Урок английского языка: "Appearance and Features of Character of a Person". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

По окончании работы над темой «Внешность и черты характера человека» учащиеся должны владеть определенным количеством слов, узнавать их при чтении и аудировании, уметь использовать изученную лексику и речевые образцы в устных высказываниях монологического и диалогического характера, а также в письменной речи.

На заключительных уроках по теме необходимо проверить, как учащиеся усвоили лексику, и закрепить знание лексики путем использования ее в различных ситуациях. С этой целью я использую такие приемы как разгадывание кроссвордов, подбор синонимов и антонимов, толкование лексического значения слов. Это позволяет мне проверить сформированность орфографических навыков, способствует развитию языковой догадки, обогащению словарного запаса. После проведения оргмомента я обращаюсь к ученикам:

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Teacher: Dear boys and girls, look at the blackboard, please. Your can see here a wordsearch. Now I’d like you to find 15 words in this wordsearch. These words are well-known for you. After you find them you will be able to call the topic of our lesson. Work in pairs. I’ll give you only 2 minutes. So begin.

(chin, ear, elbow, eye, finger, foot, glasses, hair, hand, head, knee, leg, moustache, nose, shoulder, wig.)

Teacher: The time is over. How many words have you found? Who can name them and show in the wordsearch (ученик выходит к доске, показывает и называет найденные слова). And now, what about the topic of our lesson? What do you think?

Pupil: I think that we are going to speak about the appearance and character of a person.

Teacher: Right you are. And why are we going to discuss this topic?

Pupil: We have learnt a lot of new words for this topic. But we can’t use them in our speech. And now we must practice using these words in different situations.

Teacher: That’s right. This is the aim of our lesson.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard now. You can see a list of some words here. Your task is to find the synonyms. Write only the numbers of the words; like that:     1-3, 2-5 …

1.     frank                     1. silly
2.     clever                    2. wavy
3.     stupid                   3. well-build
4.     curly                     4.  intelligent
5.     slender                  5. honest
6.     sad                        6. awful
7.     ugly                       7. boring

(Now check yourselves: 1-5, 2-4, 3-1, 4-5, 5-3, 6-7, 7-6).

Teacher: And now find the antonyms, please. Again, I give only 2 minutes.

1.     weak                    1.  ugly
2.     pretty                   2.  lazy
3.     false                     3.  strong
4.     industrious             4.  active
5.     calm                     5.  honest
6.     sad                        6.  kind
7.     cruel                      7.  cheerful

(Now check yourselves: 1-3, 2-1, 3-5, 4-2, 5-4, 6-7, 7-6).

На закрытой доске заранее написаны правильные ответы.

Teacher: Now I’d like you to listen to the description of a person. There are some mistakes in it. They are 6. Your task is to find all the mistakes.

 «Look at this picture. You can see a young girl in it. In my opinion she is about 20 years old. Her appearance is attractive I think. She is slim and slender. I like her big blue eyes and her chubby face. Her hair is wonderful. It is blond and curly. Her hair-cut is too short. It seems to me that this handsome girl is clever, calm and polite.»

 And what about your opinion? Do you agree with me? Have you  noticed any mistakes? (Дети называют ошибки, встретившиеся в описании девушки).

 Teacher: When we describe people we do not just talk about their physical appearance, we also describe their character. How many positive and negative features of character has your partner?

(Детям раздаются карточки, после выполнения задания к которым, они по очереди дают характеристику друг другу).

1. Do you always smile and say hallo when you meet someone?  
2. Do you always do your homework and spend extra time on schoolwork?  
3. Are you afraid to speak to people you don’t know?  
4. Do you dislike working hard?  
5. Do you seldom boast or say that you are the best?  
6. Are you only interested in yourself?  
7. Do you always say the truth?  
8. Do you like making jokes?  
9. Do you always say «Thank you» and «Please»?  
10. Are you good at subjects at school?  

Match these adjectives with the questions and then characterize your partner: honest, hard-working, to have a sense of humor, shy, polite, clever, friendly, lazy, superior, selfish.  

 Teacher: And now make up a riddle about your classmates or teachers, using as many new words as possible. First describe the appearance of a person and then his character. Work in pairs.

 (Дети по очереди описывают одноклассников, не называя имен, а все остальные должны догадаться, о ком идет речь.)

 Teacher: Thank you. You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. Your homework is to make a riddle about a famous singer. But don’t call his or her name. Good bye!