Открытый урок "We are going to travel abroad"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развивать умение применять материал в практических ситуациях, познакомить учащихся со страноведческими реалиями Великобритании, расширить кругозор учащихся.

Задачи: проверить умения и навыки устной монологический и диалогической речи, аудирования, развивать познавательные и творческие способности учащихся, учить работать со страноведческой информацией.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, карта Великобритании с указанием достопримечательностей, открытки с видами Лондона, указательные знаки, флаги разных стран.

План урока


Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you? Fine?

Would you like to go abroad? You know that every year our school arranges a trip to England. I’m sure that everybody wants to visit Great Britain or any other country. But I’d like to see whether you are ready to go there or not.

Imagine you have received this fax.

You have won First Prize!
A four–week round–the–world trip for two in February of next year.
More details to follow.

What countries would you like to travel?

Ps: Great Britain, America, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, China, Japan etc.

Teacher: Let’s see if you know the flags of these countries. Please, match the Flag and the country. (На доске флажки и названия стран, написанные не по порядку, дети выходят к доске и соединяют название страны и ee флаг).

Teacher: It’s interesting to know what way of travelling you think to be the best one and explain why: by air, by sea, by car, by train or on foot?


Teacher: What information do you need about the countries before you make your final decision?


Teacher: So, you told us that it’s very important to know the language of the country you are going to visit, information about money, weather, sights and we should understand the signs adopted abroad. Let’s begin with languages, match the corresponding words, please.


(Ребята по очереди читают пары слов).

Звучит начало песни “Rules and Regulations”.

SIGNS ссылки на рис. 1 (а–к)

Рисунок 1

Teacher: I think you’ve guessed what we are going to speak about. Let’s see if you understand the signs. On our walls you can see a lot of them. Listen to me and try to guess what sign I mean: “We’ll solve all your London travel problems. Just call in at any of our TRAVEL INFORMATION CENTRES (рис. 1а). We’ll answer all questions about where to go, and what to do and see on your visit. (№1). ”Now look at the signs which have only pictures and try to guess what they mean (рис.1 б–д).

Read and give me Russian equivalents of the rest of the signs ( рис.1 ж–к).


Teacher: Being in London we can face a lot of situations of speaking English, e.g.”At a Tourist Information Office”, “At the Airport”,”Asking the way”, “At a bus stop” and so on. Imagine that you are in London and you need to speak to the native people. Make up dialogues according to the tasks given below:

1. Asking the way. Complete the dialogue.

M: Excuse me!


M: Is there a bus stop near here?


A: Is it far?


M: Thank you!


2. Meeting a girl( a boy) in London.

Imagine that you meet somebody for the first time. Introduce yourselves and talk about age, school, native town, friends, etc. You are from different countries.

Use expressions: Nice to meet you. (Pleased to meet you).

3. At a Tourist Information Office.

You are loking for a hotel to stay at.

Information Clerk:

Mr. (Mrs) Smith:

Use expressions and words: Could you, please...?, recommend, to stay, naturally, a single room ( a double room), a modern hotel, not far from...; how much does it cost?

4. At the Airport.

Imagine that you are going to check in.

Airport man:


Your flight is 548. London. Use words: luggage, ticket, smoking or non smoking area, a window seat, a seat on the aisle, a boarding pass, in an hour

5. At a Bus Stop. Complete the dialogue.

M: This way, please. Here is the bus stop.

A :

M: We can take bus number 8 or 9.

A :

M: At the centre. It’s the next stop.

(Ребята работают в парах).

Teacher: I see that you are good at speaking English and it’s high time to plan our excursion around London. If you were in London what places of interest would you like to visit and why.

P1–P2–P3...: If I were in London I’d like to visit... because...

Вариант ответа: If I were in London I’d like to visit the British Museum because I’m interested in history. This is my favourite subject at school. I know the British Museum is in Great Russel Street. It is one of the biggest museum in London. There are a lot of beautiful collections in it: drawings, collections of coins, paintings and sculptures. There is a Manuscript Room there, the room where the most important historical documents are. I think it’s worth visiting and seeing.

Teacher: I see you know much about London. Let’s review some facts about London and Great Britain. We’ll have your favourite game now, “Crosses and Noughts”!

1. The name of the British flag.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

2. The colour of London taxi.

3. The name of London bus.

4. Who lives at 10, Downing St.?

5. Name 5 places of interest in London.

6. What is the original name of London?

7. How many ravens are there in the Tower?

8. What holiday do English people celebrate on the 5th of November?

9. When was the Great Fire of London?

(Ребята играют, разделившись на две команды).

Teacher: I think that you are almost ready to go abroad, but there is one more thing. When you are on board the plane you’ll be given a LANDING CARD for filling. You should know how to do it. So, complete the LANDING CARD clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS.


Family name    
Forenames Sex ( M, F )    
Date of birth Day Month Year Place of birth
Nationality             Occupation
Address in the United Kingdom   Mrs. Ivonne Edwards London

UK Flat 1,31

Ravensbourne Park


Teacher: Oh, children, look at the address, I think that it is given in the wrong way. Please write it in the correct order.

Последнее задание можно закончить дома.

Этот урок был проведен в декабре 2003 г., как обобщающий по теме “World around us” (Countries and Continents) в 6-ом классе (УМК “English” для 5-го класса с углубленным изучением английского языка, авторы И.Н. Верещагина и О.В. Афанасьева). Материалы урока можно использовать для проведения урока–викторины с целью формирования речевой грамотности в области социокультурного развития школьников.


1. Артемова А.Ф., Леонович О.А. Английский для путешественников. Москва, Университет, Книжный дом, 2000.
2. Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык, Учебник для 5-го класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, Москва, ”Просвещение”, 1998.
3. Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 5-го класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, Москва, “Просвещение”, 2000.
4. Kenny Nick First Certificate, Pass Key, Student’s book, Macmillan Heinemann.