


Educates/enriches our intellect

Brings the world to our homes

Brings us closer to other people

Unifies people

Good company for people who live alone

Helps us to relax

Influences what people think

May lead to poor health through lack of exercise, eyestrain

People begin to forget the art of conversation

People begin to forget other ways to occupy our spare time.

There is too much violence/advertising on TV

Teacher: So, on the one hand TV plays a great role in our life. But on the other hand there are a lot of problems connecting with TV.

Give the Russian equivalent to this proverbs:

  • Too much water drowned the miller (все хорошо в меру);
  • He runs for that never returns.

Do you agree?

Tell me what was the aim of our lesson?
Who can summarize our conclusions?
What can you say about your group’s work? (The first group’s leader/ the second group’s leader)
I’m very pleased of your work. You’ll get such marks as….
Our lesson is over.