Thanksgiving Day (День Благодарения)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель занятия:

Развитие умений читать текст с общим пониманием, умений поискового чтения, умений осуществить выбор.

Умение оценить изложенные факты

Воспитательные задачи:

Расширение культурно-страноведческой компетенции учащихся.

Воспитание готовности сотрудничать при выполнении конкретных задач.

Развивающие задачи:

Развитие умений сопоставлять и анализировать.

Развитие внимания к деталям.

Познавательные цели:

Воспитание интереса и уважения к истории и традициям страны изучаемого языка и своей страны.

Оснащение урока: репродукции и фотографии с изображением праздничного обеда в честь Дня Благодарения.

Ход урока:


Work with a partner.

Which of the following holidays are celebrated both in the USA and Russia and which are celebrated only in the USA or only in Russia?

Thanks giving
New Year
Fool’s Day
Knowledge Day
Victory Day

Work with a group.

Look at the pictures of “Thanksgiving Then” “рис.1” and “Thanksgiving Now” “рис.2”. Talk about what is happening in the pictures. Write down new words that you need.

Рисунок 1,2

Answer the questions after looking at the pictures.

Is Thanksgiving a new holiday?
Is it a family day?
What do people eat on that day?
What season is Thanksgiving in?

The title of the text is “Thanksgiving” . What do you think it is about?

Old and new ways of celebrating Thanksgiving.
The history of the holiday.
Reasons why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.
All of these.


Read the text ” Thanksgiving”.

Read each question. Then look at the text to find the answers:

When did the Pilgrims leave England?
When do modern Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
Who do Americans remember on this day?
What was the name of their ship?
What did they name the place where they landed?
What vegetables did they plant?
When was the first Thanksgiving?
What did they eat for dessert?
Work with a partner.

The title of the text is ” Thanksgiving ”. Read the titles below. Find four more which are also good,give reasons for your choice.

Pilgrims, Pumpkins and Parade.
The First Thanksgiving.
The Thanksgiving Table.
An Old American Holiday.
Thanksgiving: Why and How We Celebrate?
The Story of the Pilgrims.
Indians and Pilgrims.
A Trip to America.
The Fourth Thursday in November.
Work with a partner.

True or false? Decide if the statements are true or false. Write the sentence from the story to support your answer.

The Pilgrims voyage was short and easy.
The pilgrims didn’t eat beans, corn, and pumpkins in England.
The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in November.
The Pilgrims didn’t eat beans, corn and pumpkins at the party.
The Pilgrim women cooked enough food for the party .
Thanksgiving today is the family celebration.

Read each sentence and choose the right word.

Thanksgiving is (always, usually) the last Thursday in November.
The king of England (liked, didn’t like) the Pilgrims way of religion.
The Pilgrims (enjoyed, didn’t enjoy ) their voyage to America.
Massachusetts was (warmer, colder )than the pilgrims had expected.
The Indians near Plymouth (were, weren’t) afraid of the Pilgrims.
Modern Americans eat ( a lot, very little ) on Thanksgiving.
Work with a partner.

Write your partner’s answers to the questions.


What country are you from?
What is your favourite national holiday?
When is it?
What is the reason for this holiday?
Who are you usually with on this day.
What do you usually do?
Are there traditional food for this day? What are they?
How did you spend this day last year?

Tell the class something interesting that you learned from your friend’s story.


Tell the class something interesting that you learned from your friends story or Tell the class about your favourite Udmurt national holiday.